A group of arches held up by columns or piers with a roofed passageway.
Series of arches supporting or along wall
Two or more arches with their imposts, piers, columns, or the like taken together and considered a single architectural feature.
Row of columns supporting arches
A number of arches supported on columns or piers. A flat or blind arcade is applied to a wall to articulate the surface.
Walkway covered by a roof, usually supported by pillars or posts along its length
Row of arches, free-standing and supported on piers or columns; a blind arcade is a "dummy".
Architectural element composed of arches resting on a series of pillars, piers or columns. An arcade may form a portico.
a covered passageway; often between streets with shops or stalls
a series of apertures or recesses with arched ceilings or soffets
a range of arches carried on piers or columns
Series of two or more arched openings
An open sided covered walkway with a line of arches supported on columns.
Series of round arches supported by columns or posts
A set of arches supported by columns. Example 1 Example 2
A row of arches set atop piers/columns. Sometimes refers to the arched roof itself.
a passage or walkway covered over by a succession of arches or vaults supported by columns.
A passageway, one side of which is an open span of arches supporting a roof.
a passageway with a roof supported by arched columns.
A row of arches. An example can often be seen between the nave and the side-aisle of a Christian church. When the row of arches is supported on piers it is most properly referred to as an arcade on piers. When the arcade is supported by a row of columns, it is important to distinguish it by describing it as an arcade on columns.
In gardening and landscaping, an arcade often refers to a straight, tree-lined walkway, with the trees forming the arched ceiling or corridor.
architectural element, composed of arches resting on a series of columns, which form part of a building or walkway
Decorative feature formed by a succession of small arches, particularly on a façade.
A vaulted passageway or street; a roofed passageway having shops, etc., opening from it.
From latin arcus, an arch. A row of arches on pillars or columns; a colonnade.
Any decorative design on a piece of furniture, although most common on chairs, carved to resemble a row of architectural columns and arches.
A row of arches and columns dividing two places
A line of arches and their supporting columns.
Arches mounted on a series of pillars to form a passageway or walkway. They may be open or roofed and attached to a building or detached