The indicators of the global construct 'performance'; usually only of relevance when several individual aspects are combined. Examples of performance criteria e. g. for a sales-related activity, are: the number and value of sales closed, the record quality of the individual's own work, willingness to cooperate in team, etc.
Written standards used by an evaluator to judge whether an individual can perform a skill or has demonstrated knowledge.
Written statements of standards which an assessor uses to judge whether an individual can perform an activity.
These indicate the level of performance required in the workplace for each element of competency.
The specified performance level for the individual elements of competency. They focus on the evidence required to show that a person can undertake an activity to an acceptable level in the workplace.
The observable aspects of a performance or product that are observed and judged in a performance assessment.
Performance criteria specify the quality of the critical evidence required to meet the outcomes in the elements. Collectively, they provide the standards against which elements are assessed.
Any criteria established by the regulatory authority to ensure future compliance with the public health and water quality goals of the community, the state or tribe, and the federal government. Performance criteria can be expressed as numeric limits (e.g., pollutant concentrations, mass loads, wet weather flow, structural strength) or narrative descriptions of desired conditions or requirements (e.g., no visible scum, sludge, sheen, odors, cracks, or leaks).
Evaluative statements which specify what is to be assessed and the required level of performance. The performance criteria specify the activities, skills, knowledge and understanding that provide evidence of competent performance for each element. From Training Package for Assessment and Workplace Training
are the criteria used to judge if an individual has achieved competence in a unit.
Are evaluative statements that specify what is to be assessed and the required level of performance. The performance criteria specify the activities, skills, knowledge and understanding that provides evidence of competent performance for each element of competency.
As part of the element, the Performance Criteria indicates what is required to achieve the element. The range and underpinning knowledge is built onto this.
Specific, measurable statements identifying the performance(s) required to meet the outcome; confirmable through evidence.
Accompany Elements of Competency, and describe the level of performance required before an individual is considered competent.
Pre-determined criteria established to evaluate the performance of the biometric system under test.
Standards by which an individual's performance on a particular task can be judged.
A description of the characteristics to be assessed for a given task. Performance criteria may be general, specific, analytical trait, or holistic. They may be expressed as a scoring rubric or scoring guide. (See rubrics and scoring guide.)
The standards by which student performance is evaluated. Performance criteria help assessors maintain objectivity and provide students with important information about expectations, giving them a target or goal to strive for. (New Horizons for Learning)
The qualitative or quantitative criteria that the building is to satisfy in performing its functional requirement.
specifies the required level of performance in terms of a set of outcomes which need to be achieved in order to be deemed competent.
Are built into a power purchase agreement to assure the purchasing utility that an independent energy producer can meet the utility's requirements at the moment needed. Generally, performance criteria set standards for the reliability of a facility in terms of actual kilowatt-hours of output or hours of availability.
A description of the characteristics or dimensions used to judge the quality of student work. Criteria are the guidelines or rules that outline for students what will be assessed on a given task. ( learn more)