measures of physical, chemical, biological, social, cultural or economic factors which best represent the key elements of complex ecosystems or environmental issues
an information tool that allows the measurement of environmental, economic and social trends. Indicators can provide both a snapshot of a current situation, and the means to observe changes over time (Environment Australia website). Examples of indicators include energy usage on site for a unit of production (kWh/product), number of accidents on a site per year, and the cost of producing an individual product ($/product).
Scientific measurements that help measure over time the state of air, water, and land resources, pressures on those resources, and resulting effects on ecological condition and human health. Indicators show progress in making the air cleaner and the water purer and in protecting land.
biological or physical changes that provide evidence of an event or trend in an environment.
measures or several measures usede to assess the health of an ecosystem
Physical, chemical or biological features that can be monitored and used to measure changes in the environment.
Measures reflecting the health of the environment locally, nationally, or internationally.
A measurable feature or features that provide managerially and scientifically useful evidence of environmental and ecosystem quality or reliable evidence of trends in quality (ITFM).