appraisal of the likely effects of a proposed project, activity or policy on the environment, both positive and negative
Environmental Impact Assessment can be summarised as the process by which information about the environmental effects of a proposed activity is collected, analysed and presented to decision makers.
the environmental investigation of a projected action.This assessment is used to determine whether the planned project or act will impact the environment significantly or not.In addition, the assessments can determine whether the impact will be environmentally beneficial or detrimental.
A procedure and management technique which ensures that the likely effects of a new development on the environment are fully appraised and taken into account before the determination of development proposals.
Assessment of the potential releases of a pesticide to the environment and their potential effects upon the environment and its components including man. See risk assessment.
A decision-making process mandated under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) which may require a detailed environmental impact statement analyzing the potential significant environmental impacts and alternatives to the action before the action is permitted. A public comment period takes place on each EIA.
( EIA) A study done to determine the probable environmental impact of a proposed project, to assess possible alternatives and to create environmental mitigation plans for a project that may have significant environmental impacts.
Process by which information about the likely environmental effects of certain projects is collected, assessed and taken into account by the local planning authority in deciding whether planning permission should be granted.
Process where all impacts of a development on the environment are identified and their significance assessed. Often conducted under statutory requirements at the planning phase before development and building permission is granted.
is the process of gathering and analysing information about a project: its possible and probable significant effects on the environment. It has the ultimate objective of providing decision makers with an indication of the likely significant environmental consequences of a project or proposal and enables them to make an informed decision.
EIA describes a procedure that must be followed for certain types of project before they can be given planning permission. The procedure is a means of drawing together an assessment of a project's likely significant environmental effects.
A systematic process to assess the actual or potential effects of policies, objectives, programs, plans or activities on the local or global environment. An assessment of risks to the environment either directly or indirectly as a result of human activities.
Part of project management concerned with identifying through a formal written technical evaluation likely impact (positive and negative) of a proposed development or activity on natural and man-made environment.
A sequential set of activities designed to identify and predict the impacts of a proposed action on the biogeophysical environment and on human health and well being, and to interpret and communicate information about the impacts, including mitigation measures that are likely to eliminate risks. In many countries, organizations planning new projects are required by law to conduct EIA.
an evaluation designed to identify and predict the impact of an action or a project on the environment and human health and well-being. Can include risk assessment as a component, along with economic and land use assessment.
An activity designed to identify, predict, interpret and communicate information about the impact of human actions (Hydro One Networks) on human health and well-being, including the well-being of the ecosystems on which human survival depends.
under the Town and Country Planning (Assessment of Environmental Effects) Regulations 1988, proposers of certain scheduled developments are required to submit a planning application with an accompanying environmental statement, evaluating the likely environmental impacts of the development, together with an assessment of how the severity of the impacts could be reduced.
Before a mine is constructed, an environmetnal impact assessment may be done to assess what impact the mine will have on the environment, and how environmental destruction can be avoided.
The critical appraisal, both positive and negative, of the likely effects of a proposed project, ,development, activity or policy on the environment.
Studies undertaken that superimpose a proposed projects’ elements on the existing environment to determine the positive and negative impacts of a project and mitigative measures that can be used to enhance the positive impacts and reduce or eliminate to acceptable levels the negative impacts.
A process carried out by the Environmental Protection Authority for evaluating a proposal, including its alternatives and objectives, and its effect on the environment, including the mitigation and management of those effects. The process extends from the initial concept of the proposal through implementation to commissioning and operation and, where appropriate, decommissioning.
A report on the impact that a proposed development will have on the surrounding environment.
(EIA): A process by which the consequences of planned development projects are evaluated as an integral part of planning the project. The analysis of biological, physical, social and economic factors to determine the environmental and social consequences of a proposed development action. The goal of the EIA is to provide policy makers with the best available information in order to minimize economic costs and maximize benefits associated with a proposed development.
In December 2001, EDC's Board of Directors issued an Environmental Review Directive. The "Directive" establishes objective and systematic processes EDC must follow in conducting environmental reviews of projects in respect to which EDC is considering providing financing or finance-related insurance support. For more information:
Advance assessment of the likely environmental impact of a planned development, together with opinions of people and interest groups. The information gathered is passed on to planners and decision-makers
A process by which information about the effects of a proposed development is collected, assessed and used by experts in reaching a decision on whether it should go ahead.
A study of the likely effect on the environment of proposed activities or development. Also called "EIAs". EIAs help bodies like local authorities to decide if they should accept proposals, eg to develop a piece of land for housing.
Applicants for certain types of development, usually more significant schemes, are required to submit an "environmental statement" accompanying a planning application. This evaluates the likely environmental impacts of the development, together with an assessment of how the severity of the impacts could be reduced.
A process required of the governmental Agency (Office of Environmental Policy and Planning) by the Enhancement and Conservation of National Environmental Quality Act for major projects or legislative proposals significantly affecting the environment. A tool for it describes the positive and negative effects of the undertaking and cites alternative actions, scientific, technological and economic activity
(EIA) - Refer to the Identifying your impacts or the Approvals for major projects chapter for detailed information
Appraisal of the possible environmental consequences of a past, ongoing, or planned action, resulting in the production of an environmental impact statement or "finding of no significant impact (FONSI)" RT environmental impact statement
A technique used for identifying the environmental effects of development projects. As a result of Directive 85/337/EEC (as amended 1997), this is now a legislative procedure to be applied to the assessment of the environmental effects of certain public and private projects which are likely to have significant effects on the environment. An EIA requires a scoping study to be undertaken in order to focus the assessment. This can be carried out in the field or as a desk study depending on the nature/scale of the project.
is a process of predicting the likely environmental consequences of implementing projects or undertakings and designing appropriate, preventive, mitigating and enhancement measures. It functions both as Planning and Management Tool, and as Regulatory Tool (DENR). EIA is a process that requires consideration of the environment and public participation in the decision-making process of project development (Kiely, 1997). Such projects may include for example, building a hydroelectric dam or factory, irrigating a large valley, or developing a harbor, which may generate impacts on flora, fauna, air quality, landscape and other features of the environment (EIA manual, 1988).
A process required by governments prior to the approval and development of resource projects. The assessment details, for each of the main types of pollution (water, air, noise, waste), the situation before the commissioning of the installation, the installationâ€(tm)s properties and direct impact on the environment, and the planned remedial measures.
A study required to be undertaken by a developer to demonstrate to local planning authority the impact of the proposal on the environment.
The Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) (England and Wales) Regulations 1999 (SI 1999/293) require an EIA to be carried out for certain types of development. The EIA process evaluates the likely significant effects of a development on the environment and examines mitigation measures to remove or reduce these effects. The information is assembled and reproduced as an environmental statement (ES). A local planning authority must take the ES into account and comments on the ES from the public and statutory consultees before they reach a decision on whether to grant development consent.
Analysis of a proposed action; the basis for deciding whether the proposed action will have a significant impact on the environment.
An Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is an assessment of the likely human environmental health impact, risk to ecological health, and changes to nature's services that a project may have. The purpose of the assessment is to ensure that decision-makers consider environmental impacts before deciding whether to proceed with new projects.