system software: A self-contained single set of digital information on disk or in memory. A file is either an application or a document, anything from a brief letter to a QuickTime movie to a gargantuan application like Excel.
An identified set of S-57 records collected together for a specific purpose. The file content and structure must be defined by a product specification.
A named group of information of whatever kind that is stored on a computer. The names of files are selected by their creator but the filename extension (a suffix to the name) is determined by the file type — for example .doc for Word files, . html for Hypertext files, and . gif for a picture file.
A collection of information encoded in computer-readable form (normally in bytes)and associated with a single name by which the computer's operating system stores and retrieves it.
The collection of related data that is stored and retrieved by an assigned name. Contrast with special file (page ***).
Where data are permanently stored on ``normal'' computers. On UNIX consists of a sequence of bytes up to a certain length. Files may contain normal ASCII text or a random sequence of bytes which can be interpreted by a program. Files are stored in Directories on Disks.
The basic unit of data storage. All data stored on a drive must be stored as one or more files.
A format for encoding information in a file. Different file types have different formats. File formats specify first whether the file is a binary or ASCII file, and second, how the information is organised.
A collection of data stored on a disc, usually in groups of sectors.
Any organized collection of data, documents or records.
Data or programs stored in a computer system.
A Pascal data structure that allows sequential access of values.
A collection of computer-readable information. Binary files contain information readable only by computers unless the file is decoded. People can read text files (often called ASCII files) without having to decode them.
(1) An organized, named collection of records treated as a unit. (2) The storage media on which these records are kept.
Graphics, text, and everything else can be stored in files. A file is to a computer what a piece of paper is to us for storing information.
To tell you whether something is a file, a direcotry, or something else entirely. If the thing is a file, the file command tries to guess what type of information it contains. Working example: file This would report output like : English text
A collection of information stored on a disk (e.g. document, a system file, or an application).
In database terms, a collection of records stored and handled as a single unit. For example, an executive telephone book may be a file consisting of the names, titles and telephone numbers of the executives listed in the company's human resources database.
A collection of related data existing upon a computer storage device.
A single data file contains a limited time period of measurements from a data stream. Data files allow the information to be segmented into manageable increments for processing, storage and retrieval; usually ARM data files are in cdf format with one file per day ARM netCDF files are named according to the following naming convention(sss)(nn)(inst)(qqq)(Fn).(ln).YYYYMMDD.hhmmss.cdf where: sss is the site identifier (e.g. sgp, twp, nsa) nn is optionally the data integration period in minutes (e.g. 1, 5, 15, 30, 1440) inst is the instrument basename (e.g. mwr, wsi, mpl) qqq is an optional qualifier that distinguishes these data from other data sets produced by the same instrument Fn is the facility designation (e.g. C1, E13, B4) ln is the data level (e.g. a0, a1, b1, c1) An example netCDF data file name is sgp5mwravgB4.c1.19990115.000000.cdf This file contains 5-minute averaged microwave radiometer data from the Southern Great Plains Vici site for January 15, 1999. The data level is ‘c1' indicating the data were derived or calculated via Value-Added Processing (see Data Levels).
A collection of related information stored on a computer. Each document you create is stored in a file with its own filename, so you (and the computer) can identify it. Programs, too, are stored in files.
This term refers to any intended collection of data with similar characteristics. A file could be anything from a document to a component of a computer program.
A document that has been saved with an unidentifiable name. It helps to think of a file as something stored in a file cabinet - except when you try to remove the file, the cabinet gives you an electric shock and tells you the file format is unknown.
data which has been organised, stored and named; in computing files are usually stored on discs
A single cohesive unit of data, such as readme.txt, or It can be copied, moved, or deleted by Windows File Manager.
A collection of data or program information stored magnetically on a disk.
a collection of fields and records.
a collection of related information eg. a document or program.
a logical and/or physical grouping of one or more records. A logical file is used to represent an object used in the operation of the enterprise. A physical file is used to describe a particular way to store data. Physical files can be implemented two ways; manually or computer-assisted. Computer files can be formatted (organized) many different ways; e.g., AVI, BMP, DOC, GIF, JPG, TXT, WAV, etc. A manual file is a storage location for inputs and outputs (human-readable forms and documents). A computer file is a storage location for machine-readable records.
A collection of similar groups of data (records) that fall under one name or heading
Any item stored on your hard drive. Documents and Programs are both file types. Any document you create is stored as a file. Files are pieces of data that have to be opened with a program. Different from Folders, which are just a storage place for files.
