This form of evaluation assesses the extent to which a program is operating as it was intended. It typically assesses program activities’ conformance to statutory and regulatory requirements, program design, and professional standards or customer expectations. Also known as an implementation evaluation.
Process evaluations are conducted while program activities or interventions are still happening to determine how the project can be improved through revisions. The purpose of process evaluation is to try to assess whether the intervention is taking place as designed. It is usually comprised of a series of monitoring activities designed to get information on key aspects that are believed to have an impact on the functioning of the program. Process evaluation is ongoing.
evaluation that is designed to document what programs actually do: program activities, participants, resources, and other outputs.
An evaluation designed to assess how well the implementation of the program is going, such as the extent to which the program is operating consistently with objectives and procedures originally defined for them.
an example of formative evaluation - used to determine if a program is reaching the desired target group and if it is being delivered in the way it was planned.
a comprehensive assessment of your software quality assurance process that saves you time and money by helping you identify specific process areas for improvement
Evaluation which documents what happens in a programme. Information from programme evaluation helps to understand why a programme produces the results it does and can be used in the on-going improvement of a programme.
a component of quality assurance that focuses on how care was given
Systematic examination of the degree to which a program is operating as intended, looking at what service it provides, how is it provided, who receives services, and how much service is delivered. Another commonly used phrase is "formative evaluation." See Outcome Evaluation.
Assessment that is used to give direction or to explain behavior. This evaluation answers questions about how the project operates and documents the procedures and activities undertaken in service delivery. Such evaluations help to identify problems faced in delivering services and strategies for overcoming these problems.
Evaluation that verifies what the program is and whether or not it delivered as intended to the target recipients.
The systematic collection of information to document and assess how a program was implemented and operates.
Assessment of what you are doing, who has or hasn't been reached and how satisfied people are with what you're doing.
An evaluation aimed at describing and understanding the internal dynamics and relationships of a project, programme or institution.
An evaluation designed to document whether programs were conducted according to written program plans. Process evaluation describes the content and quality of program services, whom was served, and client feedback.
Evaluation to study the functioning of components of program implementation; includes assessments of whether materials are being distributed to the right people and in what quantities, whether and to what extent program activities are occurring, and other measures of how and how well the program is working.
Formative evaluation is concerned with the start of a project, and summative evaluation reviews the whole project. Process evaluation occurs between those two: it evaluates the success of the processes used.
Process evaluation focuses on how a program was implemented and operates. It identifies the procedures undertaken and the decisions made in developing the program. It describes how the program operates, the services it delivers, and the functions it carries out. Like monitoring evaluation, process evaluation addresses whether the program was implemented and is providing services as intended. However, by additionally documenting the program's development and operation, it allows an assessment of the reasons for successful or unsuccessful performance, and provides information for potential replication.
Monitors the administrative, organizational, or other operational characteristics of an intervention. Process evaluation includes monitoring the dissemination of communication products to intended users (whether gatekeepers or audiences) and audience members’ exposure to a message. For an interactive health communication application, process evaluation may include testing how the application functions.
A process evaluation answers questions about how the program was intended to operate and how it actually operates on a daily basis.
Assessing how a response was implemented 46, 47, 55
A process evaluation investigates and documents the activities that are involved in the delivery of a product or service and achieving outcomes.
An evaluation of the internal dynamics of implementing organizations, their policy instruments, their service delivery mechanisms, their management practices, and the linkages among these. Related term: formative evaluation. Source: OECD Glossary of Key Terms in Evaluation and Results Based Management
An evaluation that focuses on the way in which the planned program or activity was implemented, with special attention to the link between inputs and outputs Synonym: implementation evaluation EHR/NSF Evaluation Handbook, Chapter Seven: GlossarySource web site
Process evaluation involves collecting, analyzing, and interpreting information to determine whether a policy or program was implemented as planned. Process evaluation answers questions about how the program or policy was actually carried out.
Evaluation techniques that assess how efficiently and effectively processes and procedures are operating, incorporating linkages between processes. See also Outcome Evaluation.