The time when a seeds has sprouted above the soil.
A seed begins to grow. The growth of a seed of a first tiny shoot and root.
To develop from a seed, bulb, spore, or the like into a plant or individual.
The process in which a dispersal unit, e.g. a fungal spore or seed, under specific environmental conditions, assumes increased metabolic activity, resulting in the production of new structures, most often a germ tube or growth of embryo in a seed.
Sequence of events in a viable seed that starts with the imbibing of water and leads to the growth of the embryo, and the development of a seedling.
The beginning of growth in seeds, spore and pollen grain
occurs when seeds sprout.
The first stage in the development of a plant from seed.
activation of a seed that causes it to start to grow
The initial growth of a seed or spore.
The intake of water by a seed, spore etc., leading to an increase in metabolism and elongation finally resulting in the formation of new tissue.
The resumption of active growth by the embryo culminating in the development of a young plant from the seed.
Sprouting of the root and shoot from a seed when environmental conditions are favorable.
The emergence of the plant embryo from the seed. The first root as well as the embryonic leaf attached to a shoot (the epicotyl) emerges.
the process of seeds beginning to sprout and grow.
The springing into life of a seed.
Growth of the embryo in the seed until the emergence of the embryonic radicle through the seedcoat. In seed testing, the capacity of the embryo to emerge from the seed coat with the essential structures indicates a potential to produce normal plants. In dry seeds, germination follows imbibition (absorbing water and swelling).
The start of vegetative growth of a plant from a seed.
(Latin, germinare = to sprout) The resumption of growth by a seed.
The initiation of active growth by the embryo, resulting in the rupture of seed coverings and the emergence of a new seedling plant capable of independent existence.
a process by which a seed changes into a seedling with leaves, stem and roots
The process of initiating growth in seeds.
When the plant sprouts and begins to grow.
The resumption of active growth of the embryo in the seed and the process by which a seed sprouts to development into a seedling when a favorable environment exists, culminating in the development of a plant from the seed.
This is the term for the first growth of a plant from a seed. The seed has gone through whatever conditions it needs to waken it from dormancy (if it became dormant) and begins to take on water. The endosperm begins to be broken down to provide fuel for the new growth. First of all, the new root of the plant (the radical) emerges from the seed and begins to grow downwards under the influence of gravity. It rapidly begins to sprout root hairs as well and take up more water. The new shoot (plummule) emerges next and begins to grow upwards towards the light. It needs to get there before the food stored in the seed runs out, and quickly puts out leaves to begin photosynthesising its own food.
The period when a seed or spore begins to grow. [KR
The breaking of dormancy in seeds or the sprouting of pollen grains deposited on a stigma.
process which converts a spore into a vegetative state capable of reproducing
to sprout or begin to grow.
the growth in a seed, spore or zygote, particularly after a dormant period.
the process whereby seeds or spores sprout and begin to grow
A time beginning with water uptake by the seed (imbibition) continuing as the radicle breaks through the seed coat before the shoot does, ending with the start of elongation by the embryonic axis, usually the radicle. The first step in germination is the absorption of water and oxygen by the seed. During and following this water absorption stage, enzymes are formed which convert starch, fats, and protein into smaller more soluble forms which can be transported to sites of growth. A seed is germinated when the radicle and shoot have elongated and broken through the seed coat.
The beginning of growth by an embryo plant
Commencement of new growth in a seed or pollen grain
the name for the process by which a seed leaves the dormant state and issues roots and shoots.
the initiation of growth in a dormant seed.
The initial growth period of a seed.
The sprouting of the seed.
The beginning of growth in a spore, seed, zygote etc., especially following a dormant period.
Is the process by which a bonsai seeds leaves the dormant state starts into growth, developing roots and shoots.
The development of a seedling from a seed.
the process of causing the initiation and development of a plant from seed
The development of a seed from an apparently inert object to a young plant (seedling).
The first act of growth of an embryo plant
The beginning of growth by a seed.
The stage in the beer-making process in which the steeped barley grains are drained and allowed to sprout for seven to nine days.
the sprouting of a seed or spore; germinate (verb).
is the physical and chemical changes that occur as a seed begins to develop into a young shoot.
The beginning of growth of a mature, generally dormant seed, spore, or pollen grain
When seeds begin to sprout.
when the radicle emerges from the seed; sprouting of a seed.
the act of sprouting, of a seed or spore. Keens' Seedling Strawberry Robertson, C. Buy this Art Print at
Germination is the growth of a seed into a new plant. The requirements are warmth, moisture and oxygen. Back to top of the page
The process by which a seed sprouts after being dormant and attaining sufficient moisture to sprout.
the growth of a seed under favourable conditions
The sprouting stage of the malting process.
The point when the seed starts into growth, subsequently developing roots and shoots.
Germination is the process of beginning to grow or develop.
The beginning of growth in a seed, plant bud or joint.
Part of the malting process where the acrospire grows and begins to erupt from the hull.
the activation of a seed causing it to start to grow; also the production of a pollen tube by a pollen grain
The initial growth phase of a seed, spore or pollen grain.
The process by which a seedling emerges and develops from a seed, or by which a sporeling emerges and develops from a spore.
Beginning of vegetation or growth in seeds.
The spreading of hyphae from a spore
The sprouting of a seed. An improbable outcome dependent upon variables of temperature, moisture, light, soil, seedbed, and season.
In bacteria or fungi, the process by which a spore gives rise to a vegetative cell or hypha. ( 16)
Development of seedling from fertilised seed.
Germination is the beginning of growth of a plant from its seed.
Germination is the process where growth emerges from a period of dormancy. The most common example of germination is the sprouting of a seedling from a seed of a flowering plant or gymnosperm. However, the growth of a hypha from a fungal spore is also germination.