A group of related symptoms, or signs, of disease.
A grouping of signs and symptoms into a recognizable pattern. Back to the top
A recognisable collection of symptoms and signs indicating a particular disease or condition.
A combination of signs and symptoms that, when present together, are associated with a specific medical condition.
A collection of symptoms that often appear together
A group of signs or symptoms that are usually clustered together and characterize a disease or a condition. Down Syndrome is an example of a syndrome resulting from an extra chromosome that affects both the physical and intellectual development of the child.
a group of symptoms that indicate a certain disorder when they occur together
a group of symptoms that occur together and indicate a specific health problem.
A set of symptoms which occur together.
The aggregate of symptoms associated with any morbid process, and together constituting a picture of the disease. (For instance, the grouped symptoms of diseases of the central nervous system.
Set of signs and symptoms occurring together and often characterizing a particular disease-like state
a set of symptoms that may occur concurrently.
Greek syn = with, and dromos = running; hence, a group of signs and symptoms which is characteristic of a certain pathology.
A grouping of signs and symptoms, based on their frequent co-occurrence, that may suggest a common underlying pathogenesis, course, familial pattern, or treatment selection.
"A collection of a number of features associated with a disease."
A group of symptoms and/or signs that together indicate a particular disorder.
A set of signs which occur together indicate a particular condition or disease.
A group or pattern of symptoms that tends to occur together in a particular disease.
A set of signs or series of events occurring together that often point to a single disease or condition as the cause.
A set of symptoms that indicates a specific disorder.
A complex of various disease symptoms.
A number of symptoms occurring together that characterize a specific disease.
A group of symptoms and/or deformities that occur together in a recognizable pattern, defining a specific disease or condition.
a recognized pattern of differences, occurring in different areas of the body, considered to have a single and specific cause.
A group of signs or symptoms that, occuring together, characterize a particular abnormality (Webster's Dictionary). A collection of things that happen together in a patient that spell-out a special disease or problem that is usually given a particular name. Some, but not all, syndromes can hereditary in families.
a collection of signs and symptoms. The cause may be known or unknown.
a group of symptoms that identify a particular disease or condition. Tangent screen test - an examination during which the patient identifies a spot of light moving into his peripheral field.
A condition defined by a cluster of related symptoms or disorders.
A method of removing feelings of guilt by appealing to medical knowledge. If my ailments can be diagnosed by the medical profession as a set of symptoms which are common to many people, then I can blame my body or my environment for my failures. Note: This misuse of medicine originates in subjective thought. The syndrome is similar to catharsis.
A configuration of symptoms that occur together and constitute a recognizable condition.
Generally, a number of characteristics, features, events or behaviours that seem to go with each other or are believed to be coordinated or interrelated in some way. More specifically, in medicine and clinical psychology, a cluster of characteristics or symptoms which tend to occur together and be indicative of a specific disorder or abnormality.
is a particular set of symptoms that define a particular disease and are always associated with that disease.
