It is necessary for you to clearly define the purpose of your organization and to establish realistic goals and objectives. (More information at; and on the VAN briefing no. 60).
Determining the steps required to reach an objective and developing an overall policy for this purpose in order to position the company on the market place in the best possible way. Strategic planning concerns all business areas and involves the making of strategic decisions.
The process by which an organization envisions its future and develops strategies, goals, objectives and action plans to achieve that future.
A process by which a future vision is developed for an organization, taking into account its political and legal circumstances, its strengths and weaknesses, and the threats and opportunities facing it. It articulates the organization's sense of mission and maps out future directions to be taken, given the organization's current state and resources.
Français :Études générales, Planification stratégique Deutsch : Strategische Planung Time-based Transmodel Company area, defined as the long-term (yearly timescale) planning of the COMPANY's activities.
A cyclical process through which an agency determines its desired future direction, in the light of environmental factors and the Government's key priorities documented in the Charter of Social and Fiscal Responsibility and identifies the means by which this is to be achieved.
Formal planning system f the development and implementation of U strategies related to the mission and objectives -the organisation. It is no substitute for strategy thinking.
A continuous process where people make decisions about intended future outcomes, how outcomes are to be accomplished, and how success is measured and evaluated.
The process of determining a company's long-term goals and then identifying the best approach for achieving those goals.
A systematic, continuous and formalized process of formulating strategies for future organizational actions. Strategic Planning employs a linear model of rational decision making and generally involves outlining the following sequence of procedural steps: problem definition and strategic audit, mission statement and goal setting, formulation and evaluation of strategies, implementation, and measurement and control.
An ongoing process by which Family Connection collaborative members envision the future for children, families, and their community, and develop the operations and procedures necessary to achieve that future.
Those activities that lead to the statement of goals and objectives and the choice of strategies to achieve them. [13
Planning for a set of managerial decisions and actions that determine the long-term performance of an organization
A disciplined effort to produce fundamental decisions and actions that shape and guide what an organization is, what it does and why it does it. A strategic plan usually includes a vision statement, assessment of both the organization's external and internal environment, identification of the strategic, long-term issues facing an organization or community and development of strategies and implementation programs in the form of an action plan to deal with the strategic issues. The distinguishing features of a strategic plan are that it is focused, long-range and action-oriented.
The activity of defining what you want to accomplish in your business and then identifying the path that will allow you to reach your goal in the most efficient and sensible manner.
Strategic Planning involves identifying specific activities along specific time lines, as well as matching goals and resources, for the purpose of influencing the environment to bring about the desired future.
A process that creates a destiny first and then sets goals to achieve it.
Strategic planning is an intentional, managed and purposeful direction that supports organisation to determine vision, values, goals, objectives, roles and responsibilities and timelines
A broad description of the activities that would normally be carried out as part of project development, from start to finish, and the milestones that would generally be achieved along the way, such as implementation agreements, registration, etc. The plan should also explain the different aspects that need to be addressed as part of project development, and illustrate basic principles that are to be followed. The sequence of and relationship between main activities and milestones should also be described. The appraisal report should be used as a starting point for refinement of the strategic plan as well as detailed operational planning.
Strategic Planning is the top management decision process that focuses on the longer range direction of the enterprise and establishes the means by which that direction is reached. It includes the definition of missions and objectives — how the enterprise sees its purpose and where it wants to go. Strategic Planning provides the basic direction and focus of the organisation, the so-called big picture. Some of the organisation's basic strategic decisions might relate to questions such as: What business are we in? What business should we be in, now and in the future? What should be the geographical scope of operations? What are or research and development goals? How should products be sourced? Where are we the weakest? strongest
The planning that leads to the implementation of an organization's objectives. Such planning occurs in two phases: (1) deciding on the products to produce and/or the services to render, and (2) deciding on the marketing and/or manufacturing methods to employ in getting the intended products or services to the proper audience.
identifies the medium to long-term goals integral to the institution's mission; general principles are fairly fixed, but the means for implementation are flexible.
