the activity consisting of the cohesive collection of all tasks that are primarily performed to keep an application operating after it has been deployed for use by the user organizations.
Refers to the cash spent and received from day-to-day business activities, such as sales, rent and utilities.
In insurance, the normal activities of an insurance company or agency in the course of conducting its business.
ongoing activities of a business (p. 70)
The actual conduct of the research and development activity in a organisation; a term used to distinguish the act of conducting R & D from that of planning or policy.
a leading provider of road related transport infrastructure services with offices located throughout NSW
The term operations is important in the Caché Campus program since it is the critical criterion for deciding when a license use is not an academic use. Operations activity involves the use of previously created material to perform a set of specific functions on a repeated, ongoing basis in settings where the business activities of the organization are performed. The use of these materials provides the institution some economic benefit such as increased efficiency of the work supported by these materials. For the purposes of the Cache' Campus program, these activities are specifically limited to operations within the university involved. Once an application has entered operational use, it is no longer considered an academic use of Caché. At that point, the institution must select another class of Caché Campus license, either UNIVERSITY or CAMPUS. Otherwise, the institution may choose some STANDARD Cache' license.
The provision of integrated systems and services that make the best use of existing transportation systems in order to preserve and improve customer-related performance. This is done in anticipation of, or in response to, both recurring and non-recurring conditions. Operations includes a range of activities in both urban and rural environments, including: routine traffic and transit operations, public safety responses, incident management, snow and ice management, network/facility management, planned construction disruptions, and traveler/shipper information.
Within EOSDIS, those activities di-rectly related to the acquisition, archiving, distribution, and processing of mission-related information. Source: EPO.
All activities and measures to enable and/or maintain the intended use of the ICT infrastructure.
The on-going (day-to-day) activities IT personnel perform on IT environment components to run and manage the information technology system and support the business organization. These activities emphasize execution and are particularly evident in the MOF operating quadrant.
refers to the recurring activities of an organization directed toward producing a product or rendering a service. such activities may include, but are not limited to, marketing, sales, production, purchasing, human resources, finance and accounting, and governmental assistance. (350.01.1)
The most important of the three major components of Siemens. Operations comprises all activities of the Siemens organization worldwide with the exception of Financing and Real Estate and Corporate Treasury.
The business of an Insured or the type of business of an Insured.