A category of weed that are monocots, have narrow leaves and a growing point at our just below the soil surface.
described as flowering and sometimes as scarlet in appearance.
Related Topics: [ wetlands] Grasses are sufficiently familiar that we probably pay them very little attention. Few families can match the grasses for number of species, or for the diversity of habitats they encompass. With the exception of the bamboos grasses are herbaceous. A quick glance at the leaves will tell a grass from a sedge. Whereas a sedge's leaves come out in three directions, grass leaves come out in only two directions - that is, if you were to look at a blade of grass from above, the leaves would appear to form a straight line. Unlike the reeds, grass flowers are usually extremely compact and simple: whereas reed flowers are usually somewhat rounded and bear six tiny petal-like structures, grass flowers are usually restricted to just two tiny modified leaves (glumes) at the base of the flowers.
Plants that usually have parallel veins and a fibrous root system. Grasses have one seed leaf (cotyledon). Hardscape patios, driveways, walks, etc.
Plants of the family Gramineae (Poaceae) which range from small, twisted, erect, or creeping annuals to perennials. Stems are called culms with well-defined nodes and internodes. Leaves arise alternately in two rows from the nodes. The leaf is composed of two parts, the leaf sheath which clasps the stem, the margins overlapping to form the tube, and the leaf blade which is usually thin, narrow, and linear with parallel venation; a large member among the monocotyledonous plants (monocots).
a group of plants that are monocotyledons (have long narrow leaves with veins that run parallel to their length). They are usually herbs. Some are larger and woody like bamboo. Leaf bases wrap around the stem of the grass. Flowers are called inflorescences and have many florets with powdery anthers.
Are plants with jointed stems. The stems are normally hollow between the joints (nodes). Leaves are in two rows on the stem. Veins in the leaves are parallel. Grasses are the most important and abundant kind of range plants.
Shallow-rooted perennials that can be grown in mass (lawn grasses) or grown as individual specimens (ornamental grasses).
a group of flowering plants which now dominate the world's vegetation. They first appeared during the Tertiary. Page up