Organisms made up of algae living in the threads of a fungus. The algal cells benefit from the protection and water-retaining properties of the fungus; the fungus benefits from being able to share the food made by the photosynthesising algal cells.
the common name for any member of the group Lichenes, occurring as fungal and algae cells in symbiotic union and growing in various forms of rocks or trees (Morris 1992).
Organism comprising a species of fungus symbiotically joining with a species of algae.
A form of moss. It grows well in Arctic and northern regions. Also called caribou moss.
Organism that consists of a symbiotic joining of a species of fungi and a species of algae.
Any of numerous complex plants growing in symbiotic association (a mutually beneficial relationship) on a solid surface such as a rock.
A combination of a fungus and an alga living in a symbiotic association.
An obligate mutualistic association between a fungus and a photosynthetic partner (either green algae, cyanobacteria, or both).
Any of numerous complex thallophytic plants made up of an alga and a fungus growing in symbiotic association on a solid surface (e.g., a rock).
Organism consisting of a fungus (mycellium) and an alga (green alga cells) living in association. Lichens have a high tolerance for cold, drought and heat. They should not be confused with mosses, which are chlorophyll-containing plants.
a symbiotic relationship between two plants, a fungus which provides structure and a green or blue-green algae, which photosynthesizes and produces nutrients.
any of several eruptive skin diseases characterized by hard thick lesions grouped together and resembling lichens growing on rocks
any thallophytic plant of the division Lichenes; occur as crusty patches or bushy growths on tree trunks or rocks or bare ground etc.
a combination of a fungus and a green or blue-green alga enclosed by the fungal hyphae
a combination of a fungus (the framework) and a green algae (the food producer)
a combination of plant and algae cell, where each type contributes something to the organism as a whole
a complicated relationship between a fungus and an algae
a composite organism, consisting of a fungus living symbiotically with an alga
a composite organism consisting of an algae and a fungus living in symbiosis
a composite plant consisting of colourless fungal hyphae more or less closely interwoven to form a compact structure or thallus, imbedded in which are colonies of green cells belonging to members of the simplest green plants or Algae
a compound organism built of a fungus intimately entwined about cyanobacteria or cells of an alga
a fungus and alga living together
a living partnership of a fungus and an alga
a moss-like plant that grows primarily in cold and moist environments
a mutually beneficial relationship between an alga and a fungus
an alga (which photosynthesizes) and a fungus operating together in a symbiotic relationship
an association between a fungus and an alga that results in a form distinct from either symbiont
an association of a fungus and a photosynthetic symbiont resulting in a stable thallus of specific structure
an association of an algae and a fungus
an organism made up of algae or bacteria enclosed within a fungus
an unusual organism because it consists of two unrelated organisms, an alga and a fungus
a plant made up of an alga and a fungus growing in a symbolic association
a symbiosis of algae and fungi, and requires light as a source of energy in order to build up chlorophyll by photosynthesis, a typical feature of algae
a symbiotic association between a fungus and an alga
a symbiotic combination between a fungus (which provides the tissue for support and water retention) and algae (which, by using photosynthesis), provide nutrients for the fungi, in addition to themselves
a symbiotic organism, composed of a fungus and an algae (sometimes also a cyanobacterium) living together in a single composite body, known as a thallus
a symbiotic organism comprised of an alga and a fungus
a symbiotic relationship between an algae and a fungus
a symbiotic union of a fungus with an alga or a cyanobacterium, often called blue-green algae
a very close mutualistic relationship between a fungus and a photosynthetic microorganism, usually a cyanobacterium or green alga
A class of organisms in which algae and fungi live in a symbiotic relationship as one.
a forest growth that resembles scaled-down trees and bushes and is used as a scenery material.
An organism composed of a fungal mycelium within which are embedded photosynthetic algae.
Colorful, plant-like organisms that grow on rocks and other surfaces. Lichens are a symbiotic association between an algal species and a fungal species that grow together as a single organism.
A combination of two organisms, fungus and green algae, that live in a relationship of mutualism.
A combination of two organisms, a fungus and an algae. The two organisms must grow together. Lichens are usually crusty growths seen on tree trunks or rocks.
