Eruption of vesicles on the trunk of the body along a nerve path. Can be painful and generally occurs on only one side of the body. Thought to be caused by a virus.
A skin condition caused by reactivation of a Varicella zoster virus (VZV) infection, usually acquired in childhood (when it appears as chicken pox). It consists of painful, inflammatory blisters on the skin that follow the path of individual peripheral nerves. The blisters generally dry and scab, leaving minor scarring. Standard treatment is with famciclovir or acyclovir. See also Herpes Virus.
Condition caused by a herpes virus infection, involving painful blisters on the skin.
is caused by the herpes zoster virus and is characterized by pain or a tingling sensation in a limited area of one side of the face or torso. A red rash follows, with small, fluid-filled blisters.
An acute virus disease characterized by inflammation of dorsal root ganglia and marked by a vesicular eruption along the area of distribution of a cutaneous nerve.
A viral infection of certain sensory nerves that causes pain and blisters on the skin along the course of the infected nerve. Also called herpes zoster.
A viral infection that may occur in a person who has previously had chicken pox. Shingles or zoster is the reactivation of the chicken pox virus (varicella).
eruptions along a nerve path often accompanied by severe neuralgia
or herpes zoster, is the reactivation of the chicken pox virus varicella-zoster. Medical experts believe that several things may cause the virus to begin reproducing. The most common are advancing age, stress, and a weakened immune system.
A condition caused by the same virus that causes chicken pox and is characterized by inflammation of nerve endings; an opportunistic infection common to people with AIDS.
When a dormant (inactive) chicken pox virus is reactivated, the resulting illness is called shingles. This virus can lay dormant in the body for many years and can be reactivated at a later time for unknown reasons. Symptoms include blisters, rash, and pain.
A viral infection of the nerves that results in a painful skin rash.
A painful skin rash due to the virus herpes zoster.
A skin condition caused by re-activation of a varicella zoster virus infection, usually acquired during childhood.
herpes zoster. A viral infection caused by a virus and characterized by itching, pain, and a rash on one side of the body.
An acute infection caused by a herpes virus and characterized by inflammation ...of certain spinal or cranial nerves and the eruption of vesicles along the affected nerve path. It usually strikes only one side of the body and is often accompanied by severe pain. ? Copper - apply topically throughout the day to affected area. ? Silver- apply topically throughout the day to affected area. ? Folic acid ? Vitamin B - complex
A condition caused by a virus that lies dormant in a nerve root after having chicken pox; when activated, can cause blisters and pain in an area of the body.
This illness is caused by the reactivation of the varicella-zoster virus, which causes varicella (chickenpox). The virus can remain in the spinal cord for a long time after varicella infection (chickenpox) has gone. Symptoms of shingles include a painful rash, usually affecting adults.
a viral infection -- called herpes zoster by doctors -- consists of painful blisters on the skin that follow nerve pathways.
Medical condition that develops when the varicella-zoster virus, the virus that causes chicken pox, is reactivated. The first sign is usually a rash that forms a band or patch of raised bumps. As shingles progresses, small blisters form. A person may experience mild to severe itching and pain. Other symptoms are fever, chills, headache, and upset stomach. Shingles only occurs in people who have had chicken pox.
Viral disease characterized by skin blisters (closely related to chickenpox - cannot get shingles unless previously affected by chickenpox. often brought on by stress. most commonly the blisteres develope on the back - extremely itching)
a viral infection (herpes zoster) that causes painful sores on the skin.
viral infection (herpes zoster) which also causes chicken pox. The virus can remain in the system for years. If you had chicken pox as a child, the infection can become active again later in life due to certain factors.
water blisters that become filled with pus, scab over, and then heal. This is the same virus that causes chicken pox.
An acute infection caused by the herpes zoster virus, the same virus as causes chickenpox. Shingles is most common after the age of 50 and the risk rises with advancing age. Shingles occurs because of exposure to chickenpox or reactivation of the herpes zoster virus. The virus remains latent (dormant) in nerve roots for many years following chickenpox. See the entire definition of Shingles
An infectious disease, accompanied by a skin rash, caused by a virus that has remained latent inside the body.
a painful rash caused by the same virus as chicken pox. After a person has chicken pox, the virus stays in the body. Later in life, this virus may come back as shingles. Shingles usually starts with pain and a rash. The rash usually goes away in 2 to 4 weeks.
See Herpes Varicella Zoster Virus.
A herpes virus infection (herpes zoster) that usually affects a nerve, causing pain in one area of the body.
Infection of the ganglia of the posterior roots of the spinal nerves or the fifth cranial nerve by the varcella-zoster virus (shingles), which also causes chicken pox; it is marked by a painful eruption of vesicles usually on one side of the body along the course of one or more cutaneous nerves.
A disease characterized by painful skin lesions that occur mainly on the trunk (back and stomach) of the body but which can also develop on the face and in the mouth. Complications include headache, vomiting, fever, and meningitis. Recovery make take up to five weeks. Shingles is caused by the same virus that causes chickenpox. Most people are exposed to this virus during childhood. After the primary infection (chickenpox), the virus becomes dormant, or inactivated. In some people, the infection reactivates years, or even decades later and causes shingles. Also known as herpes zoster.
A painful skin condition caused by a form of the herpes virus.
A disease caused by varicella zoster virus. The main symptoms are pain and a rash.
acute infection of the peripheral nervous system caused by herpes zoster virus; zona
The Condition"...Shingles is also more common in people with weakened immune systems from HIV infection, chemotherapy or radiation treatment, transplant operations and stress..."
Effect of the herpes varicella zoster virus.
The Condition"...For instance, if shingles affects the eye, the cornea can become infected and lead to temporary or permanent blindness..."
The Condition"...Another complication of the virus is postherpetic neuralgia, a condition in which the pain from shingles persists for months - sometimes years - after the shingles rash has healed..." Recommendation Cayenne Pepper"Capsaicin used topically may benefit sufferers of postherpetic neuralgia..."
Recommendation L-Lysine"...Herpes zoster is closely related to herpes simplex, however, and lysine appears to have a similar role to play in treating an eruption of shingles..."
A severe infection caused by the Varicella-Zoster virus (VZV), affecting mainly adults. It causes painful skin blisters that follow the underlying route of brain or spinal nerves infected by the virus. Also know as herpes zoster.