a pattern of symptoms indicative of some disease
a bunch of symptoms that frequently occur together, while a disease represents a number of symptoms that occur together but which have a single cause
a cluster of medical conditions
a cluster of related symptoms and/or signs not necessarily due to the same causes in different patients, but typically due to a single cause in any individual patient
a cluster of symptoms that appear together
a cluster of symptoms that UNIQUELY characterize a specific disease or disorder
a combination of diseases or conditions
a combination of problems which doctors recognise as a particular disease or disorder
a constellation of signs, symptoms and diagnostic data related to another by some anatomic, physiologic or biochemical abnormality
a disease or disorder that has more than one feature or symptom
a disease that has many parts to it, just like a completed jigsaw puzzle is made up of many pieces
a disorder or group of symptoms as a result of an illness
a group of features that occur together to characterise a medical condition
a group of physical signs and symptoms which make up a specific disease or disorder
a group of signs and symptoms that appear together because of a particular abnormality or disease
a group of signs and symptoms that occur together and indicate a particular problem
a group of signs and symptoms which occur together and are typical of a particular disorder
a group of signs or symptoms that occur together and characterize an abnormality
a group of small abnormalities that are often seen together in children of unusual appearance, giving them a resemblance or "family air" as it were
a group of symptoms and abnormalities that are present in the same person
a group of symptoms (complaints) which, when taken individually, don't tell you much, but as a group can help to diagnose a certain condition
a health related problem that accompanies a disease
a medical condition that is categorized by a multitude of symptoms
a medical term used when a person is experiencing symptoms in a variety of areas
a number of symptoms occurring together and characterizing a specific disease
a pattern in time and space
a pattern of multiple anomalies believed to be pathogenetically related and not representing a sequence
a pattern of signs and symptoms that collectively characterise a particular condition
a pattern of symptoms (what the patient complains about) and signs (what the physician finds) which suggest the location of a disease process and occasionally its nature
a pattern or combination of physical, mental, and health characteristics that are usually seen together
a recognizable pattern of physical, behavioral, and developmental features that occur together in the same person due to a single, underlying cause
a series of signs and symptoms grouped together which then describes a particular condition or disease
a set of behaviors that consistently appear together, and which the patient, the doctor, or the patient's friends and family can observed and describe
a set of medical signs and symptoms that are seen together
a set of signs and symptom s that occur together
a set of symptoms that accompanies another separate disorder while a disorder is a culmination of definitive symptoms
a specific pattern of physical, behavioural, and developmental features which occur together in a person due to a single underlying cause
a usher letras disease or disorder that has more
symptoms that occur together that make up a diseases
a number of symptoms, which have a common ground
A set of symptoms and clinical signs which, taken together, constitute a particular disease or condition.
The aggregate of and symptoms associated with any morbid process and constituting together the picture of the disease. Syndromes can be, but are not necessarily the same as the disease. For example, titubation is a syndrome and never referred to as the disease, while myopathy can be used properly to describe a syndrome or a disease (although most prefer to further subclassify a myopathy in order to be more specific).
Disease characterised by a range of symptoms rather than a single presentation.
a group of congenital problems that appear together in newborn babies. Syndromes may be the result of single gene or multifactorial inheritance.
A group of characteristics which occur together
Group of signs or symptoms in different parts of the body that occur together and make up a particular pattern or condition.
Group of symptoms describing a disease or the noxious effects of a chemical product
Used here to describe a set of symptoms or related medical problems or infections.
Any combination of signs and symptoms indicative of a particular disease or disorder
Used to describe a group of symptoms or characteristics of a particular condition, for example, Down Syndrome.
Group of symptoms commonly occurring to make up a distinct illness or condition.
The aggregate of signs and symptoms associated with any morbid process, and constitution together the picture of the disease.
A complex of signs and symptoms that when occurring together suggest a particular disease.
a group of signs and symptoms that occur together in a pattern characteristic of a particular disease or abnormal condition.
is a constellation of 2 or more abnormalities that occur together more frequently than chance would predict. A syndromic diagnosis does not necessitate that all associated conditions present in an individual.
Combination of symptoms and signs grouped together to form a disorder.
meaning a group of signs and symtpoms that occur together and characterize a particular abnormality.
A group of signs and symptoms that collectively define or characterize a disease or disorder; signs are objective findings such as weakness, and symptoms are subjective findings such as a feeling of fear or tingling in a finger.
a group of characteristics that occur together.
A pattern of symptoms and signs, appearing one-by-one or simultaneously, that together characterise a particular disease.
The particular collection of physical features or characteristics in an individual which help to identify or characterise a genetic abnormality. A group of symptoms, occurring together, which characterise a disease.
A pattern of recognizable symptoms or signs characteristic of a disease.
set of features that occur together
a set of symptoms or disease manifestations that occur together and characterize a specific condition.
