An annual plant (Portulaca oleracea), with fleshy, succulent, obovate leaves, sometimes used as a pot herb and for salads, garnishing, and pickling.
a plant with a pinkish fleshy stem and small, round leaves; the leaves were used as a potherb or in salads. Boorde informs us that "purslane dothe extynct the ardor of lassyvyousnes, and doth mytygate great heate in all the inwarde partes of man."
a plant of the family Portulacaceae having fleshy succulent obovate leaves often grown as a potherb or salad herb; a weed in some areas
an annual weed that can reproduce from seed and by roots sprouting from broken leaves and stems
a small, round-leafed, herb-like plant used in salads.
It is a weed that is edible, and sometimes put on salads, mostly in Europe. It is loaded with linolenic acid, and omega-3 fatty acid that may help reduce the risk of heart attack, and improve the health of cell membranes in the eyes and brain. It is also an excellent source of Vitamin E, providing 6 times as much as spinach.
A small plant with reddish stems and crisp, smooth leaves. Its mild flavor and unusual texture make it great addition to salads.
A plant of two distinct types, summer purslane which is half hardy annual and winter purslane which is fully hardy.
A garden herb with a reddish green stem, thick leaves, yellow flowers, and a mild acidic fatty flavor. Purslane is used in salads, used as a potherb in soups and gumbos, and can also be eaten raw. Also called "pussley."
The succulent stems and small fleshy leaves with a...
A cool, crunchy plant popular in India, the Middle East, and 16th Century Europe.