is the incidence of the human activity on their natural environment, on their ecosystem, and can be resumed in three big sectors: changes in the use of soil, soil, water and atmosphere pollution and depletion of resources. The environmental impact assessment (E.I.A.), present in legislation of different countries is a study carried out in order to identify, prevent and correct the consequences or environmental impacts that certain activities can cause on people and his environment. It is a study carried out before starting a new development. (Otero A.R., 1998).
Assessment A management tool that predicts the likely environmental impacts of projects, finds ways to reduce unacceptable impacts, shapes the project so that it is appropriate to the local environment, and presents predictions and options to decision-makers.
Any change to the environment, whether adverse or beneficial, wholly or partially resulting from human activity, industry or natural disasters.
Environmental impacts refer to substances generated by human activities and released to the environment that can cause environmental damage. Examples are carbon dioxide that causes global warming and chlorofluorocarbons that cause ozone layer depletion.
A change in the environment that could have a negative effect on the ecosystem. Land trusts try to prevent environmental impacts by conserving sensitive lands.
Any alteration to the environment caused by man and affected human, animal, fish and/or plant life.
Effects on the natural environment caused by human actions. Includes indirect effects through pollution, for example, as well as direct effects such as cutting down trees.
A change in effect on an environmental resource or value resulting from human activities including project development, often called an "effect".
Represents an effect on the environment that leads to changes in its condition. Depending on the nature of the activity causing the impact, it may have either beneficial or adverse environmental outcomes.
Impacts on human beings, ecosystems and man-made capital resulting from changes in environmental quality.
Any change to the environment, good or bad, that wholly or partially results from industrial/manufacturing activities, products or services.
Any detrimental or beneficial modification of the environment caused partly or totally by the activities, products or services of a given entity.
any significant effect of development upon the environment.
the effect something has on the natural world
the effect of an activity or substance on the environment.
The positive or negative effect of any action upon a give area or resource.
Any change to the environment, whether harmful or beneficial, resulting from an organizationâ€(tm)s activities, products, or services, or from human activities in general.
Any positive or negative change to the environment resulting from manufacturing processes.
That which, as a result of human activity, affects the environment and is a cause of interference in environmental conservation.
Any change to the environment whether it harmful or helpful
The impact a company has on ecology, ecosystems and biodiversity.
Any change to the environment, whether adverse or beneficial, wholly or partially resulting from an organizationâ€(tm)s activities, products or services.
The potential adverse environmental effect of the release of a material into the environment, as specified by the products MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet).
The direct and indirect physical changes that are caused by the project. Impacts can be classified in four general categories: 1) beneficial impact; 2) less than significant impact; 3) less than significant impact with incorporation of mitigation measures; or 4) significant and unavoidable impact.
Environmental Impact is to consider the potential of all things effecting the environment. i.e. the use of air, water, waste and energy usage etc.
Any environmental change, positive or negative, partly or fully deriving from the organisation's activity, products or services.
the net change (positive or negative) in human health and the condition of the environment that results from actions, activities or developments.
the effect of a process or object on the environment in the short or long-term.
A beneficial or negative change in the environment that has come about as a result of the companyâ€(tm)s operations, products or services.