Moss is a collection of Java classes which includes additional custom Swing components , file and image modification classes , miscellaneous data structures , and much more.
Moss is a collection of utilites I created for my other OSS software, all combined into one package for better code reuse and maintenance. Moss includes GUI classes , EXIF tools, a Logging class, etc.
A cryptogamous plant of a cellular structure, with distinct stem and simple leaves. The fruit is a small capsule usually opening by an apical lid, and so discharging the spores. There are many species, collectively termed Musci, growing on the earth, on rocks, and trunks of trees, etc., and a few in running water.
A bog; a morass; a place containing peat; as, the mosses of the Scottish border.
A non-vascular spore-producing pla...
Interesting and prettry small plant Mos
nature's way of growing a moustache
A bryophyte belonging to the class Musci. These are primitive photosynthetic plants. Mosses have a "stem-and-leaf" form when viewed closely. See examples.
tiny leafy-stemmed flowerless plants
a Nonvascular plant belonging to the Class Musci in the Division Bryophyta
a Nonvascular Seedless Plant belonging to the Phylum Bryophyta
Any of various green, usually small, nonvascular plants.
Very short, small green plants from the Bryophyta phylum.
A non-vascular spore-producing plant. Mosses are in the taxinomical class Bryopsida; though sometimes referred to as Musci.
Any bryophyte of the class Musci. Usually these are small plants (less than 5 cm high) attached to moist or wet substrates by rhizoids; this is the sporophyte generation. The sexual organs are borne on a gametophyte generation, and the antheridia and archegonia are on separate leaf rosettes.
as in bog, swamp, peat, peat moss; a clump of plants having small, leafy, often tufted stem bearing sex organs at its tip; a clump of these plants; a mossy covering
Small, thickly growing, cryptogamous plant which thrives on moist surfaces. Gold often accumulates in moss, which should be broken up and panned carefully before discarding.
any small leafy-stemmed plant that grow on wet ground, tree trunks, and rocks
Small, leafy-stemmed plants that grow in carpet-like mats and tufts on moist ground. Particularly abundant in maritime regions of Antarctica where conditions are too harsh for other types of plant. In Antarctica mosses often accumulate in large "moss banks".
The soil in a bonsai pot is often covered by a layer of moss to both create the illusion of a grassy field in which the bonsai is growing and also, for a more practical purpose: to keep the soil in the pot from washing away when watered.
Photosynthetic plants with small leaves that unfurl when moistened (thus the moss appears to swell). When dry, mosses are dark and dull-colored; when moistened, the color changes markedly to a bright, light green to brown. This makes them easy to distinguish from lichens.
About 9,500 species of plants that belong to the division bryophyta. These low growing plants are common in moist habitats.
To dream of moss, denotes that you will fill dependent positions, unless the moss grows in rich soil, when you will be favored with honors.
Moss is a small, low-growing, green plant that has a stem, leaves, and rhizomes (but no vascular system). Mosses reproduce with spores or by forming gametes. Classification: Kingdom Plantae (plants), Plylum Bryophyta (mosses), Four Classes: Class Sphagnopsida (Peat Mosses), Class Takakiopsida ("Takakiophytes"), Class Andreaeopsida (Granite Mosses), Class: Bryopsida or Musci ("True" Mosses). The true mosses (Class Bryopsida/Musci) are divided into three subclasses: Subclass Polytrichidae, Subclass Tetraphidae, Subclass Bryidae.
Mosses are small, soft plants that are typically 1-10 cm tall, occasionally more. They commonly grow close together in clumps or mats in damp or shady locations. They do not have flowers or seeds, and their simple leaves cover the thin wiry stems.