Horizontal turning of the camera.
Pan is short for panorama, referring to the movement of a camera horizontally from side to side.
To widen the view perspective in a graphic display (i.e., "zoom out").
Stereo balance between left and right speakers.
A camera move in which the camera appears to move horizontally or vertically, usually to follow the action or scan a scene. In animation, the effect is achieved by moving the artwork under the camera.
to rotate the camera about on its vertical axis.
To follow the horizontal movement of an object.
To move the viewing window up, down, or sideways to display areas in a geographic data set which, at the current viewing scale, lie outside the viewing window. See also zoom.
Sideways movement of a camera.
A movement in which the camera turns to right or left on a horizontal axis.
movement of a film or video camera in a horizontal plane , see tilt.
One of the controls on a sound mixing desk. It determines where in the stereo image the sound will appear. For example, if the pan control is turned fully left, all the sound will go to the left channel; fully right, all goes to the righ channel. If the pan control is centred, the sound will be equally distributed between both left and right channels.
To move the camera in a horizontal arc while shooting.
Horizontal camera pivot, right to left or left to right, from a stationary position. Follows a subject, redirects viewer's attention from one subject to another, shows relationship between subjects, and scans subjects too large to fit into one shot.
1. In a mono signal, a control that adjusts the amount the signal goes to the right or left channels of a stereo output (or selected odd/even number subgroups on a mixer). To pan a signal hard left (all of the way to the left) is to send the signal only to the left channel, panning it hard right sends it to the right channel only. If the control is left in the center position, the signal is sent equally to both the left and right channels. 2. Panoramic potentiometer; the component, circuit, or control that allows a signal to be panned. 3. A balance control.
Abbreviation of ‘panorama': controls the levels that are sent to left and right outputs. It allows positioning of signals within the stereo sound stage.
The process of moving the current view of the map laterally, without changing the map scale. (Click here to see the buttons for panning.)
Refers to horizontal (side to side) dynamic motion of a camera. Any equipment capable of panning can rotate back and forth along a horizontal axis. Some equipment, indicated as "PTZ," has the ability to pan as well as tilt and zoom.
camera movement in which the camera body swivels to the right or left. The onscreen effect is of scanning the space horizontally.
make a sweeping movement; "The camera panned across the room"
A pivotal camera movement on a horizontal plane. For example, the camera moves (pans) from left to right as it follows an actor walking by.
A term derived from "panorama," referring to a parameter that specifies the location of a sound within the stereo field. Normally if a sound that is originally stereo is assigned to two monaural channels, the pan controls of the two channels are set to far left and far right so that the sound can be monitored in its original spatial state.
A horizontal camera pivot (from right to left or left to right) from a stationary position.
When used in reference to video, it is the sweeping movement of a camera across a scene or the appearance of such movement in a video as created by EditDV's PZR filter.
To rotate the camera left and right around the camera’s vertical axis.
A horizontal movement of the camera from a fixed point.
Moving the camera horizontally to capture a subject in motion.
Term used to describe the position, or "placement", of a single sound within the stereo spectrum (soundstage).
angular displacement of a view along any axis of direction in a three-dimensional world
A slow move of the camcorder from left to right or right to left.
Movement of the camera on a horizontal axis.
A camera shot which moves left to right or right to left.
Horizontal movement of a video camera; for example, to follow a running figure. See also tilt.
Horizontal camera movement
A shot in which a stationary camera turns horizontally, revealing new areas.
A camera is panned when it is rotated on its vertical axis.
a camera operation during recording that moves the lens along a horizontal plane.
A camera shot which sweeps from side-to-side.
A camera movement with the camera body turning to the right or left. On the screen, it produces a mobile framing which scans the space horizontally.
Moving the camera so that the image of a moving object remains in the same relative position in the viewfinder as you take a picture.
The angular displacement of a view along any axis or direction in a 3D world; or a move through translation in a 2D world.
The movement of the camera horizontally from the pan head.
Refers to moving an audio signal left or right in the stereo spectrum. Also called the balance control. All stereo audio mixers have panning, and most software sequencers allow you to set and change panning.
To move a spotlight in the horizontal plane
Side-to-side movement of a camera (on a horizontal axis).
The action of rotating a camera about its vertical axis which creates a sweeping panoramic view.
pivoting the camera on the tripod, or turning your body (hand-held) to move the lens (but not the whole camera) in a line parallel to the ground.
When the camera pivots on its vertical axis; the shot that results from this. From panorama or panoramic.
A camera move from left to right from a fixed point. In a pan the camera is rotating on the head and not moving on a dolly.
a mixing term (short for "panoramic") - controls the left-right position of a track in the stereo field
to move a signal from the left to the right of a stereo field, or vice versa.
Movement of the camera from side to side from a fixed base.
A camera move that pivots the camera horizontally, right to left or left to right, from a stationary position. Follows a subject, redirects viewer's attention from one subject to another, shows relationships between subjects, or scans subjects too large to fit into one shot.
A camera technique in which the point of view is adjusted by moving the camera direction along the horizontal plane.
Horizontal camera pivot from a stationary position. Panning left makes the subject appear to move from left to right across the screen. Panning right makes the subject appear to move from right to left across the screen.
A camera direction indicating a stationary camera that pivots back and forth or up and down.
This moves the display portion of the photo (assuming you're not displaying all of it) without affecting the size of the display portion.
Rotating or scanning a camera side ways to view an area in a horizontal direction.
A horizontal rotational movement by the camera.
to rotate the camcorder horizontally to provide a 'panoramic' view.
Rotating a camera around the vertical axis.
The action of rotating a camera about its vertical axis. See also tilt.
To pivot a camera in a horizontal direction.
( panoramic) control A control found on mixers, used to "move," or pan the apparent position of a single sound channel between two outputs, usually "left," and "right," for stereo outputs. At one extreme of travel the sound source is heard from only one output; at the other extreme it is heard from the other output. In the middle, the sound is heard equally from each output, but is reduced in level by 3 dB relative to its original value. This guarantees that as the sound is panned from one side to the other, it maintains equal loudness (power) for all positions. Contrast with balance and crossfade controls.