The denomination of each card which represents the value of the card and determines its worth for various games. For example in a High game such as Holdem, a 9 is of a higher rank than an 8 and is therefore stronger. In a Low game however, typical ranking hierarchies are reversed and as such a 9 would be a weaker holding than an 8. For further information on hand strengths please visit our Hand Rankings page.
The number on a playing card, or its numeric value.
The respective value of each card.
The value of a card - 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Jack, Queen, King or Ace.
A numerical invariant of a finitely generated abelian group. Such a group is isomorphic to a product of a finte group and a finite number of infinite cyclic groups. The rank is the number of infinite cyclic groups in this product.
Value of a card. Or a hand according to hand value rankings.
a number level of a card, i
a place in the ladder for each participant numbered by highest to lowest rating
This numerical value of a card or its denomination.
The value of the card or hand.
The value of a card or a hand.
the value or number of each card is called rank.
An ordering given to a card, usually numeric.
The numerical value of the cards.
One of the three attributes of a card. The rank of the card is the last digit (units digit) of its number. Card ranks range from 0 to 9. Example: The rank of card 27 is 7. Cards with the numbers 8, 18, 38, 88, and 118 all have the same rank of 8. (See also Suit and Number.)
The designation of 9, 10, Jack, Queen, King, or Ace. A Euchre deck only contains 24 cards. The rank of cards in Euchre depends on whether the card belongs to the trump suit. The rank in the trump suit from lowest to highest is 9, 10, Queen, King, Ace, left bower, right bower. The rank of the suit which is the same colour as the trump suit is 9, 10, Queen, King, Ace. The Jack of this suit is the left bower and does not belong to the suit for the hand. The suits of the opposite colour are ranked: 9, 10, Jack, Queen, King, Ace similar to most other card games.
this is usually the value of the card as opposed to the actual suit of the card.
The number or letter on a card that represents its value (A,K,Q,J,10,9,...,3,2). A or Ace is high or low. K or King is the second highest card rank.
Cards rank based on how high they are, thus two kings have the same rank. In Texas Holdem Poker suits do not have value. For further details of the ranking of cards please see my separate section on the ranking of Poker Hands.
The numerical value of a card. Example - Queen, 5 or 7
The number value of a card. In solitaire, the Ace counts as one and is the lowest-ranked card, while the Jack, Queen, and King count as eleven, twelve, and thirteen.
A card's numerical value (as opposed to its suit).
All rankings are from highest to lowest for a particular item. Ties receive the same rank.
The value of each card and hand.
The order a card is on the scale from Two to Ace, with a Two the lowest rank and an Ace as the highest ranking card (although an Ace can be low for a straight).
a card's name an hierarchy (ace, ten, king, queen, or jack), as distinguished from its suit
The numerical value of a card (as opposed to its suit). Example: "jack," "seven."
The worth or value of a playing card.
The numerical value of a card (as opposed to its suit). Example: “King,” “nine”.
The value of a card relative to other cards (for example, an Ace is of a higher rank than a King). Also, the value of a player's 5-card hand relative to the hands of other players (for example, a 3-of-a-kind is of higher rank than a pair). Back To
the value of a single card or a set of cards.
Jobs are ranked by their rank. The job (of all running jobs) with the lowest rank becomes a certain percent of all cluster CPU time (usually this is 90%, but can be changed in the server config file). All other jobs share the rest of the CPU time equally. If there is more than one job with the same, lowest rank, the share the 90% equally between them. When the job with the lowest rank is done, it will be removed from the list of running jobs. Thus the running job(s) with the second-to-lowest rank will then have the lowest rank, thus getting the highest priority. Some examples: Job id job rank priority assigned 1 80 90% 2 90 5% 3 90 5% Adding another job with rank 70: 1 80 3.33% 2 90 3.33% 3 90 3.33% 4 70 90% Assuming that job 3 is finished: 1 80 5% 2 90 5% 3 90 - 4 70 90% Adding another job with rank 70: 1 80 5% 2 90 5% 3 90 - 4 70 45% 5 70 45% The priority in percent means that the job will get that much CPU time from the cluster. In reality, it means that the number of chunks issued to that job will be approximate this priority. So some errors occur and it only works out after a couple of chunks have been issued.
The number or letter on the card. The highest rank is Ace, and the lowest rank is 2. However, the Ace can usually be used as a "1" in a straight. The ranks are sometimes abbreviated as follows: A - Ace K - King Q - Queen J - Jack T - Ten 9 - Nine 8 - Eight 2 - Two
The value of a card. Each card has a suit and a rank
Value of a card. There are 13 ranks in a deck of cards.
Sample values are ordered or ranked.
The numerical order of the cards is generally A-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-J-Q-K, with the ace ranked lowest, and the king ranked highest. In some games the ranking is continuous -- downwards from 3-2-A to K-Q-J, or upwards from J-Q-K to A-2-3. Also, in some games the ace is ranked above the king. In still other games, the ace may be ranked at the top or at the bottom as a player chooses.
The value of a card in relation to another. I.e. An ace ranks higher then a king.
SimpleDecimal The value of "1" indicates the most significant or first rank.
This is the value of a card. Currently, a deck of cards has 13 ranks.
The number or letter on the card. Ace is the highest rank and 2 is the lowest. An Ace can also be used as a one (1) when creating a straight. Ranks are abbreviated as follows: A - Ace, K - King, Q - Queen, J - Jack, T - Ten, 9 - Nine, 8 - Eight, 7 - Seven, 6 - Six, 5 - Five, 4 - Four, 3 - Three, 2 - Two.
The numeric value of each card.
The numerical value of a card; ace deuce, trey, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, jack, queen, king.
The worth of a set of cards.
Each card has a suit and a rank. A pair is two cards of the same rank.
The numerical value assigned to a card (instead of the suit)
the numerical playing value of each card in a set of cards, as opposed to its suit.
The numerical value of a certain card.
a neighborhood analysis technique that outputs the number of values in a user-specified window that are less than the analyzed value.
The value of a card. The rank of the 2 of Spades is 2. The rank of the Queen of Hearts is Queen. Rank value increases from 2 through 10, followed in order by Jack, Queen, King, and Ace. In High/Low games, the Ace may be used both for its high rank and as the lowest rank card.
The ordinal position of each card within a. suit, determining its value. The lowest rank is the deuce and the highest is the ace. In a straight or a straight flush, an ace may also be used as the lowest card.
In poker, the value of a hand of cards.
the number of a card, equal to the number in the corner, (or 11, 12, 13 for Jack, Queen and King and 1 for Ace).
The denomination of a card (for example, a 5 or a Jack).