Alternatives provide the range of choices people consider before making a decision. Comparing the value of alternatives allows people to make better choices. For example, banks provide a range of alternative choices for their customers. The customer needs to decide which is the best choice for them.
a choice (or option) available when making a decision. A student's after -school alternatives might include going to the park playing a video game and doing homework.
Sets of management elements that represent a range of options for how, or whether to proceed, with a proposed project. An environmental assessment analyzes the potential environmental and social impacts of the range of alternatives presented.
options to complete the project in another way. The following types of alternatives will be referred to throughout different phases of the project: Preliminary alternative – an initial option that has yet to be evaluated in detail. Reasonable alternative – a preliminary alternative that has been evaluated and retained for further, more detailed study. Recommended preferred alternative – A reasonable alternative that has been recommended as the best course of action. Selected alternative – the single alternative that is to be implemented. Screening of alternatives – a process that is used to develop, evaluate and eliminate potential alternatives of a transportation project. The process determines whether the alternatives conform with the purpose and need; how alternatives were considered for study; reasons why alternatives were eliminated from consideration; and environmental effects of the alternatives.
Founded in 1994, Alternatives, Action and Communication Network for International Development, is a non-governmental, international solidarity organization based in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
When you use a different item than something that’s normally used. For instance, instead of using petroleum-based ink, an alternative would be to use ink that’s soy-based or water-based.