Action to take as a result of metering traffic. The IPQoS meters have three outcomes, red, yellow, and green, which you define in the IPQoS configuration file.
The consequence for a player of a specific combination of all players' strategies.
The end result of care and treatment and/or rehabilitation. In other words, the change in health, functional ability, symptoms or situation of a person, which can be used to measure the effectiveness of care and treatment, and/or rehabilitation.
The consequence of a medical intervention (e.g. improved health status, death).
An external consequence attributed to an organization, policy, program or initiative that is considered significant in relation to its commitments (i.e. the results of activities and outputs). Outcomes may be described as: immediate, intermediate or final, direct or indirect, intended or unintended. Outcomes in a logic model typically have an action word associated with them (e.g., increased or improved) and represent the consequences of the activities and outputs.
An immediate effect or short-term consequence of an action. (See also ‘Output' and ‘Impact'.)
This term has been used in a variety of ways in the field, but it is generally used to describe a desired result. In this website, the term is used specifically to describe the changes in status, condition, behavior, knowledge, values, attitudes, skill, or understanding that are expected to occur as a result of an intervention. See also Intervention
Also called health outcome, or the result of a process of prevention, detection, or treatment; an indicator of the effectiveness of health care measures upon patients; See also Outcomes Measurement.
a result or failure as a consequence of evaluating an expression.
The intended results or consequences of actions by the GRDC and its R&D partners for the grains industry and for Australia's economic, environmental and social resources. The GRDC's outcome for 2004-05, as described in the Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry Portfolio Budget Statement, is: 'through its commitment to innovation, an Australian grains industry that is profitable and environmentally sustainable for the benefit of the industry and wider community'.
Outcomes are the results experienced by the community from a combination of government interventions and external factors.
The ultimate result of a medical test or treatment given to patient. General, patient-oriented outcomes are overall survival rates, disease-free survival rates, treatment-related morbidity, and mortality.
Results of a project/ programme relative to its objectives that are generated by the project/ programme outputs. Outcomes are changes in the development conditions that donor interventions are seeking to support. Outcomes are generally the results of collective interventions of development partners and not the result of a single intervention.
the result of a specific intervention(s) or project(s) relative to their pre-established goals and objectives.
The result of a health care intervention in the real world.
the result of an experiment (in statistics) (e.g. the outcome of an experiment in which a dice is rolled can be any one of the natural numbers 1 through 6).
a phenomenon that follows and is caused by some previous phenomenon; "the magnetic effect was greater when the rod was lengthwise"; "his decision had depressing consequences for business"; "he acted very wise after the event"
a measurable individual, family, or community state, behavior or perception that is measured along a continuum and is responsive to nursing interventions
a natural or artificially designed point in the care of an individual or population suitable for assessing the effect of an intervention, or lack of intervention, on the natural history of a condition
an external consequence that can be attributed to an organization, program, etc
a statement of what a student will know and what the student can do as a result of this new knowledge
the effects of a disease at the end of its course (possible outcomes: complete recovery, impaired function, or death).
A result of an experiment.
End result or consequence, either intended or unintended.
Actual change(s) or lack thereof in the target (e.g. clients or system) of the program that are directly related to goal(s) and objectives. May include intended or unintended consequences. There are 3 types: Initial - immediate results of the program; Intermediate - results following initial outcomes; and Long Term - Ultimate impact of program; relates to achievement of goal
A measurable change in the health of an individual, or group of people or population, which is attributable to interventions or services.
The result of a medical program or a particular treatment in terms of the success or failure of the program or treatment. Outcomes might be viewed in such terms as death, cure, partial recovery, full recovery, etc.
Defined in the Public Finance Act 1989 as the "impacts on, or consequences for the community of the outputs or activities of the Government".
In education or training, a result or consequence of participation in, or completion of, an education or training program, e.g. employment, promotion, higher salary, further study.
The result of the performance (or nonperformance) of a function(s) or process(es).
(Résultat) An external consequence attributed to an organization, policy, program or initiative that is considered significant in relation to commitments.
The impact of care provided to a patient. Outcomes can be positive, such as a patient’s ability to walk freely as a result of rehabilitation, or negative, such as bedsores that might develop because of a patient’s lack of movement while staying in the hospital.
A betting result; the winner may be a player, horse, car, rider, driver, team, etc.
Something that follows as a result or consequence. [D03117] Webster
A possible result in a probability experiment. P's
The likely or achieved short-term and medium-term effects of an interventionâ€(tm)s outputs (DAC).
a measurable change in the health of an individual or group of people that is attributable to an intervention
A goal or objective that meets the following conditions: it is stated in the positive, specifies the person's own part in achieving it and the resources they have to do so, is specific enough to have sensor-based evidence and has been checked for unforeseen consequences.
A measurable end result or consequence of a specific action or essential step.
The results of a clinical intervention, such as changes in patient symptoms, functioning, or quality of life
An effect or consequence of a program in the medium term. Between an output that is short term and one that is often considered to be five years or more from the program intervention. A medium-term result that is the logical consequence of achieving a combination of outputs.
A description of the intended result, effect, or consequence that will occur from carrying out a program or activity. (OMB). The end result that is sought (examples: in the private sector, financial profitability; in the public sector, cleaner air or reduced incidence of disease).
The end result. [Click Here To Return To List
issue An outcome is an event, occurrence or condition that occurs as a direct result of programs and activities. Source: Glossary – Framework for the Management of Information in the Government of Canada