A body or space contained under a single surface, which in every part is equally distant from a point within called its center.
Hence, any globe or globular body, especially a celestial one, as the sun, a planet, or the earth.
The apparent surface of the heavens, which is assumed to be spherical and everywhere equally distant, in which the heavenly bodies appear to have their places, and on which the various astronomical circles, as of right ascension and declination, the equator, ecliptic, etc., are conceived to be drawn; an ideal geometrical sphere, with the astronomical and geographical circles in their proper positions on it.
In ancient astronomy, one of the concentric and eccentric revolving spherical transparent shells in which the stars, sun, planets, and moon were supposed to be set, and by which they were carried, in such a manner as to produce their apparent motions.
To form into roundness; to make spherical, or spheral; to perfect.
A space figure that has the shape of a round ball.
A shape in space whose points are the same distance from a fixed point (the center)
The ellipsoid shape is smoothened to form a spherical surface from which map projections can be more easily created. The globe is spherical in shape.
Any round body having the surface equally distant from the center at all points; globe; ball.
noun - Three-dimensional hypersphere. Defined as all points a distance r away from a center point, in three dimensions. It is the realmspace analog of the circle in planespace and the glome in tetraspace. Its solid version is the ball. See the chart under rotatope.
A figure resulting from state when there is a fixed diameter of a semi-circle and the semi-circle is carried around and restored to the same position.
A three-dimensional figure with all points in space a fixed distance from a given point, called the center.
a globe shaped body; all points on the surface are an equal distance from a fixed point in the center
A round body whose surface is at all points the same distance from the center. Example: A baseball
any spherically shaped artifact
a solid figure bounded by a spherical surface (including the space it encloses)
a three-dimensional closed surface such that every point on the surface is equidistant from the center
the apparent surface of the imaginary sphere on which celestial bodies appear to be projected
a circle with volume, and a cube is a rectangle with a z-dimension or a depth
a closed geometric figure with every location on it's surface equidistant from and infinity small center point
a sequence of concentric circles laying top to bottom on each other, as with a square
a simple closed surface and is the set of all points in space that are the same distance from a given points
a simple example of a surface
a solid figure with all points on its surface equally distant from its center
a space figure having all its points an equal distance from the center point
a space figure having all of its points the same distance from its center
a special case in which the tool can contact the surface at infinite points, when positioned properly
a surface that has every point of equal distance from a given center
a three-dimensional object, but its surface is two-dimensional
a two dimensional surface
Globe-shaped; a solid geometric shape whose surface is made up of all the points that are an equal distance from the point that is the shape's center.
A solid figure that has all points the same distance from the center.
Structure Where All Surface Points are Equidistant from Center
A surface on which every point is equidistant from the center; a surface of revolution.
1. The area or range in which something acts or exists; e.g. the hydrosphere is the area in which all water exists. 2. Round object, a three-dimensional circle for which all points on it's surface are the same distance from its center; e.g. a beach ball.
A solid figure with all points the same distance from a given point called the center
The set of all points in space a given distance from a given point.
A round three dimensional geometric shape whose surface is equally distant at all points from the centre point.
A three-dimensional object in which all points are equidistant from the center (a ball shape).
A three dimensional object, the shape of a ball, whose outer surface is an infinite number of points that are of an equal distance from the sphere's center.
a closed surface in three-dimensional space, every point of which is equidistant from a fixed point, called the center (the center is not part of the sphere)
A solid whose surface is all points equidistant from a centre point.
Commonly used to designate a lens with two spherical surfaces.
A ball; a three-dimensional circle, whose points are all the same distance from a fixed center point.
A three-dimensional figure with a set of points in space that are equidistant from a fixed point called the center.