A tuft, as of grass, twigs, hair, or the like; especially, a dense tuft or bunch of grass or sedge.
Same as Tussock grass, below.
A caterpillar of any one of numerous species of bombycid moths. The body of these caterpillars is covered with hairs which form long tufts or brushes. Some species are very injurious to shade and fruit trees. Called also tussock caterpillar. See Orgyia.
a bunch of hair or feathers or growing grass
A compact, densely tufted growth form of some grasses and sedges.
A compact tuft of grass or sedges, or an area of raised solid ground, which is held together by roots of low vegetation, found in a wetland or tundra.
a cluster of growing grass
A thick clump of grass, or grass-like plant.
graminoid life form consisting of bunch-like tufts, sometimes more than 1 meter or 3 feet tall, in which the hard, old, withered leaves are intermingled with the fresh, young, green leaves.