Statements of what needs to be done to achieve a goal – e.g., to improve health service delivery to affected communities.
Specific, measurable statements related to the attainment of goals.
specific, measurable outcomes or results that an organisation plans to achieve in a given period
Goals or aims of learning activity or lesson.
The anticipated results or outcomes of a program, representing changes in the knowledge, attitudes and behavior of the program's clients, described in measurable terms and indicating a specific period of time during which these results will be achieved.
Very specific, highly technical and frequently quantitative statements of the expected results of R & D project tasks.
a series of key events or standards that need to be achieved through detailed planning in order to progress to the next level or phase. Examples are profit targets, percentage of market share, enter a new market etc.
Refers to the specific knowledge, skills, or attitudes that students are expected to achieve through their college experience; expected or intended student outcomes.
The Structural Funds work towards achieving one or more of the three Objectives listed below. The Funds also have a number of common aims, including sustainable development, development of employment and human resources, environmental protection and promoting equality between men and women. With the reform of the Structural Funds in 1999, the number of Objectives was simplified and reduced from seven to three
These are similar to goals but much more specific. They are attainable, measurable and are to be achieved within a stated period of time.
The planned results to be achieved within a stated time period. Objectives are subordinate to goals, more narrow in scope, and shorter in range. Objectives must specify time periods for completion, and products or achievements that are measurable.
The specific, measurable actions required to be done in order to accomplish a goal.
Stepping stones for achieving goals and strategies, containing measurable targets that can be evaluated. They should be able to meet the S.M.A.R.T test: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and realistic Time period, for achieving results.
The desired or needed result to be achieved by a specific time. An objective is broader than a goal, and one objective can be broken down into a number of specific goals.
The organisational goals that must be achieved if the strategic intent is to be implemented.
Statements about expected outcomes that tell who is going to be doing what, when, and how much will be done. Measurable objectives become the criteria used to judge the impact of the project on the target audience and/or on organization effectiveness.
Statements about a department’s annual level of activity. Objectives are measurable, time bound activities, which illustrate how a department intends to reach its goals.
Synonymous with outcomes. Statements that describe measurable expectations of what students should be able to think, know or do when they've completed a given educational program. Each statement should describe one expectation; should not bundle several into one statement. The statements must be clear and easily understood by all faculty in the area/department.
Precise statements defining what program participants should be able to do upon completion of the program. Objectives state the intended changes in individuals, groups, or communities as a result of the educational program.
The aims of an action, or what is intended to be achieved. Any objective will include explicit statements against which progress can be measured, and will identify which outcomes are truly important and the way that they interrelate; quantified objectives are referred to as targets.
The steps to be accomplished to reach the child's goal(s). Objectives serve as a guide for planning and carrying out learning activities.
Quantified, specific statements noting what the Service Desk/Help Desk or Customer Support Centre will accomplish, such as /11 reduce total cost of support by 15%" or "decrease customer downtime by 25 hours per quarter."
Objectives are the building blocks or steps that need to be achieved to reach a goal. Objectives are specific, measurable and concise statements about the immediate impact of a health promotion program, stating who will make what change, by how much, where and by when. For more info: How to write measurable objectives
are the broadest statements of what the organization chooses to accomplish. (300.02.1)
A statement of what the project is designed to achieve within the scope. They should be specific, measurable and identify business problems that are being solved. They should be stated with some benefit or end result in mind.
Expected achievements/products that are well-defined, specific, measurable and derived from the goal(s)
The desired measurable outcomes of the project in terms of deliverables and non-tangible outcomes.
Used less frequently than in the past; subsumed into intended learning outcomes.
specific statements of anticipated project outcomes; should identify clearly what will be different as a result of the project having been funded as opposed to what the project is going to do (activities); usually measurable and directly related to project evaluation. (See Goals.)
Objectives are statements of the expected outcomes of instruction that define what is to be learned.
Statements about what a child will learn to do and in what circumstances. Objectives may be intermediate steps leading to the accomplishment of a goal.
Specific results toward which effort is directed to achieve the each goal. Objective statements further define the goal and serve to identify specific activities that take place to achieve each goal. By monitoring the objectives through the use of performance indicators, the unit can identify how well it is achieving its goals.
Objectives are a statement of how you will measure success, your intended results. An objective should include: target group (who), level of achievement (what), and a timeframe (when). Objectives establish measurable benchmarks for success. An example of an objective is: By August 2007, fifty percent (50%) of the elementary school's participating in our program will have nutrition guidelines approved by the school board.
Statements describing the results to be achieved by a program and the manner in which these results will be achieved over a specified period of time. Usually, objectives are linked to one or more program goals.
Objectives are specific outcomes that can be measured using agreed criteria.
The long-run and short-run performance targets that a retailer hopes to attain. Goals can involve sales, profit, satisfaction of publics, and image.
are the outcomes the organisation is trying to achieve.
Objectives are the desired, measurable, end results in student performance that the school is striving to reach. They state the Planning Team’s commitment to achieve specific, measurable end results for students. Objectives must include measures of time, quantity, and/or quality. They spring from and define the mission in specific detail. Cairo American College has identified three measurable student objectives.
State the specific outcomes that an organization expects to accomplish within a given or stated time frame. Should be detailed enough to provide an overall sense of what exactly is desired without outlining the specific steps necessary to achieve that end. Objectives are specific and measurable targets for accomplishment during the state time frame. Objectives link "upward" to Goals, link "downward" to Strategies, and they also link directly to Outcome/Effectiveness measures. Every Objective should have at least one Strategy. Whenever possible, every Objective should be linked to an outcome measure.
Operationally defined statements of desired learning outcomes. Also known as "performance objectives" or "behavioral objectives" because they identify what the learner should be able to do as a result participating in a particular educational experience.
The planned areas of activity by which a project is going to achieve its aims.
Specifically measurable outcomes which, when completed, will achieve the stated goal.
See "Goals and Objectives."
The smaller steps or skills the child needs to learn before she/she can accomplish a goal. Objectives must be observable and measurable in order to know when the child has achieved them. The team must state how each objective will be measured or know if it has been achieved, as well as how often they will need to evaluate it.
What an organization wants to achieve in the long term. They usually are linked with goals. See also goals.
Specific, time-bound and measurable goals for particular aspects of a piece of work which contribute to achieving the longer-term aims.
Any specific measurable outcome of a lesson or Unit that helps students to reach course Goals
What the participant will learn during an educational activity.
The goals that define the strategic direction of an Agency/organisation, and are delivered through the work of projects. These objectives may be found in a Corporate Business Plan, Strategic Plan, Budget Papers or Tasmania Together.
Objectives or outcomes are specific measurable interim steps toward achieving broader goals.
The means by which a goal is to be attained.
Indicate specific spheres of aim, activity and accomplishment that management must translate into the company's purpose.