Position or situation with regard to seeing; that position which enables one to look in a particular direction; position in relation to the points of the compass; as, a house has a southern aspect, that is, a position which faces the south.
A view of a plane from a given direction, usually from above; more exactly, the manner of presentation of a plane to a fluid through which it is moving or to a current. If an immersed plane meets a current of fluid long side foremost, or in broadside aspect, it sustains more pressure than when placed short side foremost. Hence, long narrow wings are more effective than short broad ones of the same area.
The direction in which a face is facing; in my model, this is comprised of rotations on the X, Y and Z axes.
A position on a sloped surface facing a particular direction. Usually referred to in compass directions such as degrees or as cardinal directions.
the direction a surface is "facing", such as east or southeast; also called orientation
A side or surface facing in a particular direction.
When relating to a slope, this refers to the direction the slope is facing.
The compass direction that a surface faces.
The direction a particular slope is facing.
Direction of the maximum slope. Aspect is usually given in 8 cardinal directions N,NE,E,SE,S,SW,W,NW. An additional value is often assigned for the characteristic of "flat".
The part of a location or building facing in a particular direction.
That part of a surface facing in any designated direction. Appearance, looks.
the expression on a person's face; "a sad expression"; "a look of triumph"; "an angry face"
horizontal direction in which a slope faces, commonly expressed as the direction clockwise from north.
the horizontal angle (i.e., compass direction) of a rock surface or rock art image.
geographic orientation toward preferred compass direction
The compass direction that sloping land mostly faces.
A position facing a particular direction. Usually referring to in compass directions such as degrees or as cardinal directions (e.g., north, west).
Fire Control] The direction towards which a slope faces. Related Links
Azimuth that the surface slope faces.
refers to the general topography of a vineyard-which direction the vines face, the angle and height of the slope, and how it interrelates with the climate.
A topography term for direction towards which a slope faces.
The visual first impression of vegetation at a particular time or as seen from a specific point. (2) The predominant direction of slope of the land.
more info The direction a slope faces. ie: North, South, East, or West.
Direction toward which a slope is facing.
the direction toward which an (avalanche) slope faces. For example, north aspect slopes face toward the north. Slope aspects are particularly important when considering the effects of solar radiation or wind loading on the snowpack.
Direction toward which a slope faces.
The compass direction that a slope faces.
The direction towards which a slope faces. Cf Exposure. ( Ecol.). The seasonal appearance of a community, e.g., Spring aspect, Summer aspect etc.
the direction (N,S,E,W) of reference or the direction of exposure to elements such as wind. Bajadas: lower slopes of mountains characterized by loose sediment and poor soil development.
Aspect is the direction in which a slope faces. Aspect influences the physical environment and associated plant communities. For example, in the northern hemisphere, south facing slopes generally receive more solar radiation and are drier than north facing slopes.
Refers to the direction a vineyard faces
A position facing in a particular direction. (referring to factors relating to direction of sunlight and prevailing winds)
The direction a slope faces. For example, a hillside facing east has an eastern aspect.
The direction toward which the slope faces.
The direction a slope faces with respect to the cardinal compass points. ( FEMAT, IX-2) A hillside facing east has an eastern aspect
Horizontal direction in which a slope faces (e.g., a SE facing slope has an aspect of 135 degrees).
The compass direction of a slope.
The direction towards which a slope faces according to the main poits of the compass.
The direction a slope is facing; i.e., its exposure in relation to the sun.
In geography, aspect generally refers to the direction to which a mountain slope faces. For example, a slope on the eastern edge of the Rockies toward the Great Plains is described as having an easterly aspect. A slope which falls down to a deep valley on its western side and a shallower one on its eastern side has a westerly aspect or is a west-facing slope.