The wife of Amon, she was venerated in Thebes. Originally depicted as a vulture, she later took on a human form.
an ancient Egyptian goddess, Mut was a mother goddess regarded as the mother of pharaohs. Her husband was Amon and her son Khonsu, the moon god; her name means “mother” or “one who dives birth” although, according to myth, she was self-created. Ancient Egyptian Gods - Mut
Wife to Amun, who she married in the 18th Dynasty. The vulture-headed goddess of nature, who lived at Luxor Temple.
"mother": worshiped as the consort of Amun; shown as a vulture or as a woman wearing the double crown
The vulture goddess of Thebes. Female counterpart of Amon, mother of Khonsu, and a member of the triad of Thebes.
The black vulture goddess who is reproduction personified, the impersonal reproductive force which will devour its young as easily as produce them. She is the mother of gods and pharaohs. Her vulture symbol is worn on the forehead as part of the royal crown.
(Pronounced ‘Moot'.) Mother goddess in the form of a vulture.
"Mother" The mother-goddess, queen of the gods. She was the wife of Amon.
Mut was the divine mother goddess, the queen of all gods. She is portraied as a woman wearing a vulture headdress, with the double crown( Pshent) of upper and lower Egypt. NATRON. . A naturally occurring salt used as a preservative and drying agent during mummification. It is a mixture of four salts that occur in varying proportions: sodium carbonate, sodium bicarbonate, sodium chloride and sodium sulfate.
Mut was an ancient Egyptian mother goddess with multiple aspects that changed over the centuries. Rulers of Egypt supported her worship in their own way to emphasize their own authority and right to rule.