any of various grasses of many genera that grow in tufts or clumps rather than forming a sod or mat; chiefly of western United States
A type of grass that grows in clusters, it is characteristic of shortgrass prairies, which are drier than tallgrass prairies. Schizachyrium scoparium (Little Blue Stem) is the quintessential bunchgrass.
A grass growth form that produces numerous closely spaced shoots from the crown. The current year's leaf growth usually arises at the base, and the previous year's sheaths can persist.
the general name for assorted hardy forage grasses of the genus Andropogon and other genera which grow in tufts.
Referring to grasses with growth forms that are clumped or tufted, rather than single-stemmed, sod-forming, etc.
Grass that propagates by seed only; thin stands appear to be in clumps.
a type of grass that has many stems arising from one set of fine, fibrous roots.
A grass that grows in a bunch or clump.