The initial impact of an intervention (e.g. an improvement in the employability of the long-term unemployed through a rise in their skill level). See also impact, intervention, intervention logic, outcomes, outputs, specific objectives
The “products” of the Activities undertaken, the combination of which achieve the Purpose of the project/ programme, namely a start of enjoyment of sustainable benefits for the target groups.
The conditions of well-being for families and children to be achieved through local decision-making bodies called county collaboratives. The five result areas are: Healthy Children School Readiness School Success Stable Families Self-sufficient Families
a broad term used to refer to the effects of a programme or project. The terms "outputs", "outcomes" and "impact" describe more precisely the different types of results. Outputs - tangible products (including services) of a programme or project that are necessary to achieve its objectives. Example: agricultural extension services provided to rice farmers. Outcomes - results of a programme or project relative to its immediate objectives that are generated by the programme or project outputs. Examples: increased rice yield, increased income for the farmers. Impact - results of a programme or project that are assessed with reference to the development objectives or long-term goals of that programme or project; changes in a situation, whether planned or unplanned, positive or negative, that a programme or project helps to bring about. Examples: higher standard of living, increased food security, increased earnings from exports, increased savings owing to a decrease in imports.
The overall long-term vision or goal for your community as a whole or for the children, adults, and families living in your community. Results usually cannot be achieved by one program alone, but are produced by many factors, individuals, and organizations working toward the same general ends.
a failure to interpret both the discriminant function coefficients and the structure coefficients
a powerful tool for presenting engineering data to both technical and non-technical personnel about the outcome of design changes
The impacts of an agency or program, and the work performed to produce those impacts. In most organizations, results are measured in terms of outcomes (the broader societal effect of the agency or program) and outputs (the work performed to produce that outcome). For example, in a job training program, the output would be the hours of training provided, but the outcome would be a better-trained or more productive worker.
The specific outcomes of a study, often put in mathematical terms; different from conclusions, which are the researchers' interpretation of the results.
The effect arising from something or the benefit from a course of action. Changed state (outcome).
A broad term used to refer to the effects of a programme or project and/or activities. The terms "outputs", "outcomes" and "impact" describe more precisely the different types of results at different levels of the logframe hierarchy of aims.
outcomes when addressing the requirements of the Baldrige Criteria. Results are measured in the areas of student achievement, student, staff, and stakeholder satisfaction/dissatisfaction, staff development, leadership system, and process management.
Refers to outcomes achieved by an organization in addressing the Treatment applied to a Problem. Results are evaluated on the basis of current performance; performance relative to appropriate comparisons; and the relationship of results measures to key organizational performance requirements.
This is the heart of the scientific paper, in which the researcher reports the outcomes of the experiment. Report is a key word here, because Results should not contain any explanations of the experimental findings or in any other way interpret or draw conclusions about the data. Results should stick to the facts as they have been observed. The Results section typically consists of both visual representations of data (tables and graphs and other figures) and written descriptions of the data.
Relates to what was achieved. They are the collection of impacts and outcomes associated with a programme, policy, or initiative.- What was achieved overall
The output, outcome or impact (intended or unintended, positive and/or negative) of a development intervention (DAC).
Referring to results is another way of saying "products," "outcomes," "intentions met," or "objectives accomplished." The fundamental question units and the university must periodically ask is, "what are my results?" This may be a hard question to answer, but it must be attempted. Unless results can be defined or measured somehow, units can never know for sure how to improve performance nor how to use resources wisely. It is important to keep in mind that the key results lie outside the university and its collection of units, not inside (academically, socially, intellectually, or morally well-prepared students).
The external effects (outputs, outcomes, reach, and impact) of a program.
Financial outcome of an action, or several actions.