These measures are actions to be taken to offset the severity of an environmental impact. A noise barrier between a new highway and adjacent homes is an example of a mitigation measure.
Actions to avoid, minimize, reduce, eliminate or rectify the impact of a management practice.
Specific design commitments made with the resource agencies and other agencies during the environmental evaluation and study process that serve to moderate or lessen impacts derived from the proposed action. These measures may include planning and development commitments, environmental measures, and right-of-way improvements. These commitments are implemented during construction or post-construction.
To mitigate means to ease or soothe the effect of. Mitigation measures suggest ways to avoid or lessen the negative effects of a project on the environment
methods or procedures designed to reduce or lessen the adverse impacts caused by management activities.
Specific design commitments made during the environmental evaluation and study process that serve to moderate or lessen impacts deriving from the proposed action. These measures may include planning and development commitments, environmental measures, right-of-way improvements, and agreements with resource or other agencies to effect construction or post construction action.
Controls that are used to lessen the environmental impacts of a proposed development action.
Measures included in a proposed project's environmental impact report that reduces or eliminates a project's significant environmental effects. For more detailed information about environmental impact assessments, contact the Department of Environmental Review and Assessment (DERA) at (916) 874-7914.
Measures that are included in the environmental document that modify the project to reduce or eliminate a significant environmental impact.