Of or pertaining to system; consisting in system; methodical; formed with regular connection and adaptation or subordination of parts to each other, and to the design of the whole; as, a systematic arrangement of plants or animals; a systematic course of study.
Proceeding according to system, or regular method; as, a systematic writer; systematic benevolence.
Pertaining to the system of the world; cosmical.
not haphazard; "a series of orderly actions at regular hours"
based on a method or plan; orderly; organized.
A pesticide applied to soil or foliage, absorbed by plant parts, translocated to other parts of an organism and imparting protection from insect or disease attacks; or, the action of a herbicide in affecting the whole plant, resulting in its death.
methodical, done step-by-step
Methodical in procedure; a plan marked by thoroughness and regularity.
Pertaining to or affecting the body as a whole
Characteristic of analysis efforts; systematic efforts are data-driven and defined, orderly processes, where output from one phase serves as input for the next.