A small, single-celled animal or protozoan.
naked freshwater or marine or parasitic protozoa that form temporary pseudopods for feeding and locomotion
a living organism made up of only a single cell
a primitive one cell animal
a single-cell animal and the way it grows and divides illustrates the way all cells grow and divide
a single-celled microscopic organism that has no solid body structure
a tiny, one-celled animal
A microscopic, one-celled animal consisting of a naked mass of protoplasm.
a single-celled organism that constantly changes shape; can infect the bowels and cause diarrhea or the liver and cause abscesses
a protist, found in fresh water, salt water, and soil, that uses pseudopods to move and eat
Single-celled animal that evolutionists say came from a rock.
Also ameba. A single-celled (protozoan) organism that constantly changes shape. The word "ameba" is from the Greek "amoibe" meaning "change." Ameba can infect the bowels to cause diarrhea and the liver to cause abscess formation.
a tiny single-celled organism which usually lives harmlessly in the environment but in some cases can parasitize humans or animals.
A single-celled, shapeless, primitive form of animal life.
A single-celled protozoan that is widely found in fresh and salt water. Some types of amoebas cause diseases such as amoebic dysentery.
Related Topic"...Examples of parasitic amoebae include Entamoeba histolytica (cause of amoebic dysentery) and Naegleria sp..."