A locally sponsored, coordinated, and administered program, or any part thereof, to plan, finance, construct, maintain, or improve an intermodal passenger terminal, which may incorporate civic or cultural activities where feasible in an architecturally or historically distinctive railroad passenger terminal. (49CFR256)
an activity or a set of activities carried out through a program. For example, a Learn and Serve program may conduct a drug awareness project.
Planned undertaking of interrelated and coordinated activities designed to achieve certain specific objectives within a given budget and period of time.
An activity undertaken by a proponent to reduce or remove emissions.
A piece of work designed to achieve specific output s and/or outcome s eg a project to divert young people from offending on an estate by setting up sports activities. A project may be run in isolation, may form part of the work carried out by a local network or groups or it may be funded as part of a larger regeneration programme for an area.
A temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product or service. It can be considered to be any series of activities and tasks that have: (1) A specific objective to be completed within certain specifications, (2) Defined start and end dates, and (3) Funding limits and consumed resources. Generally, this is a construction project but could be any undertaking requiring a joint effort wherein a scope, schedule, budget, and desired outcome has been defined.
A program of related activities and resources to achieve a specific objective, and which has a defined beginning and a definite end (i.e. a finite life-span). In the Research Information Applications Development Section (Sandwich), it is taken to refer to the development work to implement a computerised system, terminating on release of the system to users.
a scope of work consisting of one or more phases. A project is an application of the material and human resources to a specific objective through the execution of a prescribed sequence of events. All projects have a structure which usually consists of a beginning (for planning), a middle (for execution), and an end (for review).
A series of activities with set objectives, designed to produce a specific outcome within a limited time frame.
Means, in relation to a physical work, any proposed construction ,operation, modification, decommissioning, abandonment or other undertaking in relation to that physical work, or any proposed physical activity not relating to a physical work that is prescribed or is within a class of physical activities that is prescribed pursuant to regulations made under paragraph 59 (b) (i.e. CEAA Inclusion List Regulation).
A whole of activities intend to obtain, starting from a given situation, a single and singular result, meeting an objective or a clarified need whose result is called the Product (tangible or intangible)
An activity, or a set of activities, carried out through a program that receives assistance under the Act, that results in a specific identifiable service or improvement that otherwise would not be done with existing funds and that does not duplicate the routine services or functions of the employer to whom participants are assigned.
an atomic endeavor undertaken to produce and deliver one or more versions of a major work product (often an application) or to perform a service (e.g, to reengineer a business). Contrast with enterprise and program.
A thematic activity to be completed in one or more days by small groups or by the whole class. Projects often involve collecting and analyzing data and are usually cross-curridular in nature.
Set of activities discretely managed, funded, coordinated, and carried out over a prescribed period of time that results in a prescribed end product. name, code, acronym, type scope, description, content, schedule, management planning and control. Examples: NIF, ASCI, SNS, BMIS, Classified LAN, Human Genome
a time-bound intervention that consists of a set of planned, interrelated activities aimed at achieving defined objectives.
A related set of activities and milestones with a preset goal and timeframe that is designed as a specific event and not an ongoing process.
a prescribed practical art, craft or design activity that may require the learner to meet learning and assessment objectives through producing work in a variety of forms
A unique venture with a beginning and an end, undertaken by people to meet established goals within defined constraints of time, resources, and quality.
ChartField segment used for multidisciplinary initiatives and activities, ongoing efforts by an organization or group of organizations, or for other department-specified initiatives. This segment does not have definite start and end dates.
A project or survey is a planned activity or set of activities conducted for the purpose of collecting information concerning environmental quality.
a complex assignment requiring broad competencies, usually interdisciplinary, and significant student initiative. Can be comprised of performance, competition, collaborative activities. Contrasted with activities that require less planning, decision-making. Often used as both part of curriculum and as a basis for formal or informal performance assessment in lieu of a test.
A unique effort with a defined beginning, a defined end, a specific deliverable, and defined resource requirements.
Is a one-off community activity, with an identifiable beginning and end? A project plan will include clear indications of what the project will achieve, as well as what the community and artsworkers will do and how they will do it. It is not unusual for CCD projects to build upon one another, but remain distinct as separate projects.
temporary endeavour undertaken to create a unique product or service temporary – definite beginning and definite end – not continuous unique – different in some distinguishing way from similar products or services (time, space, resources etc). Based on PMI (Project Management Institute), Body of Knowledge, www.pmi.org
An undertaking requiring concerted effort, which is focused on developing and/or maintaining a specific product. Typically, a project has its own funding, cost accounting, and delivery schedule.
a specific technical activity (research and/or service) that addresses a problem or issue, and results in one or more solutions. A solution consists of one or more deliverables and/or services. This is the level at which value can be documented and communicated; it is also the level at which implementation plans are created. Functionally, a project is a set of related activities sharing specific objectives, characterized by a well-defined statement of work with requirements for distinct outputs (deliverables), and controlled by a discrete schedule and budget.
an undertaking, a one-time process
An activity with a specific purpose to be accomplished or built within a specific time period. There are projects in both the operating and capital budgets.