In computer technology, a set of related information stored and managed on disk by a computer's operating system, that can be accessed by a unique name.
An ordered sequence of bytes stored on a disk volume, divided into a data fork and a resource fork.
A group of ACH entries stored for delivery to an ACH receiving point.
Any computer data, programs that can be stored or retrieved from a hard drive are files.
A file is the storage unit of a digital document. Files are typically stored with file extensions (such as *.html for HTML files, or *.JPEG for JPEG files) that are linked to the programs that can interpret the digital data of the document. A digital document typically consists of a set of files. For example, a web document typically consists of a base HTML file. Associated with this file there may be any number of graphic files (for images), style files, script files, etc. All http compliant files can be accessed from a browser as local files from a client computer.
A sequence of bytes constituting a unit of text, data, or program. A file can be stored in the system memory or on an external medium such as tape or disk.
A collection of bytes containing data, text or other information, or software that is stored and accessed as a coherent unit. Examples include data tables, spreadsheets, text documents, programs, and electronic sounds and images.
A document or other collection of information stored on a disk and identified as a unit by a unique name.
a collection of information gathered together and given a filename to identify it. It is stored in a directory in a filing system
NCL: A data file residing external to NCL in one of NCL's supported data formats.
A collection of information on a disk, usually a document or a program, that's lumped together and called by one name.
A file is a single item that can be stored or executed or opened with a program. (Getting down to the most basic ideas here!)
a collection of records in a record-oriented environment. Corresponds to one or more tables in a relational environment.
A storage area within a computer system or data base for the purpose of organizing similar kinds of data for processing efficiency.
A collection of data on your computer. When you write a letter on your computer, you save the information as a single file. This web page you are reading is a file. Even programs on your computer are made up of hundreds of files.
A Zope object that contains binary or textual data. Files don't contain dynamic data. For more information on Folders see the Basic Objects chapter of The Zope Book.
A unit of information on a disk stored (usually!) under a specific name. You will find it useful to organize your files in directories and subdirectories.
stored data, usually on magnetic media such as disk; also an Icon data type that references such a file.
n. A named set of records stored or processed as a unit.
An element of data storage used in a computer file system.
A file refers to any collection of data with its own name. So, in effect, a file is any document that you type with your WordProcessor, a graphics image that you draw with you paint program, a song you compose with your music program, or any program that allows you to create these things.
A file is a collection of data stored in one unit, under a filename. This can ...
A variable number of records grouped together and treated as a main division of data.
A collection of information that has a unique name, distinguishing it from other files.
organized collection of related data stored on an auxiliary storage device
A digital repository of organized information consisting of records, items, and data elements.
An organized collection of information consisting of records. The records in a file may or may not be sequenced according to a key contained in each record.
A file is a unit of (usually named) information stored on a computer.
(1) A collection of related records. (2) A named area on a secondary storage device that contains a program or digitized information (text, image, sound, and so on).
Data stored as a record on a computer or on paper.
To put in the records of the court.
To put into files or records of the court; to file a paper is to place it in the official custody of the clerk. The clerk is to endorse upon the paper the date it is received and retain it in record of the case subject to public inspection
A collection of records arranged according to a predetermined system.
A container used to store a document or data that is created using an application. Windows will store the document or data as a file and identify it by a unique name or filename.
A unit of information stored on a disk. Each file has a specification of the form filename. extension, where the filename identifies the file, and the 3-letter extension identifies the file type. Some standard extensions are
to submit a legal document to the Court.
The basic named unit of data stored on disk. See also directory, file name.
A named group of characters or data bits in your computer or on the network. Files in a computer are similar to file folders in a filing cabinet.
a collection of information with its own name stored on one's own computer; can be used to store text, numbers, graphics, sound or video
1. The complete court record of a case. 2. "To file" a paper is to give it to the court clerk for inclusion in the case record. 3. A folder in a law office (of a case, a client, business records, etc.)
Document readable, or not, by a human being, stored on a memory device of some kind. In UNIX, everything is a file.
Data transferred through the modem connection for use on the receiving computer. Files can be complete programs, informational text, graphic images, or other formats.
A set of data that is stored in the computer.
