Stakeholder analysis involves the identification of all stakeholder groups likely to be affected (either positively or negatively) by the proposed intervention, the identification and analysis of their interests, problems, potentials, etc. The conclusions of this analysis are then integrated into the project/ programme design.
The process of identifying individuals and groups, who can affect, or be affected by the issues at stake, as well as assessing the power, the legitimacy and the urgency of their potential claims.
an identification and prioritization of key stakeholders influenced by a management action
A technique for identifying important stakeholders and their 'stake' in a project or programme, so that plans can be made to get their support and ensure they are satisfied with outcomes.
Stakeholder analysis is an approach for understanding a system by identifying the key actors or stakeholders in the system and assessing their respective interests in that system. Stakeholders include all those who affect, and/or are affected by, the policies, decisions and actions of the system; they can be individuals, communities, social groups or institutions of any size, aggregation or level in society. The term thus includes policy-makers, planners and administrators in government and other organisations, as well as commercial and subsistence user groups. ( go to this page)
The step of identifying and considering the interests of the various potential project customers and other individuals and organizations who will potentially be affected by your project. It is recommended that stakeholder analysis is done during the initiation phase. Actually soliciting the input of stakeholders often occurs slightly later, during the project planning phase. See Unit 3 in this workbook for further information and a stakeholder identification brainstorming sheet. See section 2.2 in the PMBOK for an excellent business case for doing stakeholder analysis.
Stakeholder analysis is analysis that aims to identify the stakeholders that are affected by the results of a project simultaneously with the result’s success depending on the cooperation between the stakeholder and the project. It is important to identify all stakeholders for the purpose of identifying their success criteria and turning these into quality goals.