Used in the context of general equities. Technical or fundamental measurement securities analysts use to forecast the market's direction, such as investment advisory sentiment, volume of stock trading, direction of interest rates, and buying or selling or corporate insiders.
Data that is collected specifically to measure progress toward particular goal or objective.
A measure that quantifies the achievement of a result at the enterprise level.
Pointing or directing device that helps to measure the direction of existing trends or trend changes.
A marker. The pointer on a steam gauge or any recording instrument. An instrument for measuring the steam pressure, at various positions of the piston, in an engine cylinder.
A characteristic or attribute which can be measured to assess an intervention in terms of its outputs or impacts. Output indicators are normally straightforward. Impact indicators may be more difficult to derive, and it is often appropriate to rely on indirect indicators as proxies. Indicators can be either quantitative or qualitative. The term "performance indicators" is also used. See also benchmarks, general objectives, impacts, operational objectives, outputs, specific objectives.
An assessment tool that represents more general information about an individual, a group of people, a program, or a system. Indicators help describe the health of a group of people, or how well a program is functioning at a given moment, and how it is changing over time. Often used as a synonym for measure. Example: A child who has normal height and weight for his age (indicators) is probably getting enough food to eat (general information).
An instrument which reveals the condition of a particular component. See dial gauge, gear indicator, and treadwear indicator.
A measure that consists of ordered categories arranged in ascending or descending order of desirability.
A specific quantitative and/or qualitative measurement for each aspect of performance (output or outcome) under consideration.
a measurable item or unit that is used to monitor and report changes
An instrument used to show movement or measure movement with a rotating dial.. It indicates distance moved. There are two basic indicator types used in the machine shop: the dial indicator (left below) and the test indicator (right below). Even though both indicators have dials and are - in general - known as "dial indicators" the test indicator is distinct from the dial indicator.
signal that reveals progress (or lack thereof) towards objectives; means of measuring what actually happens against what has been planned in terms of quantity, quality and timeliness. Example: women's annual income from small-scale and micro enterprises assisted by a project over a five-year period, to show if there has been an increase in the women's level of income as planned.
A measurement or index (often statistical) designed to capture, as accurately as possible, a political, economic or social phenomenon (e.g., effective governance or poverty level).
a measurement which is used as a representative of the state of a larger system
A measurement that reflects the status of some social, economic, or environmental system over time. The term Indicator is derived from the Latin verb indicare, meaning “to point out or proclaim.” Generally an indicator focuses on a small, manageable, tangible and telling piece of a system to give people a sense of the bigger picture.
a number or ratio (a value on a scale of measurement) derived from a series of observed facts; can reveal relative changes as a function of time
a bit of information (such as an event or a statistic) to measure an effect of a program
a direct or indirect measure of change
a discrete statistical metric used to estimate project outputs and post-project outcomes
a figure that can be measured
a measurable feature that provides evidence of the magnitude of stress, or the degree of exposure to stress, or the degree of ecological response to the exposure, or habitat characteristics
a measurable or observable student action that enables one to judge whether a student has mastered a particular Objective
a measurable quantity that is so strongly associated with particular environmental conditions that the value of the measurable quantity can be used to indicate the existence and maintenance of these conditions
a measurable variable related to a structure, process, or outcome of care
a measure--directly observed or derived--which indicates movement towards, or away from, an agreed project target
a measured or observed parameter that provides information about patterns in the physical state of the environment, trends in human activities that affect or are affected by the environment, or about relationships between or amongst these things
a measure (measurement) of an aspect of the criterion
a measurement that, when compared to either a standard or the desired level of achievement, provides information regarding a health outcome or a management process
a measurement which can be made continuously - or in as near to real time as possible - and tells you something important about the system with which you are dealing
a measure of something that matters, an important issue or policy
a measure or combination of measures that provide insight into an issue or concept
a measure or measurement of an aspect of a criterion
a measure which helps quantify the achievement of a result
a Measuring or Recording unit, also a Pointer on a Gage, Dial, or Meter
a metric or series of metrics that provide insight into a process, project or product
an individual or composite statistic that relates to a basic construct in education and is useful in a policy context
a number, a table of numbers, or a visual representation of quantitative information
a number intended to measure some social, health, economic, or other characteristic of people, organizations, or communities
a numerical measure that provides information about a complex situation or event
a numerical value derived from actual measurements, has known statistical properties, and conveys useful information for environmental decision making
a parameter that can be used to provide a measure of the quality of water or ecosystem condition
a particular characteristic or dimension used to measure intended changes
a qualitative or quantitative statement
a quantitative measure used to gauge success in meeting targets
a quantitative or qualitative parameter, which can be assessed in relation to a criterion
a quantitative or qualitative value, a variable, pointer, or index related to a criterion
a quantitative or qualitative variable which can be measured or described and which, when observed periodically, demonstrates trends
a standard which measures the results of one project or programme in terms of change that the project/programme could make
a statement of the behaviour that students might display as they work towards the achievement of syllabus outcomes
a statistical technique for making an approximation for quantities that are not practical to measure
a statistic or parameter that tracked over time, provides information on trends in the condition of a phenomenon and has significance extending beyond that associated with the properties of the statistic itself
a statistic that describes the health of a system or the status of an important policy issue
a technical representation of market data used to determine market trend, market strength and anticipated market direction
a variable that is measured to reflect improvement in the behavior specified in the IEP goal
a variable which can be measured (quantity) or appreciated (quality or trend), and which can show changes in a given phenomenon and the achievement of a result or an objective
a way to measure a specific issue or condition that is relevant to the overall health of a community
a way to measure how well a community is meeting the needs and expectations of its present and future members
An indicator, such as the trading of corporate insiders or the movement of interest rates, is a tool that investors or analysts use to forecast the market's direction.