The organization's strategy development process, how plans are deployed, and how performance is tracked.
Long-term planning (at least five to 10 years out) that includes consideration of the external environment and future trends.
Conducting strategic planning activities.
A disciplined effort to produce fundamental decisions and actions that shape and guide what an organization is, what it does, and why it does it, with a focus on the future.
Process of continuous planning for change, which assesses an organization's or program's internal and external environment, analyzes the implications or relevant trends, and identifies effective strategies for achieving a desired future state.
Long-range planning, covering a period of three to five years, that includes setting goals, strategies, and objectives for your program.
The process of identifying an organization's long-term goals and objectives and then determining the best approach for achieving those goals and objectives.
A process used by the school district to concentrate all efforts, activities, resources and energies toward achieving a common purpose (mission, objectives, strategies and action plans are parts of a strategic plan); plans are developed by consensus of school and community participants and have as a basis their commonly held beliefs and values.
A process of defining vision, mission, goals, and objectives of an organization. Through the planning process, a jurisdiction or agency identifies the outcomes it wants to achieve through its programs and the specific means by which it intends to achieve these outcomes.
Strategic planning is a systematic way of producing a framework for taking decisions and actions that shape and guide the urban system or rural district. Under the Planning and Environment Act 1987 the planning authority is required to provide sound strategic and coordinated planning of the use and development of land in its area.
Strategic Planning answers the question: "What should we be doing and how will we do it?" It is the campus-wide deliberate effort to formulate a clear sense of institutional direction, initiate actions to move in that direction, and determine what resources are necessary to achieve those aspirations.
A systematic method used by an organization to anticipate and adapt to expected changes. The IRM portion of strategic planning sets broad direction and goals for managing information and supporting delivery of services to customers and the public, and identifies the major IRM activities to be undertaken to accomplish the desired agency mission and goals.
the specific process used to accomplish a task, such as the five steps necessary to develop an effective advertising campaign
Long-range planning. Planning covering the significant or major forces or influences on a process or decision.
"A continuous process of making present risk-taking decisions systematically and with greatest knowledge of their futurity; organizing systematically the efforts needed to carry out these decisions; and measuring the results of these decisions against the expectations through organized systematic feedback." Drucker PF. Management: Tasks, Responsibilities, Practices. New York, NY: Harper & Row; 1974.
A continuous and systematic process whereby an organization makes decisions about its future, develops the necessary procedures and operations to achieve that future, and determines how success is to be measured. See also definition for Business Plan.
is the process of understanding the business plan and projecting (usually over a 5 year period) what is to be accomplished over this period. It provides a roadmap for management, as it identifies priorities and helps identify various financial requirements that may assist in the budgetary process. There is usually more than one Strategic Plan within a health care organization. In the context of ICT, there may be an e-Health plan, as well as a Telehealth plan, for example. As the purpose of developing these technologies are to assist the organizational overall Strategic Plan and Business Plan, they may not be undertaken without a clear understanding of these ‘higher' planning processes. Digital has assisted several of our Clients in this most important of processes. In the past, ICT systems have been integrated at high cost, only later to find that the way they have been integrated does not contribute to the objective of the health care organization or maximize the return on the investment.
The "process of determining (1) what your organization intends to accomplish, and (2) how you will direct the organization and its resources toward accomplishing these goals over the coming months and years.
A planning process that includes identifying what the organisation wants to achieve (its vision, mission and objectives), how it will achieve these goals (the action plans) and how it will measure its success (verifiable indicators).
Strategic planning is the process of developing and maintaining a strategic fit between the organization's goals and capabilities and its changing marketing opportunities.
The process of determining the major goals of the organization and the policies and strategies for obtaining and using resources to achieve those goals.
the process of formal and sequential planning of an organisation’s intended strategy through to implementation.
The process of identifying organizational objectives and the actions needed to achieve those objectives.
Strategic planning is an organisation's process of defining its strategy and making decisions on allocating its resources to pursue this strategy, including its capital and people.