Having to do with respiration, the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide. From the Latin re- (again) + spirare (to breathe) = to breathe again.
aids respiration / breathing
having to do with the process of breathing
arrest - The cessation of breathing - an event in which an individual stops breathing. If breathing is not restored, an individual's heart eventually will stop beating, resulting in cardiac arrest.
refers to the lungs and breathing. schizophrenia - a psychotic disorder characterized by loss of contact with the environment, by noticeable deterioration in the level of functioning in everyday life, and by disintegration of personality expressed as disorder of feeling, thought (as in delusions), perception (as in hallucinations), and behavior.
breathing; organs that bring in oxygen and release waste carbon dioxide
To do with the processes of breathing and supplying the body with the oxygen it needs to survive, e.g., respiratory muscles are the muscles needed to breathe.
The body system involved in breathing (including mouth, nose, lungs, diaphragm).
Related to the process of moving air into and out of the lungs, exchanging oxygen and carbon dioxide within the body's tissues. Also called pulmonary ventilation.