Information that is a sign, symptom, product or index of the state of the larger system. In comprehensive planning, indicators are measurements that provide citizens with clear information about a community's past trends and current realities.
An indicator is a quantitative or qualitative performance metric against which one specific aspect of environmental performance can be measured e.g. kg NOx per tonne of product per annum
A performance measure which can show the impact of an organization in a defined region, or the degree to which an organization has changed.
Is the unit of measurement (or pointers) that is used to monitor or evaluate the achievement of project objectives over time. Indicators can include specification of quantifiable targets and measures of quality.
a measurable characteristic of the system used to evaluate the outcome of management actions.
a measure that tracks goals, objectives, actions, and targets (or inputs, outputs, and outcomes) by stating them in specific and observable terms.
quantitative or qualitative measure, often of change, typically intended to represent a complex system. Climate examples include temperature, precipitation, sea level; land use/ land cover examples include percent of land in wetlands or developed, dominant types of vegetation, ...
A specific, observable, and measurable characteristic or change that shows the progress a program is making toward achieving a specified outcome.
A feature or phenomenon that can be objectively measured in quantitative or qualitative terms as a means of gauging progress toward achieving a goal or measuring the impact of a specific intervention
Indicators are further detailed quantitative and qualitative descriptors of outcomes. They tell you what the organization is doing. There are often many indicators for each performance measure. Indicators relate directly to the performance measure, and indirectly to the objective and outcome. Often indicators are described as "the number of...".
a statistical measure used to illustrate progress of a country in meeting a range of economic, social and environmental goals. Since indicators represent data that have been collected by a variety of agencies using different collection methods, there may be inconsistencies among them.
A measurable quantity that can be used to evaluate the relationship between pollutant sources and their impact on water quality.
Quantitative or qualitative factor or variable that provides a simple and reliable basis for assessing achievement, change or performance. A unit of information measured over time that can help show changes in a specific condition. A given goal or objective can have multiple indicators.
A measurable variable (or characteristic) that can be used to determine the degree of adherence to a standard or the level of quality achieved.
A measure which is used to indicate the occurrence of an event, where a direct measure cannot be used (6)
(see also Outcome Measure, Performance Measure): A defined and measurable variable used to assess patient outcome or MCO and provider effectiveness and quality of care.
Any of various values that provide an indication of the condition or direction of an entity; Something visible or evident that gives grounds for believing in the existence or presence of something else. Indicators may be quantitative or qualitative. Signal that reveals progress (or lack thereof) towards objectives; means of measuring what actually happens against what has been planned in terms of quantity, quality and timeliness. It is a quantitative or qualitative variable that provides a simple and reliable basis for assessing achievement, change or performance.
As used in the planning literature, an indicator is a variable that conveys information on the condition a nd/or trend of an attribute(s) of the system considered. The indicator will then have a specific value at a given time. In UrbanSim, an indicator is defined by a SQL database query that can be used to return these values. Using Python scripts, modelers can compute indicator values and visualize them via Microsoft Excel and JUMP.
An indirect measure of a broad concept which can't be measured directly. E.g. the visible wear in a museum carpet in front of an exhibit is an indicator of the exhibit's popularity. See also performance indicator and proxy and validity.
A measure that helps to quantify, express, or "indicate" the achievement and/or progress toward an outcome or goal. The indicator is the statistic or measure (or set of measures) that helps describe the social/physical condition. The indicator may be used to measure achievement or progress toward an outcome but in its purest definition it is the measure alone. It answers the question: "What will indicate to us we are reaching the goal?"
