Evaluative activities undertaken to furnish information that will guide program improvement.
Improvement-oriented assessment. The use of a broad range of instruments and procedures during a course of instruction or during a period of organizational operations in order to facilitate mid-course adjustments.
An evaluation concerned with examining ways of improving and enhancing the implementation and management of interventions. Formative evaluations tend to be conducted for the benefit of those managing the intervention with the intention of improving their work. See also evaluation, summative evaluation.
Evaluation conducted while a creative process is under way, designed and used to promote growth and improvement in a student's performance or in a program's development. [ A-C] [ D-F] [ G-I] [ J-L] [ M-O] [ P-R] [ S-U] [ V-Z] [ Table Of Contents
The definition of an evaluation that focusses upon the period when the program being evaluated is: in its developmental phase being used by students in real time
Formative evaluations look at ongoing programs for the purpose of improving them. There may be several formative evaluations during the life of a program.
an evaluation which is ongoing and iterative during an instructional sequence. This kind of evaluation permits midstream adaptation and improvement of the program.
the continuing study of the process of change in an instructional program as it moves toward its goals and objectives by monitoring the learning progress of its participants. Cp. summative evaluation.
evaluation that is designed to collect information that can be used for continuous program improvement.
An evaluation designed to make sure that program plans, procedures, activities, materials, and modifications will work as planned.
helps with both the development of a project and adjustments and improvements to the project as it is implemented. Formative evaluations provide information related to how well the project is designed, planned, and operating.
usability analyses carried out early and throughout system development with the goal of guiding design
an evaluation that is performed during the development or implementation of a project help developers modify or improve the project
Method of identifying areas for improvement as the project is in planning stage or being implemented.
Evaluation that furnishes information that will guide program improvement. Its purpose is to help form or shape the program to perform better. It may relate to the need for the program, the program concept and design, its implementation, its impact, efficiency, and effectiveness.
Evaluations for reasons of improvement. Provides feedback throughout the program planning and implementation process allowing for adjustments or mid - course corrections.
Formative evaluation is a method of judging the worth of a program while the program activities are forming or happening. Group Home - (also called board and care home) - Residence which offers housing and personal care services to a small number of residents (usually 3 to 16). Services (such as meals, supervision, and transportation) are usually provided by the owner or manager. May be single family home. Handicapped - As defined by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, any person who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activity, has a record of such impairment, or is regarded as having such impairment.
Evaluation conducted during implementation to improve performance. It is intended for managers and direct supporters of a project.
An evaluation done during a project or programme to improve the work in progress, both the outputs and the likelihood that the project/programme will be successful.
Refers to methods of identifying areas for improvement or adjustment while program activities are being implemented or a product is being developed. Formative evaluation compares the plan of action in the proposal to what is actually happening by using information collected from a variety of sources such as interviews or focus groups of "experts" or members of the target audience. It also looks at the administrative, organizational, or other operational processes to ensure successful implementation and coordination. (This is also referred to as process evaluation.)
An evaluation of a program during its development to determine its feasibility, or an evaluation of a program early in its implementation to improve it. Pre-program formative evaluation assesses what is likely to work for a given population. Early program evaluation often compares two or more program approaches (e.g. weekend outreach vs. weekday outreach) to find what works best to reach program goals. The term is sometimes used to describe the evaluation of short-term (less than six months) changes in knowledge, attitudes, or skills as a result of interventions, prior to conducting a more extensive evaluation.
Evaluative research conducted during program development. May include state-of-the art reviews, pretesting messages and materials, and pilot testing a program on a small scale before full implementation.
In formative evaluation, findings are accumulated from a variety of relevant assessments designed for use either in program or resident evaluation. In resident evaluation, the formative evaluation is intended to provide constructive feedback to individual residents during their training. In program evaluation, formative evaluation is intended to improve program quality. In either situation, formative evaluation is not intended to make a go/no-go decision.
Evaluation designed and used to improve an object, especially when it is still being developed. [ A-C] [ D-F] [ G-I] [ J-L] [ M-O] [ P-R] [ S-U] [ V-Z] [ Table Of Contents
On-going evaluation of instruction with the purpose of improvement.
the assessment of learning that occurs as a project or course is in progress, with the aim of identifying problems and addressing them immediately; contrast summative evaluation.
An ongoing review to describe and analyse how an activity is carried out and to interpret the outcomes. It is valuable in helping those directly involved in the activity to assess its strengths and weaknesses and the changes required to improve its effectiveness.
Use of evaluation methods and results for program improvement. May include evidence of students' progress toward desired outcomes of the program as well as information on students' and other stakeholders' perceptions of the program and how it can be improved.
Data collected while the program is under development in order to improve its effectiveness and success.
A form of assessment conducted during the development of educational materials.
Evaluation processes are conducted to collect information that is used to guide and improve the program or service being assessed.
A testing process involving a series of events as a course develops, with the intention of assessing progress in a regular manner. Goal: A desired outcome or intention. If expressed in the correct form it may be described as an objective. Heuristic Learning: Also called discovery learning. A process in which conditions are established which allow students to encounter information and derive their own conclusions. Independent Learning: Self-directed learning independent of any teaching or formal guidance. A term often mistakenly used to mean individual learning.
An evaluation performed at a late development stage, used to revise and improve an training program before launch. Single most important step to insuring effectiveness and bug-free programs -- seldom done.
conducted during the operation of a project, generally for the purpose of providing immediate feedback to the project administrators about the status of project activities so that project revisions may be made.
An evaluation designed and used to improve an activity or program, especially when it is still being developed EHR/NSF Evaluation Handbook, Chapter Seven: GlossarySource web site
Evaluation intended to improve performance, most often conducted during the implementation phase of projects or programs. Source: OECD Glossary of Key Terms in Evaluation and Results Based Management
Formative evaluation is a type of evaluation which has the purpose of improving programmes. It goes under other names such as developmental evaluation and implementation evaluation. It can be contrasted with other types of evaluation which have other purposes, in particular process evaluation and outcome evaluation.