A set of characteristics that tend to occur together and reflect the presence of a particular disease or an increased chance of developing a particular disease.
Complex of symptoms occurring together. In morbid states, a syndrome is the sum of signs of any diseased state.
A collection of symptoms and diseases that together are characteristic of a specific condition.
A set of symptoms and/or signs occurring together. [ Quick find
Combination of symptoms that commonly go together and might show the existence of a particular disease or mental condition.
A term used to describe a symptom complex characterized by many medical signs. In many syndromes, not all affected individuals will have every diagnostic sign.
a collection of traits, symptoms, and/or abnormalities in an individual which usually has a single underlying cause.
a set of symptoms characterizing a disease, disorder, or condition. An epilepsy syndrome is the complete set of seizure types and symptoms experienced by a patient. The International Classification of the Epilepsies and Epileptic Syndromes (1985) identifies more than 11 widely accepted epileptic syndromes.
A group of related symptoms, which characterize a disease or disorder.
a combination of signs and symptoms that form a distinct clinical picture
A group of symptoms as reported by the patient and signs detected in an examination that together are characteristic of a specific condition.
A combination of signs and/or symptoms which forms a distinct clinical picture that indicates a particular disorder.
A groups of symptoms or signs that occur together and are characteristic of a particular disease or abnormality.
A recognizable pattern or group of multiple signs, symptoms or malformations that characterize a particular condition; syndromes are thought to arise from a common origin and result from more than one developmental error during fetal growth.
A condition characterized by a cluster of co-occurring symptoms that has a specific effect on a group of individuals; for example, fetal alcohol syndrome, Down syndrome, autism. Back to Resources for Parents and Professionals
A set of features or symptoms often occurring together and believed to stem from the same cause.
A combination of signs and symptoms occurring commonly enough to constitute a distinct clinical entity.
a set of symptoms, or signs that occur together, and to which a particular name is given.
a set of characteristics that are seen together more frequently than by chance alone.
A compilation of symptoms that characterize a disease or condition.
A group of signs and symptoms that occur together, and characterise a particular disease or abnormality, due to a specific cause e.g. Down syndrome due to trisomy 21. (Cf association, sequence)
Group of congenital anomalies that appear together in newborn infants
A group of symptoms and/or signs associated with each other, sometimes suggesting a particular disorder or diagnosis.
A set of signs or a series of events occurring together that make up a disease or health problem.
A collection of symptoms that characterize a specific disease or condition.
A pattern of signs and symptoms that tend to co-occur.
Aggregation of signs and symptoms that together constitute a picture of a disease.
Group of symptoms and signs that characterize a specific disease.
A group of traits or concurrent symptoms; indicates the presence and nature of a condition or disease
A characteristic pattern of anomalies resulting from one underlying cause.
A group of signs (animals) or symptoms (humans) occurring together designating a state or a disease.
A combination of symptoms that occur together and is indicative of a specific condition or disease.
a combination of signs and symptoms that occur together and reflect a particular disease.
A discrete set of symptoms that occur together.
A set of symptoms associated with one disease or pathological condition.
A group of signs and symptoms that happen together and characterize a particular ailment or abnormality.
The group or recognizable pattern of symptoms or abnormalities that indicate a particular trait or disease.
A group of medical signs and symptoms occurring together.
A set of symptoms or conditions that occur together and suggest the presence of a certain disease or an increased chance of developing the disease.
A set of symptoms occurring together, the sum of signs of a morbid (sad, melancholic) state.
Group of symptoms or features occurring together often enough to constitute a disorder to which a particular name is given.
A collection of signs and symptoms which are known to occur at once
In medicine and psychology, the term syndrome refers to the association of several clinically recognizable features, signs, symptoms, phenomena or characteristics which often occur together, so that the presence of one feature alerts the physician to the presence of the others. In recent decades the term has been used outside of medicine to refer to a combination of phenomena seen in association.