Individuals are in a latent state when they have been infected, but are not yet showing symptoms, and are not yet infectious.
Hidden from view; concealed. See also patent.
Present or existing but not manifest, visible or active. See latent heat.
present, but not manifested or visible, as a symptomless infection.
Present, but not active (resting). Latent HSV infection means that the virus is hidden in the body, but it is not causing herpes symptoms. Most of the time, HSV stays in a latent state inside a bundle of nerve cells called ganglia.
not presently active; "latent infection"; "latent diabetes"
present but not seen. A latent viral infection is one in which no virus can be found in the blood cells but in which those virus-infected cells can produce virus under certain circumstances.
disease A disease characterized by periods of inactivity either before symptoms appear or between at
M. tuberculosis infection (or latent tuberculosis infection [LTBI]). See Infection.
dormant, temporarily inactive, hidden.
Present, but not active. Latent HSV infection means that the virus is present in the body, but it is not currently causing an outbreak.
(gradually developing) disease - an illness that lies dormant for some years before manifesting itself.
Existing, but lying hidden or concealed. (See, also "Patent.")
Existing in a hidden or dormant form. Present, or capable of living or developing in a host, without producing visible symptoms of disease.
A defect which is hidden. In reference to this paper it is a defect which is "waiting to happen". Stresses can cause a latent defect to become a patent defect.
hidden, dormant, inactive. The virus that causes chickenpox remains hidden in the nervous system after the initial attack of chickenpox is over. When it becomes reactivated, usually many years later, the virus can cause shingles.
1) insignificant or irrelevant; for example, latent prostate cancer (also known as incidental prostate cancer) is a form of prostate cancer which is of no clinical significance to the patient in whom it is discovered; 2) pathology. in a dormant or hidden stage
Something which is present but invisible, or inactive but capable of becoming active or visible, so a child may have latent knowledge of a concept, meaning the child understands the concept, but has not had an opportunity to demonstrate that understanding.
Present but inactive, producing no symptoms.
present but not visible; may surface at any time
Hidden, dormant, inactive. See the entire definition of Latent
Describes a condition that is present but not active or causing symptoms.
Present but not manifest or visible, as a symptomless infection.
Something that is hidden or overlooked and may only be realized at a later time.