is prepared under the Commonwealth's EPBC Act 1999 where a significant impact on a specified matter of national environmental significance could occur. more information on EIS process. (
A document required of Federal agencies by the National Environmental Policy Act for major projects or legislative proposals. They provide information for decision makers on the positive and negative effects of the undertaking, and list alternatives to the proposed action, including taking no action. For example, an environmental impact assessment report, prepared by an applicant for an NPDES permit to discharge as a new source, identifies and evaluates the environmental impacts of the applicant's proposed source and feasible alternatives.
An analysis of the expected effects of a development or action on the surrounding natural and fabricated environment. Such statements are required for many federally supported developments under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969.
A detailed written statement required by section 102(2)(C) of NEPA containing, among other things, an analyses of environmental impacts of a proposed action and alternative considered, adverse effects of the project that cannot be avoided, alternative courses of action, short-term uses of the environment versus the maintenance and enhancement of long-term productivity, and any irreversible and irretrievable commitment of resources (40 CFR 1508.11 and 40 CFR 1502).
A statement, based on engineering, scientific and financial data, that assesses the likely impact of a project on the environment.
A detailed statement of a Federal project's environmental consequences, including: adverse environmental effects that cannot be avoided; alternatives to the proposed action; the relationship between local short-term uses and long-term productivity; and any irreversible or irretrievable commitment of resources.
Required document for large construction and transportation projects mandated under the National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA) to ensure a safe environment.
As defined in the CEQ Regulations, a detailed written report that provides "full and fair discussion of significant environmental impacts and (informs) decision-makers and the public of the reasonable alternatives which would avoid or minimize adverse impacts or enhance the quality of the human environment." The Draft EIS evaluates a range of reasonable alternatives and their associated impacts and presents a preferred alternative if one option is clearly favored above the others. After Department review, the Draft EIS is circulated among agencies and the public for comment. Following the Public Hearing held to formally record comments on the Draft, a Final EIS is prepared incorporating public and agency input and recommending a selected alternative.
(EIS) A NEPA required document. A statement of environmental effects of a proposed action and alternatives to it. A timber sale has an EIS instead of an EA if it occurs in a roadless area or other criteria.
A report that documents the potential social, economic, and environmental effects of a proposed project or action and of alternatives to it.
A detailed analysis of the probable environmental consequences of proposed federal legislation, major federal actions, or large-scale construction making use of federal funds, likely to have significant effects on environmental quality; such a statement is required by the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969.
A detailed written statement that helps public officials make decisions that are based on understanding of environmental consequences and to take actions that protect, restore, and enhance the environment.
A statement of the effects, if any, which a proposed development, if carried out, would have on the environment. Categories of development include: industrial estate development projects, where the area would exceed 15 hectares the construction of more than 500 dwelling units, construction of shopping centres with a gross floor space exceeding 10,000 square metres
authorized by the 1969 NEPA (National Environmental Policy Act), this statement is meant to help those in the position of authority and those who are entrusted with making decisions understand the possible facts of an action or plan on the environment.Often written for large areas, these can also be written for real estate property.Environmental impact statements are created with participation in input from the public.They include facts, possible alternatives to proposed projects, as well as breakdowns of the information and its significance.
A study of the probable environmental impacts of a development project. The National Environmental Policy Act of 1968 (NEPA) requires such studies prior to proceeding with any project receiving federal funding.
A document that discusses the likely significant impacts of a development project or a planning proposal, ways to lessen the impacts, and alternatives to the project or proposal. EISs may be required by national and state environmental policy acts.
A comprehensive study of likely environmental impacts resulting from major federally-assisted projects; statements are required by the National Environmental Policy Act, or NEPA.
A document or report which contains the results of an EIA study. The EIA is also referred to in some countries as Environmental Statement (ES).
A statement detailing the environmental impacts of and the alternatives to an action. See "Environmental Impact Assessment."
Required by NEPA; examines major federal actions to determine their impact on the environment. NEPA documentation must be prepared for most installation disposal and reuse actions, with the exception of transfers between federal agencies.
A document evaluating the probable consequences of a proposed project that might significantly alter the environment. Required by the National Environmental Policy Act (1969) for any such project a U.S. government agency plants to undertake, regulate, or fund. An EIS is released in draft form (DEIS) to other agencies and the public for comment and review.
An analysis of the environmental impacts of proposed land development and transportation projects; conducted for federally funded or approved projects per NEPA. A draft EIS is circulated to the public and agencies with approval authority for comment.
a report submitted by a company to describe a project or development, the possible positive or negative impacts of its actions, and its plans to reduce, mitigate or avoid these impacts; the information in the report is based on studies that have been carried out; the report is reviewed by the Nunavut Water Board, Nunavut Impact Review Board, appropriate government agencies and the public
A detailed analysis of the environmental impacts of proposed land development and transportation projects. An EIS is prepared for projects seeking federal funds. The environmental process and technical analysis must follow guidelines specified under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). A draft EIS (DEIS) is circulated to the public and agencies for comment. Once public comments are received, a FEIS is prepared, which contains response to public comments and commits to mitigate adverse impacts.
