The Condition"...Possible complications include ... Hepatitis with jaundice (more common in patients older than 35)..."
Our Question about pressure or 'fullness' under lower left rib cage"...If you have mono and get a severe sharp, sudden pain on the left side of your upper abdomen, go to an emergency room immediately..."
The Condition"...Contact sports should be avoided while the spleen is enlarged..." Our Question about pressure or 'fullness' under lower left rib cage"About 50-75% of people with mononucleosis have some spleen enlargement, usually seen two to three weeks after they first become sick..."
The Condition"...Other tests your doctor might order include a complete blood count (CBC) to see if your blood platelet count is lower than normal and if lymphocytes are abnormal, and a chemistry panel to see if liver enzymes are abnormal..."
The Condition"...Diagnostic problems can result because enlarged lymphocytes are common with mono, but can also be a symptom of leukemia..."
The Condition"...Usually caused by the Epstein-Barr virus ( EBV), it usually runs its course quickly and rarely produces any serious complications..." Our Question about Epstein-Barr virus"When infection with EBV occurs during adolescence or young adulthood, it causes infectious mononucleosis 35-50% of the time..." Relationship to Infectious Mononucleosis (CMV)"Mononucleosis-like disease may be caused by the cytomegalovirus (CMV) as well as the classic mononucleosis of the Epstein-Barr virus ( EBV)..."
The Condition" Mononucleosis, often called "Mono", is a usually mild self-limiting acute viral infection and, in most cases, does not deserve its bad reputation..." Our Question about Epstein-Barr virus"When infection with EBV occurs during adolescence or young adulthood, it causes infectious mononucleosis 35-50% of the time..." Relationship to Pharyngitis ("Strep Throat")"...Second, strep throat or other throat infections can develop at any time during or shortly after infectious mononucleosis infection..." Relationship to Infectious Mononucleosis (CMV)"Mononucleosis-like disease may be caused by the cytomegalovirus (CMV) as well as the classic mononucleosis of the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)..." Recommendation Ozone / Oxidative Therapy"According to doctors who have used ozone in mononucleosis, resolution of symptoms is accomplished more quickly..."
The Condition"...patient is not indicated; one can not catch mononucleosis by sitting in the same room with someone who has it, although persons who have had mononucleosis can shed the virus periodically in their saliva for the rest of their lives..."
The Condition"...The mono spot test identifies an antibody which is present in mononucleosis and is the test most commonly used to tell whether someone has mono or some other ailment..."
The Condition"...Prognosis and Possible Complications Fever usually abates in about 10 days, and swollen lymph glands and spleen heal in 4 weeks..."
The Condition"...A less common form of mononucleosis is caused by cytomegalovirus (CMV)..." Relationship to Infectious Mononucleosis (CMV)"Mononucleosis-like disease may be caused by the cytomegalovirus (CMV) as well as the classic mononucleosis of the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)..."
Relationship to Infectious Mononucleosis (CMV)"...Both viruses are members of the herpes virus family..."
The Condition"...Confirmation, if necessary, can be accomplished by either of two blood tests ... EBV causes an increase in a specific type of white blood cell, the atypical lymphocyte..."