a fungus that grows inside another plant, without causing any apparent harm to the host plant and in some cases providing benefits to the host
a fungus that lives inside the grass plant
a fungus which grows inside a plant
a plant that lives within another plant
a plant which grows within another plant, in this case a fungus growing within the fescue plant
a type of fungus that has a mutually beneficial association with certain species of grasses
a fungus living within plants, often without causing visible symptoms.
An organism that lives within a plant; mycorrhizal fungi are root endophytes (with an external phase in the surrounding soil). Other fungi live within the stems and/or leaves of most plants.
a plant that normally grows inside another plant (or animal)
An organism living inside a plant.
A plant growing within a plant. The association may be symbiotic or parasitic.
Fungus found in permanent pasture ryegrass that provides it with protection from a range of insect pests and can effect animal health and cause "ryegrass staggers". See Endophyte
A plant living and functioning within another plant. For example, a fungus.
general term to describe a fungus which lives within healthy plant tissue. May specifically refer to Balansioid fungi colonising grass leaves. More information
An endophyte is an organism that lives within a plant for at least part of its life without causing apparent disease. Endophytes are ubiquitous and have been found in nearly all plants studied to date.