dye-oh-NYE-suhs] The Thracian god of wine, represents not only the intoxicating power of wine, but also its social and beneficent influences. He is viewed as the promoter of civilization, a lawgiver, and lover of peace — as well as the patron deity of both agriculture and the theater. Son of Zeus and Semele.
(Bacchus) Greek god of wine; Dionysus may have been identified with the Nabataean Dushara.
Son of Zeus and the mortal Semele. God of wine and worshipped by men for the joys of life and love of festivity which he taught to them. Brought his mother back from the underworld after she had died due to the deception of jealous Hera caused Zeus to visit her in divine form. Borne children by Ariadne, whom he carried off after she had been abandoned by Theseus. Denied as a god by Pentheus, the Theban king
Greek god of wine. Said to have been worshiped by satyrs and centaur
(Bacchus) - Greek god of wine and theater, son of Zeus and Semele; read the Homeric Hymn to Dionysus to learn more. Bullfinch's Mythology: Bacchus (Dionysus)
the Greek god of wine, called Bacchus by the Romans. Portrayal of Dionysus
dye-oh-NYE-suhs] Son of Zeus and Semele, and god of the vine that produces wine, he was a male fertility figure who represented a great variety of natural forces, including the vegetative cycle of life, growth, death, and rebirth, and the conflicting power of human passions. He is also called Bacchus, Bromius, and Liber.
The Greek god of drama as well as the god of drinking and fertility. Dionysus was known as Bacchus in Rome.
(Greek mythology) god of wine and fertility and drama; the Greek name of Bacchus
God of wine and the youngest of the twelve Olympians. The goddess Hestia relinquished her position to him when he entered Olympus after spending many years wandering the world establishing his cult.
A god of wine and festivals. Herodotus's recitations probably took place in the festival devoted to this god
(aka Bacchus) - in classical Greek mythology the god of wine (and madness).
God of wine, intoxication, and fertility in Greek mythology. He invented wine on Mount Nyssa and spread the practice of cultivating grapes around the world. His dual nature is represented in the joy and social benefits of wine as well as the brutality, thoughtlessness and rage that can result from its abuse. [ Bequest: The Saint; Don Juan's Death
also Bacchus) God of fruitfulness, vegetation, wine and ecstasy. Son of Zeus and Semele.