An EIS is required of federal agencies by the National Environmental Policy Act for major projects significantly affecting the environment. The EIS documentation describes the positive and negative effects of the undertaking, cites alternative actions, and is intended to be a tool for decision making.
An environmental document that discloses the environmental effects of the No Action Alternative and other action alternatives.
The National Environmental Policy Act requires that federal agencies prepare an EIS for major projects or legislative proposals that significantly affect the environment. It is a decision-making tool that describes the positive and negative effects of the undertaking and lists alternative actions. An EIS is a detailed study that leads to a Record of Decision. It records decisions made and mitigation measures that relate to the environmental impacts of a project.
is prepared for projects that will cause a significant adverse effect on the environment.
An environmental review document prepared under NEPA to determine the environmental impact of a specific action. A Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) is prepared and circulated for public comment. After incorporation of public comments, a Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) is published.
A formal document to be filed with the Environmental Protection Agency that considers significant environmental impacts expected from implementation of a major federal action.
A detailed written statement required by section 102(2)(C) of the National Environmental Policy Act, analyzing the environmental impacts of a proposed action, adverse effects of the project that cannot be avoided, alternative courses of action, short-tern uses of the environment versus the maintenance and enhancement of long-term productivity, and any irreversible and irretrievable commitment of resources (40 CFR 1508.11).
A written statement containing an assessment of the anticipated significant effects, both positive and negative, which a prospective agency decision may have upon the quality of the human environmental, as provided in the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (EIS).
An analysis, required by provisions in the National Environmental Policy Act of 1970, of the effects of any major program a federal agency plans to undertake.
A thorough study of each proposed electric utility project with potential for significant environmental impacts, including evaluation of alternatives and mitigation.
Report which evaluates the economic, social, and environmental effects of a proposed major transportation project for which federal funding is being sought. Impacts could include air, water, or noise pollution; natural resources; employment effects; displacement of people or businesses; or community or regional growth impacts.
EISs were authorized by the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969. Prepared with public participation, they assist decision makers by providing information, analysis and an array of action alternatives, allowing managers to see the probable effects of decisions on the environment. Generally, EISs are written for large-scale actions or geographical areas.
An environmental analysis required by the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) when actions such as changes to the forest practices rules are proposed by state agencies. An EIS analyzes the impacts of proposed rule changes on all elements of the physical environment.
NEPA compliance document used to evaluate a range of alternatives when solving the problem would have a significant effect on the human environment. The EIS is more than a document, it is a formal analysis process which mandates public comment periods. An EIS covers purpose and need, alternatives, existing conditions, environmental consequences, and consultation and coordination.
The statement required of federal agencies by Section 102 (C) of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, for major Federal actions that may significantly affect the quality of the human environment.
A document, required under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), prepared for an action (i.e., project) that is likely to have significant impact. This document summarizes the major environmental impacts, outlines issues, examines reasonable alternatives, and arrives at a Record of Decision (ROD), identifying the selected alternative for the project.
Documents which are required by federal and state laws to accompany proposals for major projects and programs that will likely have an impact on the surrounding environment.
A document required of Federal agencies by NEPA for major Federal actions or legislation with potential for significantly affecting the environment. A tool for decisonmaking, it describes the potential impacts of the proposed and all reasonable alternative actions.
A report which includes a detailed description of a proposed development project with emphasis on the existing environment setting, viewed from both a local and regional perspective, and a discussion of the probable impact of the project on the environment during all phases.
A written analysis of the impacts on the natural, social, and economic environment of a proposed project or resource management plan.
A report on the anticipated effect of a development on the local environment. May be required for federal funding for the development.
A public document required under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) that identifies and analyzes activities that might affect the human and natural environment.
a thorough evaluation of the cumulative and secondary impacts of a proposed project. A project may be subject to an EIS if it expends public money, requires action by a state agency and has a significant environmental effect. Projects meeting these three criteria must first prepare an Environmental Assessment (EA) which must include alternatives to the proposed project as well as the environmental effects of the project. If this assessment adequately addresses concerns a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) is issued, if not a full EIS is prepared. These can be required and prepared on a state and federal level.
A comprehensive study of all the potential impacts of a project funded with federal dollars as required by the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969.
a document for a proposed project that outlines in detail the proposed actions, alternative actions (including no action), and their probable environmental ramifications. Washington's State Environmental Policy Act requires an Environmental Impact Statement.
Source: DSMC Detailed description of the effects, impacts, or consequences associated with designing, manufacturing, testing, operating, maintaining, and disposing of weapon or automated information system (AIS) systems.
one of the three major elements of the Southeast (SE) Connector project. An EIS is a federally-required document that details the process through which a transportation project was developed. The EIS is divided into major sections that demonstrate the purpose and need of the project; the process by which alternatives were developed, evaluated and eliminated; and compliance with applicable environmental laws, among other requirements.
An investigative report subject to the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) that quantifies the environmental impacts of a specific set of actions. Also: Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS).
