The whole machinery and apparatus employed in carrying on a trade or mechanical business; also, sometimes including real estate, and whatever represents investment of capital in the means of carrying on a business, but not including material worked upon or finished products; as, the plant of a foundry, a mill, or a railroad.
collective word for factories and the machinery inside them.
Plant includes any machinery, equipment (including scaffolding), appliance, implement or tool and any component or fitting thereof or accessory thereto
The assets of a business including land, buildings, machinery, and all equipment permanently employed.
In project work, the land, building s, machinery, apparatus, and fixtures employed in carrying on a trade or an industrial business. [D03143] Webster
includes machinery, equipment, appliances, pressure vessels, implements and tools, personal protective equipment; and a component of plant, and a fitting, connection, accessory or adjunct to plant.
The building or buildings, or parts thereof, used for or in connection with the manufacturing, processing, packaging, labeling, or storage of human food. Source: RI Secretary of State's Rules & Regulations
Tools and apparatus used in construction.
Machinery, wheeled or static used in road making or quarrying.
Fixed and movable items used in the generation and/or supply and/or transmission of electricity, other than Apparatus.
Includes any machinery, equipment (including scaffolding), appliance, implement or tool and any component or fitting thereto or accessory thereof [NOHSC:1010(1994)
a combination of machines, apparatus, etc. to produce a desired result, in which each machine, etc. performs a function that can be dealt with separately and is often studied individually, as opposed to "apparatus", in which only the overall function is normally of interest, though parts may also be of interest constructionally. For example, ore-treating plant comprising crusher, conveyer, screen, and dust separator, or engine plant comprising two engines related in respect of steam supply or drive.
Machinery used by the contractor for working on site.