A standard of judging; any approved or established rule or test, by which facts, principles opinions, and conduct are tried in forming a correct judgment respecting them.
In assessment and performance appraisal, this term is taken as an indicator for job success or as an aspect of job success. Criteria are applied as test parameters for the validity of a predictor (e. g. of a selection test).
The test by which we distinguish true judgments from those which are false.
A criterion specifies the attributes of successful or meritorious performance. The term criteria is often interchangeable with rubrics, scoring guidelines, and scoring rubrics.
Character, property or consequence of a public intervention on the basis of which a judgement will be formulated. For example, an employment incentive programme may be judged in terms of "costs per job created" or "percentage of support benefiting the long-term unemployed" (in the latter case, it is assumed that the higher the percentage, the better the intervention). An evaluation criterion should be explicit, that is, it must clearly show why the intervention will be judged better or worse. The types of criteria frequently used in evaluation are: performance, effectiveness, equity and sustainability. Thus, evaluation criteria may refer to different social values. To be used in an evaluation, a criterion should be accompanied by a norm (level of success at which an intervention will be considered good in terms of this criterion). An intervention is generally judged in terms of several criteria. Related Terms: Social Value BACK
A standard or standards for judging how well or to what degree something has been learned. See Standards of Scholarship.
A behavior, characteristic, or quality of a product or performance about which some judgment is made ( Clark, 1975). It represents what a teacher intended to teach and what is checked to see if students did indeed learn what the teacher thought was taught.
standard for judgement There were several criteria that will qualify a victim to recover damages in nervous shock. criterial (adj)
the ideal in terms of which something can be judged; "they live by the standards of their community"
a rule or standard by which to rank the alternatives in order of desirability
a standard, a basis for judgment or criticism, a principle for testing or evaluating something
a standard by which something is judged, and may be technical or social
a standard for judging on a certain topic or subject matter
a standard of judging -- a rule or test by which anything is tried in forming a correct judgement respecting it
a standard of judgment by which one discerns and separates the good from the bad
a standard upon which a decision or judgment can be based (the plural is criteria )
a test that the data passes in order to display after the filter applies
One of the requirements for being identified as higher performing. For example: percent tested criterion there must be an appropriate percentage of students tested on each exam.
Principle or standard that an alternative (opinion/strategy) is judged by.
An established standard by which something may be judged or examined.
The standard by which something is measured. In training, the task or learning objective standard is the measure of student performance. In test validation, it is the standard against which test instruments are correlated to indicate the accuracy with which they predict human performance in some specific area. In evaluation it is the measure used to determine the adequacy of a product, process, or behavior.
A standard by which something can be judged.
An established rule or standard by which something can be measured. In this case it involves a standard set by Access Keys used to gauge the accessibility of a given web page.
a standard on which a judgment may be based.
A standard rule or test on which a judgement or decision can be based; a specific, detailed explanation of how the observer will know when the student has achieved the objective; the expected level of achievement.
A standard or judgment used as a basis for quantitative and qualitative comparison; that variable to which a test is compared to constitute a measure of the test's validity. For example, grade-point average and attainment of curricular objectives are often used as criteria for judging the validity of an academic aptitude test.
A requirement on which a judgment or decision can be based.
(a) A set of scores or other records against which the success of a predictive test is verified. (b) A standard selected as the goal to be achieved in a learning task; for example, the number of runs through a maze to be made without error as an indication that the maze has been mastered.