An intervention that consists of a set of planned, interrelated activities designed to achieve defined objectives within a given budget and a specified period of time.
A set of coordinated activities undertaken to meet specific objectives within defined time, cost, and performance parameters.
A project is a temporary structure setup for a fixed duration having a start and end date, a defined set of resources and with the aim of accomplishing a defined set of goals.
refers to activities undertaken by a funding recipient. A project has a clear start and end date, occurs within a reasonable period of time, and demonstrates measurable outputs and outcomes.
An undertaking to construct a particular portion of a highway; or if the context so implies, a particular portion of a highway so constructed; and any other undertaking eligible for assistance under this title.
A planned undertaking or organized set of services designed to achieve specific outcomes that begin and end within the grant period. (Note: a successful project could become an ongoing program of your organization.)
A single activity designed to generate specific results. For example, a maternal and child health project may be designed to extend basic health services to 60% of children under five years of age in a poor, rural district of the recipient country. A project is USAID's basic unit of management.
An activity, designated by a program, characterized as having defined goals, objectives, requirements, a Life Cycle Cost (LCC), a beginning, and an end (source - NPR 7120.5).
A structured undertaking (often involving considerable money, personnel and equipment) of limited duration that is developed through various bureaucratic, analytical, and approval processes in order to achieve a tangible objective (e.g., a school construction project, an adult literacy project). A project should be considered as one of several types of activities that contribute to a given result or set of results. (See Activity.)
A collection of activities designed to achieve specific goals and objectives, normally for a focused target population over a circumscribed period of time. Whereas programs tend continue for long periods of time, projects are usually limited and have clearly identified end-states at which point the project is judged complete. A project may or may not be part of a program. If it is, then project goals and objectives should be linked to program goals and objectives.
An activity or undertaking with a defined objective or objectives, beginning and end.
An undertaking to develop, implement, or construct a particular transportation enhancement at a specific location or locations.
refers to a set of activities or functions that a recipient proposes to undertake with the contribution funds provided by a department.
A project is a technical effort involving one or more people that is working in an open manner; the specific outcome of a project is to produce a small number of coordinated technical artifacts. A project has one or more source repositories, each of which is intended to in some way be published. A project may choose that its primary form of publication is through one or more consolidations, although this is not necessary. A project has at least one distinction between those actively working on the project (contributors) as opposed to people merely interested in the project's progress (members).
Set of activities and organization, normally in a defined area, to develop agricultural production for economic reasons. The term is applied in this publication to refer to the total operation that grows a specific crop or a number of crops under contract farming arrangements.
A temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product or service by the application of knowledge, techniques and relationships to project activities in order to meet stakeholder needs while balancing competing demands of scope, time, cost and quality (adapted from the Guide to the Project Management Body of knowledge (PMBOK) 1996, Project Management Institute).
A management tool used by the Agency prior to 1995. A project defines and documents objectives, purposes, outputs and inputs of a given program. As currently used, the term is equivalent to activity. Prior to 1995, term "project" was used as a term to refer to a specific grouping of activities that had been planned, reviewed and approved following the project-based programming system that existed. In 1995, the Agency shifted to a results-based programming system, consistent with the Government Performance and Results Act
unique set of co-ordinated activities, with definite starting and finishing points, undertaken by an individual or organisation to meet specific objectives within defined time, cost and performance parameters. (Alternative definition: an endeavour in which human, material and financial resources are organised in a novel way to deliver a unique scope of work of given specification, often within constraints of cost and time, and to achieve beneficial change defined by quantitative and qualitative objectives.)
A set of interrelated activities managed in a coordinated way and designed to deliver a unique product or service within a given time frame and resources.
Any proposed physical undertaking or activity required to undergo an environmental assessment. Most environmental assessment legislation defines the types of development projects subject to environmental requirements.
n individual development intervention designed to achieve specific objectives within specified resources and implementation schedules, often within the framework of a broader programme (DAC). All activities supported by less than DKK 30 million (Denmark).
A planned undertaking, usually related to a specific activity, such as the research and development of a new product or the redesign of the layout of a plant.
Projects are different from ‘business as usual' activities because they have a number of distinguishing features
The whole of an action that has a potential for resulting in a physical change in the environment, directly or ultimately, and that is any of the following: (1) An activity directly undertaken by any public agency, including but not limited to public works construction and related activities, clearing or grading of land, improvements to existing public structures, enactment and amendment of zoning ordinances, and the adoption and amendment of local General Plans or elements thereof pursuant to Government Code Sections 65100-65700. (2) An activity undertaken by a person, which is supported in whole or in part through public agency contracts, grants, subsidies, loans, or other forms of assistance from one or more public agencies. (3) An activity involving the issuance to a person of a lease, permit, license, certificate, or other entitlement for use by one or more public agencies.
