any of a group of picornaviruses that are responsible for many upper respiratory infections
A large subgroup of viruses (probably more than 100) that cause the common cold.
any of more than 100 viruses which cause the common cold.
one of a large family of viruses that commonly cause respiratory illnesses (e.g., the common cold) characterized by nasal congestion and sore throat, but little or no fever.
any of the picornaviruses responsible for many upper respiratory infections.
Rhinovirus (from the Greek rhin-, which means "nose") is a genus of the Picornaviridae family of viruses. Rhinoviruses are the most common viral infective agents in humans, and a causative agent of the common cold. There are over 105 serologic virus types that cause cold symptoms, and rhinoviruses are responsible for approximately 50% of all cases.