A viral infection that is very common among the general public; it can affect the lungs and other organs as well; a member of the family of herpes viruses.
Cytomegalovirus, a virus which lies dormant in many peoples bodies, and may cause infection, when patients are immunosuppressed.
A virus that lies dormant in the body and can be reactivated after transplantation, causing a flu-like illness, pneumonia, and/or gastrointestinal ulcers.
abbreviation, cytomegalovirus. One disease caused by this virus is CMV retinitis, which can cause blindness if left untreated. CMV disease is an AIDS-defining condition.
Cytomegalovirus, a virus that can cause blindness in people with advanced HIV disease.
(Cytomegalovirus) A virus related to the herpes family. CMV may occur without any symptoms or may result in mild flu-like symptoms. Severe infections can result in retinitis, hepatitis, mononucleosis, colitis, or pneumonia in persons with HIV. CMV is shed in body fluids such as urine, semen, saliva, feces, and sweat.
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is a common viral infection transmitted by saliva, breast milk, or urine. Relatively rare and relatively mild, the infection does occasionally cause deafness, visual impairment and neurological problems in a developing fetus.
A virus that may cause flu-like symptoms in the general population, but may cause severe disease in premature babies, bone marrow transplant recipients, and AIDS patients.
cytomegalovirus, a virus that causes birth defects in the fetus if acquired by the mother during pregnancy
Abbreviation of cytomagalovirus infection, a group of viruses from the herpes family. CMV infections are characterized by malaise, fever, lymphadenopathy, pneumonia, hepatosplenomegaly and superinfection with various bacteria and fungi. It is the result of the depressed response of the immune system, characteristic of herpesviruses.
a virus infection that is very common in transplant recipients; it can affect the lungs and other organs as well; a member of the family of herpes viruses Back
a virus, cytomegalovirus, that causes a flu-like illness and, in severe cases, swollen glands, pneumonia, eye infections (retinitis), and birth defects.
Approximately 50% of the general population has been infected with cytomegalovirus (CMV), which is a flu-like illness. After infection a person will carry the antibodies for the rest of his life. Such donors are described as "CMV positive" or "CMV+". Consult with your physician regarding your own CMV status and whether this is important to you. Usually if the donor is CMV positive, you should be too.
Cytomegalovirus. A virus that may be carried in an inactive state for life by healthy individuals. It is a cause of severe pneumonia in people with a suppressed immune system, such as those undergoing bone marrow transplantation or those with leukemia or lymphoma.
cytomegalovirus, a herpes virus that is a common cause of opportunistic diseases in persons with AIDS.
Cytomegalovirus. A common, normally harmless virus, but which causes disease in immunosuppressed patients.