A key event that defines the end of a phase or reaching a target or goal. Project management systems normally define milestones as activities with a zero duration.
A significant event in the project, usually completion of a major deliverable. A milestone, by definition, has duration of zero and no effort. Milestones are essential to manage and ...
a pre-established date in time, used to define a important events such as a level completion, some element of game completion on which other elements depend, or the delivery date.
A milestone is an event that can be used to measure progress. Normally, major milestones are identified in the contract and are used as points of progress report as well as payment points.
Significant accomplishment; intermediate goal.
stage representing a scheduled point in time during the delivery process by which a cohesive set of significant objectives is to be achieved.
a payment made to a company by a partner on achievement of a significant pre-determined development goal
an important event, as in a person's career, the history of a nation, or the advancement of knowledge in a field; a turning point
According to Webster's, a milestone is a stone or pillar set up to show the distance in miles to or from a specified place, or when used figuratively, a significant event in history. In the context of indicators, a milestone is an intermediate goal used to evaluate progress toward a final set target. For example, the Minnesota Milestones report outlines 20 goals to achieve over the next 30 years, with more specific Milestones under each (79 in total) that will indicate progress toward that goal.
A tangible event used to measure the status of the project. Markers during the execution of a project that shows the movement of a project in the right direction.
a significant event in your life (or in a project)
a key event in the course of the project, such as the completion of a survey or a workshop
a major leap of progress on the timeline towards reaching your goal
an activity with zero duration that is used to help manage the work at a high level
an agreedupon point in the project when some goal is met - for instance, getting a specified number of users up and running on a new application
a pre-defined event defined in the time-schedule where a specific action should be carried out
a round number of significance an individual reaches, after much anticipation and publicity
a significant accomplishment during the project
a significant point in the database design process
a sort of deadline inside of the project for a certain task
A point in time, marking a key event or accomplishment.
In project implementation is an event which is selected to signify that certain project activities have been completed. Milestones are usually used as trigger points for AusAID to make payments to contractors and may represent an amalgamation of management outputs as opposed to project outputs.
An event selected for its importance in the project. From Field and Keller, Project Management
A major checkpoint in a project. Examples of milestones are 'Design Phase Completed ', 'User documentation completed', 'Hardware configured'. Milestones often require sign-offs from the Project Sponsor or Steering Committee before proceeding.
An activity with zero duration which typically marks the end of a phase or project.
A point on the project schedule at which the project team assesses progress and quality and then reviews deviations in scope and specifications. A project may have interim milestones for internal use only, as well as external milestones or major milestones, typically at the end of major phases of work, that are associated with the completion of major deliverables.
in scheduling, a task with no duration
an interim stage in the development of a manual, such as completion of the first draft.
a key event. An event selected for its importance in the project. Note: milestones are commonly used in relation to progress. (A milestone is often chosen to represent the start of a new phase or the completion of a major deliverable. They are used to monitor progress at summary level. Milestones are activities of zero duration).
A business event that indicates progress towards successful execution of a business plan.
A reference point marking a major event in a project and used to monitor the project's progress. Any task with zero duration is automatically displayed as a milestone; you can also mark any other task of any duration a milestone.
An event in the life cycle of a product chosen to represent a significant step in progress, for example, the alpha, beta, or final release of a product. In StarTeam, when you reach a milestone, you can apply a view label, usually a build label, to indicate that the milestone has been reached.
A significant event that acts as a progress marker during the life of a project and is reported on.
A scheduled event for which some project member or manager is held accountable and that is used to measure progress; for example, a formal review, issuance of a specification, product delivery.
See IEEE definition (except multiple owners). build which has met predefined levels of completeness and is ready to be given to SQA for testing; for example the A4 milestone in Octagon. An event which marks the end of a phase.
This is a point in a Project when a major objective is achieved. It may be a Release, a Baseline or a major control point.
A scheduling event that signifies the completion of a major deliverable or a set of related deliverables. A milestone, by definition, has a duration of zero and no effort. There is no work associated with a milestone. It is a flag in the workplan to signify that some other work has been completed. Usually a milestone is used as a project checkpoint to validate how the project is progressing and revalidate work. .
A clearly identifiable point in a project that summarizes the completion of a related or important set of tasks. Milestones are commonly used to summarize the important events in a project for managers and stakeholders who don't want or need to see the details in a project plan.
Milestones are used to commuicate key dates that team members should be aware of and that project managers track to.
the completion of a specified phase in product development. Investors and alliance partners may use milestones to establish a timeline for investments or payments.
A point after a job is started and before it is completed at which an approval or re-evaluation is made by participants in a contract and to which partial compensation, based on a fixed bid sum, is often tied. The milestone may be based on the passage of some specified period of time, or on the completion of some percentage of the job.
In project management, a scheduled event that is used to measure progress against a project schedule and budget.
The recognition of an important event within a project, usually the achievement of a key project deliverable or a set of deliverables.
Milestones are significant events during the project, and are usually linked to the completion of major deliverables or phases of the project.
A significant, visible step toward achieving a vocational goal.
Signpost or marker that shows accomplishment of logically related activities, e.g., design and development or achievement of the project's interim or final targets
Scheduled event used to measure progress in a project
A significant scheduled event that acts as a progress marker in the life of a project. A milestone is either passed or it is not, the achievement or non-achievement of which is monitored and reported.
The contractual measures of progress towards the achievement of the Intermediate Outcome. This is the basis of reporting and Foundation monitoring.
An activity that has no duration. It is commonly used to mark a start, stop, or interdependency hand-off.
significant task which represents a key accomplishment within the project. Typically requires special attention and control. Network Diagram: A wire diagram, also known as a PERT network diagram. A diagram that shows tasks and their relationships; it is limited because it shows only task relationships. Its key strength is easy-to-read task relationships. Sample Network Diagram
A point at which you can measure progress on the way to achieving a goal or objective.
In project management, an important event in a project, usually the realization of a significant deliverable.
A specified result or condition that a project must satisfy at a particular point in time in order to ensure the project remains on track to deliver the planned benefits both during the project and on its completion, and to achieve the Project Goal. A significant event in the project, usually completion of a major deliverable. (PMI)
The meaning given in CAA sections 182(g)(1) and 189(c) for serious and above ozone nonattainment areas and PM10 nonattainment areas, respectively. For all other nonattainment areas, a milestone consists of an emissions level and the date on which that level is to be achieved as required by the applicable CAA provision for reasonable further progress towards attainment.
1. A significant or important event. 2. Pillar set up to denote the distance in miles to or from a certain place.
A scheduled event used to measure progress. Examples of major milestones for software projects may include an acquirer or managerial sign-off, baselining of a specification, completion of system integration, and product delivery. Minor milestones might include baselining of a software module or completion of a chapter of the users' manual. See also event.
Within the framework of project management a Milestone is a terminal element that marks the completion of a work package or phase, typically marked by a high level event such as completion, endorsement or signing of a deliverable, document or a high level review meeting. Typically a milestone is associated with some sort of decision that outlines the future of a project..