Environmental Impact Report. The analysis of a project's effect on transit, air quality, noise levels, etc.
Environmental Information Regulations. Came info force on 1 January 2005 and allow members of the public to request environmental information from public authorities. The Security Service is subject to the Regulations, but exemptions can be used when necessary.(See: Access to information).
Environmental Impact Report (addresses CEQA compliance)
Environmental Impact Report. A level of CEQA review that is prepared when a proposed project or program could have a significant adverse effect on the environment. The Regents require that all LRDP proposals (and major amendments to LRDP proposals) are analyzed in an EIR. The document must be circulated for public comment (including a public hearing) and all comments must be responded to prior to approval.
See Environmental Impact Report.
Environmental Impact Report. A document used to evaluate the potential environmental impacts of a project, evaluate reasonable alternatives to the project, and identify mitigation measures necessary to minimize the impacts. The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) requires that the agency with primary responsibility over the approval of a project (the lead agency) evaluate the project's potential impacts in an Environmental Impact Report (EIR).
Environmental Impact Report; public document reporting the results of environmental analyses of projects under CEQA.
Environmental Impact Report. a state-mandated written summary of the positive and negative effects on the environment caused by the construction and operation of a project
Environmental Impact Report - The document that contains a full environmental impact analysis under CEQA. Somewhat different in requirements and emphasis than an EIS (see below) under the federal NEPA.
Environmental Impact Report. Study, conducted by specialists, generally required by state or federal law to be completed before a project can be built. It evaluates the project's effect on the environment and infrastructure.
Establishment Inspection Report
Environmental Impact Report. A comprehensive study required by CEQA when a project may have a significant effect on the environment. The purpose of the report is to provide decision-makers with detailed information about environmental effects, mitigation measures to reduce or eliminate those effects and analyze project alternatives.
Environmental Impact Report. A detailed statement prepared under CEQA describing and analyzing the significant environmental impacts of a project and discussing ways to mitigate or avoid the effects.
Environmental Impact Report (required under CEQA)
Environmental Information Report
(Environmental Impact Report) A public document used by the governmental agency to analyze the significant environmental effects of a proposed project, to identify alternatives and to disclose possible ways to reduce or avoid the possible environmental damage. CEQA requires an EIR whenever the initial study or other evidence in the record has produced substantial evidence that the proposed project might produce significant environmental effects.
Environmental Impact Report (State) Environmental Impact Report means a concise report statement setting forth the environmental effects and considerations pertaining to a project as specified in CEQA. An EIR document is prepared to analyze the potential environmental damage and impacts caused by implementation of a project. http://ceres.ca.gov/ceqa
Environmental Impact Report. Detailed review of a proposed project, its potential adverse environmental effects, possible changes that can be made to reduce adverse effects, and possible alternatives.
Environmental impact report; a study and report on the possible effects of a proposed project, and what can be done to avoid or mitigate them.
Environmental Impact Report. A detailed review of a proposed project; analyzing significant effects on the environment, reasonable alternatives, and mitigation measures to the project. For more detailed information about environmental impact assessments, contact the Department of Environmental Review and Assessment (DERA) at (916) 874-7914.
Environmental Impact Report. A detailed review of a proposed project, its potential adverse impacts upon the environment, measures that may avoid or reduce those impacts, and alternatives to the project.
Endangerment Information Report; Environmental Impact Report