A document required by the National Environmental Policy Act that details any adverse economic, social and/or environmental effects of a proposed transportation project for which federal funding is being sought.
Report which details any adverse economic, social, and environmental effects of a proposed transportation project for which federal funding is being sought. Adverse effects could include air, water, or noise pollution; destruction or disruption of natural resources; adverse employment effects; injurious displacement of people or businesses; or disruption of desirable community or regional growth.
A detailed written statement in the public record of all major federal actions affecting the environment. The EIS explores and evaluates reasonable alternatives to the federal action. Required by the federal government for federally funded (and other) projects, including housing developments.
A report, compiled prior to a production decision that examines the effects of proposed mining activities on the natural surroundings.
An analysis of alternative actions and their predictable environmental effects, including physical, biological, economic, and social consequences and their interactions; short- and long-term effects; direct, indirect, and cumulative effects.
An analysis of the expected impacts of a fisheries management plan (or some other proposed action) on the environment.
a public document produced as part of the NEPA process required for “major Federal actions that significantly affect the quality of the human environment,†{NEPA Section 102 (c)} to inform decision makers and the public of the proposed action, reasonable alternatives, and their environmental impacts.
A government-mandated evaluation of all aspects and effects a development will have on the environment of a proposed site.
(EIS) - A detailed written description of a proposed development and all the possible ways that it can affect the surrounding environment. An EIS may form part of environmental impact assessment (EIA). Refer to the Identifying your impacts chapter.
A detailed written assessment of the likely impact that a change of land use or a commercial or industrial operation may have on the environment. In NSW this is a statutory process under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.
An EIS is a full disclosure, detailed report which, pursuant to Section 102(2)C of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), establishes the need for the proposed action, identifies alternatives with the potential to meet the identified need, analyzes the anticipated environmental consequences of identified alternatives, and discusses how adverse effects may be mitigated. An EIS is prepared in two stages: a draft statement which is made available to the public for review and a final statement which is revised on the basis of comments made on the draft statement.
Report resulting from an environmental impact assessment RT environmental impact assessment
A document which describes a proposed development or activity, predicts the possible or certain effects of the activity on the environment, and outlines safeguards to mitigate or control environmentally damaging effects.
An analytical document that portrays potential impacts on the human environment of a particular course of action and its possible alternatives. Required by the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), an EIS is prepared for use by decision-makers to weight the environmental consequences of a potential decision.
The final Environmental Impact Statement, dated November 2001, that was prepared by the FAA with respect to runway 5L/23R, the FedEx cargo facility and associated developments at the airport. The EIS reviewed the anticipated environmental impacts of the project, including aircraft noise.
Detailed report required by the government and prepared by qualified engineers and landscape architects for large projects or those in environmentally sensitive areas.
A formal public document prepared to analyze the impacts on the environment of a proposed project or action and released for comment and review. An EIS is prepared, instead of an EA, when significant environmental impacts are anticipated by the USFS or are pointed out by the public. Comments are usually due within 45 days after the release of a Draft EIS (DEIS). Comments are responded to in the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS).
A document prepared by a federal agency to analyze the anticipated environmental effects of a planned action or development, compiled with formal examination of options and risks.
A document that describes the potential environmental impacts of a project. The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969 mandates that all federal agencies and departments consider potential environmental impacts before beginning projects or implementing rules and regulations. DOE must finalize its environmental impact statement for the WIPP before the facility can open.
A statement of the environmental effects of a proposed action and alternatives to it. It is required for major federal actions under Section 102 of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), and released to the public and other agencies for comment and review. It is a formal document that must follow the requirements of NEPA, the CEQ guidelines, and directives of the agency responsible for the project proposal. ( S&G Jan 2001, p. 75)
A document prepared by or for EPA which identifies and analyzes, in detail, environmental impacts of a proposed action. As a tool for real estate investing, investing in real estate, investment decision-making, the EIS describes positive and negative effects and lists alternatives for an undertaking, such as development of a wilderness area.. EPA Web site for Environmental/Biological-Related Technical Terms,
A document required of federal agencies by the National Environmental Policy Act for major projects or legislative proposals significantly affecting the environment. A tool for decision making, it describes the positive and negative effects of the undertaking and cites alternative actions.
A document prepared by or for EPA which identifies and analyzes, in detail, environmental impacts of a proposed action. As a tool for decision-making, the EIS describes positive and negative effects and lists alternatives for an undertaking, such as development of a wilderness area. (Required by NEPA : see Federal Law Section).
An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is a report that documents the information required to evaluate the environmental impact of a project. It informs decisionmakers and the public of the reasonable alternatives that would avoid or minimize adverse impacts or enhance the quality of the environment.
A detailed, full-disclosure report pursuant to National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA). An EIS identifies and analyzes the anticipated environmental impact of a proposed action, discusses how adverse effects will be mitigated.
According to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) whenever the US Federal Government takes a "major Federal action significantly affecting the quality of the human environment" it must first consider the environmental impact in a document called an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).