refers to the qualifications that officers of a charitable entity must meet as set out in section 16 of the Act and any qualification requirements in the rules of the charity concerned. Under section 16(2), a person is not qualified to be an officer if he or she: is an un-discharged bankrupt is under the age of 16 years has been convicted of a crime involving dishonesty and sentenced for that crime within the last seven years is prohibited from being a director or promoter of, or taking part in management of, a company has been disqualified as being an officer under section 31(4) is an individual who is subject to a property order, or whose property is managed by a trustee corporation is a body corporate that is being wound up, in liquidation or receivership, or subject to statutory management These disqualifying factors do not apply to an officer who has been appointed under an Act of Parliament, by the Governor-General, the Governor-General in Council, or by a Minister of the Crown. Also, the Charities Commission may waive any of these disqualifying factors in relation to a particular officer of an organisation.