Generally used to describe a plan of activity which is shorter than a program. Projects also tend to have a beginning and an end, whereas a program can refer to an ongoing plan of action without a defined end.
A structure to complete a specific defined deliverable or set of deliverables. A project has a specific beginning date and end date, specific objectives and specific resources assigned to perform the work.
A project is the term used to collectively contain all activities and data needed to design, develop, manufacture and deliver a product to market.
A word used to represent the overall scope of work being performed to complete a specific construction job
The complete set of activities associated with all life cycle phases needed to complete a systems development or maintenance effort from start to finish (may include hardware, software, and other components); the collective name for this set of activities. Typically a project has its own funding, cost accounting, and delivery schedule.
A unique endeavor to produce a set of deliverables within clearly specified time, cost and quality constraints.
A SR&ED project consists of a set of interrelated activities that meet the three criteria of SR&ED. Assessment of eligibility for ITC purposes is made at the " project" level, not at the " activity" level.
A unique process, consisting of a set of coordinated and controlled activities with start and finish dates, undertaken to achieve an objective conforming to specific requirements, including the constraints of time, cost, and resources.
as defined by Treasury Board are: "a set of activities or functions that a recipient proposes to undertake with the contribution funds provided by the Department." A project has the following characteristics: unique - it's a one-time set of events start and end dates; measurable objectives; the identification of an activity or activities designed to achieve the goal(s) and objectives.
The total effort to be undertaken by the applicant organization in order to achieve the project goal set forth in the proposal, including activities for which funds are sought from the Endowment, and usually, additional activities to be funded by other sources.
Series of related activities that has a discrete beginning and end and is intended to produce a desired result for its target audience
Research project or other type of activity undertaken under the auspices of the CRCAH, including programs of work within the Research or Function areas
As defined in Texas Government Code, Chapter 2054, a program to provide information resources technologies support to functions within or among elements of a state agency that ideally is characterized by well-defined parameters, specific objectives, common benefits, planned activities, a scheduled completion date, and an established budget with a specified source of funding.
A temporary activity characterized by having a start date, specific objectives and constraints, established responsibilities, a budget, a schedule, and a completion date
A project brings about change and involves a group of inter-related activities that are planned and then executed in a certain sequence, to create a unique product or service (output) within a specific timeframe so that outcomes are achieved. Projects are often critical components of an organisation's business strategy or relate directly to policies and initiatives of the Government. Refer to Project Classification and Project Size
Chartfield available in the chart of accounts to further distinguish transactions for reporting purposes. A project is an activity with a finite life span. Generally, the University is classifying activity in the Research, Special Purpose and Access funds as projects. There are other circumstances where the project chartfield is used to further define reporting but the nature of the work is operational.
A clearly defined piece of research (contracted to deliver research objectives and related outputs), for a 2 or 4 year period which contributes towards achieving a desired Intermediate Outcome, but may not necessarily achieve that Intermediate Outcome.
A project is a term given to a workflow process of your work environment. The workflow project may consist of tasks, deliverables and notifications, time slip tracking, resource assignment, due date and performance tracking, contact notes, and budget information.
A Capital Programs Management Group activity relating to the physical needs (excluding general maintenance and repair) of the campus and campus facilities.
A temporary organisation formed to produce a unique and pre-defined outcome, or result, to a pre-specified timescale, using predetermined resources. It is important to understand that a project is something that can be planned and is something with a specific end in sight and which is managed to deliver as a single coherent whole.
A planned undertaking designed to achieve certain specific objectives within a given budget and a specified period of time.
A temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result.
A unique goal to be accomplished in a specific time frame, using a limited set of resources and characterized by a sequence of activities (Welcome Software Technology, 1993).
A project is a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product or service.
An endeavor with a specific objective to be met within a prescribed time and dollar limitation.
A temporary endeavour designed to achieve a pre-determined result. This result is achieved through a set of activities designed to achieve a predetermined result within specified time and cost constraints.
an undertaking preceded by planning although at the preliminary stage the line that separates where one ends and the other begins may not be clear. It's usually documented by a scope of project. The SOP is management tool specifying work required to take the project to completion. It also makes clear what is expected from at completion. Documentation may contain a profile as well as a time-line; however, among a project's essential elements are project specifications. definition of profiling defined definition of group profile defined definition of profiling technique defined definition of investigative profile defined
A subsystem that is subject to maintenance activity. [IEEE Stds Glossary
A project is a temporary structure to organize and manage work and ultimately to build a specific defined deliverable or set of deliverables. By definition, all projects are unique, which is one reason it is difficult to compare different projects to one another.