A type of outcome evaluation that assesses the results or outcomes of a program. This type of evaluation is concerned with a program's overall effectiveness.
An evaluation concerned with determining the essential effectiveness of programmes. Summative evaluations tend to be conducted for the benefit of external actors (groups who are not directly involved in the management of a programme), for reasons of accountability or to assist in the allocation of budgetary resources. See also evaluation, formative evaluation.
An evaluation designed to present conclusions about the merit or worth of a student's performance (see Formative evaluation).
This defines an evaluation where data is collected: once the program has been developed after the students have completed the program
evaluation that comes at the conclusion of an educational program or instructional sequence.
evaluation that is designed to collect information about whether a program is effective in creating intended outcomes.
provides summary information about the outcomes or results of a project after activities or services have been operating for some time. A summative evaluation involves judgments of cause and effect, in particular the effectiveness and worth of a project’s activities in improving the problems being addressed.
usability analyses carried out at the end or at milestones during system development with the goal of assessing how well the system has met its usability objectives
an evaluation of a program that is performed near, at, or after the end of a project or a major section of a project
Method of looking at the results of a project at the end of the project to determine if it met its objectives and was successful. The focus on this evaluation method is on the outcomes.
Accountability evaluations provides documentation of program outcomes and end results. This information is critical in documenting program impact, making changes for future programs, and identifying additional goals and objectives for future programming.
An evaluation done near the end of a project or programme to provide evidence of its success and achievements and the quality of its outputs.
Evaluation conducted at the end of a learning event to determine its effectiveness and worth.
Refers to methods of looking at the results or outcomes of a program to determine the extent to which the program or product met the stated goals and objectives. It also looks at the extent to which the program's accomplishments are the result of the activities provided or of the product's use. This can require the use of control groups or other statistical analysis to measure correlation among different variables. (This is also referred to as impact evaluation.)
occurs at the conclusion of instruction: end of unit and end of year, used to certify student achievements, used to assign end- of-term grades, used as the basis for promoting or sometimes grouping students, help determine whether teaching procedures should be changes before next year, summative assessments are based on formal assessment.
Evaluation conducted to identify a program's accomplishments and effectiveness; also called outcome or impact evaluation.
In summative evaluation, findings and recommendations are designed to accumulate all relevant assessments for a go/no-go decision. In resident evaluation, the summative evaluation is used to decide whether the resident qualifies to continue to the next training year, should be dropped from the program, or at the completion of the residency, should be recommended for board certification. In program evaluation, summative evaluation is used to judge whether the program meets the accepted standards for the purpose of continuing, restructuring, or discontinuing the program.
Evaluation done at the end of a program to determine its effectiveness.
Evaluation designed to present conclusions about the merit or worth of an object and recommendations about whether it should be retained, altered, or eliminated.
assessment that occurs at the completion of a course or project, which provides a summary account of its effectiveness and the extent to which it met its goals and objectives; contrast formative evaluation.
A review designed to judge the effectiveness of an activity in terms of its outcomes and impact. The focus may be on measuring outcomes and quantifying costs and benefits. It is often carried out at the end of a process by a person(s) who was not originally involved in the activity.
Provides information about results of the program that is often used to determine whether to expand or improve the program.
Measuring how well the major outcomes of a course or program of studies are attained at the conclusion of instruction (posttest) or there after. Top Page
Judging student achievement on the basis of an examination or other instrument applied after completion of the course process. Taxonomy: A classification scheme, commonly applied to categorizing objectives. Teaching: The process of constructing a learning environment and managing the learners' interaction with it.
An evaluation performed after development used to measure the efficacy and return-on-investment of a training program.
The evaluation that measures the actual program's effectiveness. If implemented again, after a period of time has passed, it can also measure impact.
reporting or measurement of final program results.
An evaluation designed to present conclusions about the merit or worth of a program or activity and recommendations about whether it should be continued, revised, or discontinued EHR/NSF Evaluation Handbook, Chapter Seven: GlossarySource web site
A summative evaluation is a test that occurs at the end of a lesson or schooling semester.