Measure or symbol that reflects the status of a system
Measurable evidence of meeting a goal. Indicators are visible signs, (e.g. reading scores, attendance) that demonstrate that the outcomes are achieved. Often, indicators can be counted (quantitative), but sometimes evidence will be something more descriptive (qualitative). Each indicator needs to have four components: population, target, threshold and timeline. These answer the questions: Who or what is to reach this goal? (population) How many of that group do we need to have reach the goal? (target) What level needs to reached—how good is good enough?) (threshold) By when does this goal need to be reached? (timeline)
Information/data that can help us measure whether we are making progress toward a desired outcome. It usually takes several indicators to determine whether an outcome is being achieved. For example, in trying to understand whether children are healthy (an outcome), among the many indicators one can examine are immunization rates, percentage of children covered by health insurance, or the percentage of mothers receiving prenatal care. Benchmark and milestone are two other terms often used for the word indicator.
A qualitative or quantitative parameter which can be assessed in relation to a performance measure
A statistical measure which summarises information about a particular item or subject of interest, eg crime or education, and which provides a more accurate and reliable indication of change in that item than the use of raw data on their own. Indicators are usually (but not always) presented as rates or percentages, which facilitate comparisons between areas and over time.
A measure using statistics and data for predicting future economic trends and security prices. Technical indicators, for example, are based on the price of a security. Economic indicators, like the unemployment rate, provide information about the business cycle. Oscillators, charts and other statistical tools are used to evaluate trends.
A measure used to determine, over time, performance of functions, processes, and outcomes. A statistical value that provides an indication of the condition or direction over time of performance of a defined process or achievement of a defined outcome.
a quantitative or qualitative variable which can be measured or described, and which provides a means of judging whether a forest management unit complies with the requirements of an FSC Criterion. Indicators and the associated thresholds thereby define the requirements for responsible forest management at the level of the forest management unit and are the primary basis of forest evaluation.
Characteristic or attribute which can be measured, i.e. data.
An algorithm or technique used to predict future price movement.
Quantitative or qualitative factor or variable that provides a simple and reliable means to measure achievement, to reflect the changes connected to an intervention, or to help assess the performance of a development actor (DAC).
An identified measure of a process.
Qualitative or quantitative information that typically expresses performance in a given area, possibly relative to a given target or standard.
The specific, measurable information that will be collected to track success of an outcome. Another commonly used phrase is "performance measure."
a variable that measures or describes the state or condition of a value.
An instrument used to reveal but not necessarily measure the presence of an electrical quantity. It is used to display the output of a sensing element after suitable amplification and modification. Sometimes called display.
A specific, measurable item of information that specifies progress toward achieving a result.
A statistical compilation of multiple similar or related performance measures/metrics. It is used to link related organizational issues, to evaluate interrelated leading or lagging indicators, or to effectively reduce the overall number of metrics or measures to a manageable level.
(noun) Any of a group of statistical values that taken together give an insight into a particular topic.
A signal used to predict the value (or movement in the value) of another variable.
A mark or a measure that helps you to know if you are succeeding in reaching your goals. Indicators are often used in a State of the Environment Report to measure how we are managing our resources.
A quantitative or qualitative measure that provides a basis for assessing achievement, change, or performance over time.
An identified marker/benchmark or value used to indicate the level of an outcome.
A value, usually derived from a stock's price or volume, that an investor can use to try to anticipate future price movements. Indicators are divided into two groups: trend following or lagging and momentum or leading. Lagging indicators tell you what prices are doing now, or in the recent past, so they are useful when stocks are trending. A moving average is an example of a lagging indicator. Leading indicators are designed to anticipate future price action and many come in the form of oscillators, e.g. RSI and MACD.
Evidence of achievement or non-achievement of any outcome.
A substitute measure for a concept that is not directly observable or measurable
Any physical, chemical or biological characteristic used as a measure of environmental quality.
A measure of change in a certain variable(s) over time often used to track the achievement of specific objectives.
Quantitative measure of performance. Indicators are usually ratios comparing the number of occurrences a certain phenomenon and the number of times the phenomenon could have occurred.
An explicit measure used to determine performance; a signal that reveals progress towards objectives; a means of measuring what actually happens against what has been planned in terms of quality, quantity and timeliness.
A simple metric that is intended to be easy to measure. Its intent is to obtain general information about performance trends by means of surveys, telephone interviews, and the like.
A measure that helps quantify the achievement of a result, outcome, or goal Observable, measurable characteristics or changes that represent achievement of an outcome Synonym: benchmark CSSP Guide 6 p 21Source web site
something measured that signifies a state or level of performance or achievement. For example, an indicator for the level of post-secondary attainment might be the percentage of working-age population which has completed a post-secondary program. For a list of indicators selected for the Composite Learning Index, please click here.
A specific description of an outcome in terms of observable and assessable behaviors. An indicator specifies what a person who possesses the qualities articulated in an outcome knows or can do. Several indicators are generally needed to adequately describe each outcome. (McTighe & Ferrara)
Statistics which provide an indication of the trends of the financial world or the economy in general.
Anything used to predict future financial or economic trends.
A technical measurement used by market analysts to help forecast market direction.
Any device, a gauge, register, pointer or dial that measures or records and visibly indicates.
A statistic that is used to anticipate changes in another variable.