A duel organism composed of a fungus and an algae or cyanobacteria.
an organism which consists of an algae and a fungi living together in a mutually beneficial relationship. There are many species found growing in distinctive patches on different surfaces including tree trunks and rocks.
n. An organism formed by the symbiotic association between fungus and photosynthetic algae.
a mixture of algae and fungi that grows on rocks
mutualistic symbiotic relationship of a fungus and a photosynthetic algae, functioning as a single plant. Common to rocky northern environments and a primary food for caribou. Well represented in the BWCA by several species of Reindeer Lichen ( Cladonia spp.).
a type of fungus which grows on stones
a composite plant made up of a fungus and an algae usually black, but can be gray or orange; grows slowly, often on boulders the oldest plants in the mountains - some dating back 11,000 years lichen covered boulders can be extremely slippery when wet
a composite plant consisting of fungi living symbiotically with algae or cyanobacteria.
a descriptive term for the white, lace-like lesions that occur on the skin or mucous membrane; the cysts resemble lichen that grows on trees.
a plantlike composite consisting of a fungus and and alga
symbiotic organisms consisting of an alga and fungus important to the weathering and breakdown of rocks
A fungus that grows symbiotically (having a close relationship that benefits both objects) with algae, resulting in a composite organism that forms a crust-like growth on rocks or tree trunks.
Symbiotic association of alga and fungus. The fungus provides protection and moisture, the photosynthetic algae provide food for the fungus. Lichens are the toughest form of plant life and can live in some of the coldest and most exposed places in Antarctica as long as they have a rock to cling to. They can actively grow and photosynthesize at well below freezing point - albeit very slowly.
An algae and a fungus growing in symbiotic association on solid surfaces such as rocks or tree bark. Lichen
Lichen is a plant-like growth that is actually a result of a fungus and algae living together. It grows very slowly, lives for a long time, looks like moss or a crusty dry leaf and can grow on bare rock or soil. Lichen is an important food source for caribou.
A symbiotic association between green or blue-green algal cells and fungal hyphae
A plant that is a combination of a fungus and an alga; commonly grows on trees or rocks.
A lichen is a symbiotic association of a specific fungus and a specific alga that is so integrated functionally and morphologically that a third kind of organism is formed which resembles neither of its components. Lichens are usually classified as single "species" even though they are composed of two unrelated species. They grow on a solid surface such as rock or bark.
A composite of fungi and algae or cyanobacteria. The fungi capture and cultivate photosynthetic organisms which together provide themselves needed water and nutrients. Lichen species occur in many colors including black, brown, dark olive green, red, yellow and white.
An organism formed from the symbiotioc relationship between an algae and a fungus
n: A symbiotic relationship between a fungus and a moss. The moss does most of the work, producing sugars for the lichen's collective metabolic pathways. Lichen are generally low-growing, vary in color from bright orange or yellow to gray or black, and are often found growing on rocks and tree bark. An easy mnemonic to assist recall of the nature of a lichen's symbiosis is: "A fungus took a likin' to a moss, and now they live together."
an integrated association between either an alga or cyanobacterium with a fungus.
(lie´ kun) [Gr. leikhen: licker] • An organism resulting from the symbiotic association of a true fungus and either a cyanobacterium or a unicellular alga.
A thallus consisting of an alga and fungus intermixed and living in a symbiotic relationship. ( 15)
An organism that consists of an outer fungal body enclosing photosynthetic algae.
Any of a large number of small plants made up of an alga and a fungus growing symbiotically on various solid surfaces, such as rocks.
Combination of algae and fungus, appears to be an individual.
Lichens are organisms that are a symbiosis between algae and fungus. The photosynthetic algae produces food and the fungus provides protection for the algae. Lichens can survive in a variety of conditions and are found worldwide.
Lichens are symbiotic associations of a fungus with a photosynthetic partner (called a photobiont or phycobiont) that can produce food for the lichen from sunlight. The photobiont is usually either green algae or cyanobacteria. A few lichens are known to contain yellow-green algae or, in one case, a brown alga.