Collection of bytes stored on a device (typically a disk or tape). Can be source code, executable binaries or scripts, or data. indexed A file based on a file structure where data can be retrieved based on specific keys (name, employee number, and so on) or sequentially. The keys are stored in an index. This is not directly supported by the UNIX operating system; usually implemented by the programmer or by using tools from an ISV. A typical form is known as ISAM. 2. line sequential See file, text. 3. sequential A file that can only be accessed sequentially (not randomly). b. A file without record separators. Typically fixed length but UNIX does not know what that length is and does not care. 4. text A file with record separators. May be fixed or variable length; UNIX tools can handle these files because it can tell when the record ends (by the separator).
uniquely named collection of program instructions or data stored on a hard drive, disk, or other storage medium and treated as a single entity.
asusedby computers running QuickBooks,is whatever is represented by an icon or name in a folder (directory) listing. A file is an assemblage of low-level computer data, serving as a QuickBooks company data file, a program, digital representation of a graphical image, or any other information collected together for use by the computer.
A series of bits recognized by the operating system as meaningful. Programs and data are stored as files.
collection of computer data which has been given a name. There are data files (created by using programs such as Microsoft Word) and program files (used to run programs).
1. (Noun) An organised unit of documents accumulated during current use and kept together because they deal with the same subject, activity or transaction. 2. (Verb) The action of placing documents in a predetermined location according to a scheme of control. Source: Ellis, p. 470.
a collection of computer information stored under a single name.
If you have ever been to someone's office, you probably know what a file cabinet looks like. Inside the cabinet there are usually file folders, which hold information that the office workers have saved there so they can find it quickly later. A file on a computer is like a file in an office, and your computer is like the file cabinet. In a computer file, you can save anything from a school report you typed to a picture you found on the Internet.
Something stored on a storage medium, such as a program, document, or image.
A single document stored in memory or on disk or hard drive.
Related data stored as a unit with a single name in a form that can be read by a computer.
A collection of information in a format designed for use on a computer.
a collection of information stored and retrieved under a single name.
A collection of related information stored in a computer; often part of a database.
A discrete/fixed size information product. Imagery, weather information, maps, and Air Tasking Orders (ATO) are examples of file products.
a program or file stored on a disk.
a collection of related information that is stored together on disk.
The output of a computer program that can be saved and shared. Word-processor files are generally called DOCUMENTs.
The specific location of data within a computer record.
a named section of a disk, varying in size, used to read and write stored information
each image is in essence a file; a chunk of data which can be reconstructed to produce an image.
A collection of related records or an electronic document
File is a term used to describe data stored from an application. A file is usually associated with an application. When you save a Word document and call it "hello.doc", hello.doc is a file.
File is another term for document. It refers to an individual piece of work that is created. Every report written will be its own file when saved under a name.
In data processing, a related collection of records.
An contiguous information packet, either data or code, identified by a filename and accesible by a filing system.
Computer data stored as an individual entity. All data on a disk is stored in files with assigned file names that are unique within the folder/directory in which each file resides.
A collection of items with certain common aspects, organized for a specific purpose and stored or processed as a unit.
On Files--11 media, an array of consecutive virtual blocks, numbered 1 to , plus a set of attributes with values. A file is either a data file or a directory file. Directories can contain both data files and directory files.
A structured collection of customer records.
A body of information, recorded on a storage device such as a magnetic disk in a computer, or for use by one. For example word-processor documents, programs, sets of data, and pictures are all stored in files.
A collection or related information. It occupies space on either the diskette or hard disk.
A file is a unit of data stored on a computer's hard drive. All files have a unique name in the computer's file system. Files may contain text, HTML, data, images, music, or executable programs and scripts.
Namable unit of data storage; an element of data storage; a single sequence of bytes
a collection of specific information stored in a given place
In computer terminology, a file is a single document. This often confuses people, because a paper file is a whole bunch of documents. A web page is usually several files - one for the words, and one for each picture.
a collection of information, with its own name, that is stored on a computer. Files are used to store text, numbers, graphics, sound or video.
A way of storing a piece of information. There are different kinds of files, such as document files and application files, each identified by its own icon.
In electronic recordkeeping, an organized collection of related data arranged into records that are stored together and stored as a unit.
A grouping of data which works together to form a document, program or other computer resource.
(n.) A block of information that is stored on some form of a storage medium, such as a computer, disk, or tape. A file might not be human readable, but a device can still process it.
A collection of related records or fields in a data base which can make up a business type document.
A piece of information stored on a computer disk. A memo would be considered a file and so would a word processing software program. (We use the terms "document" and "program" to distinguish between different types of files.)
A collection of text, graphical, image, sound or other information stored and accessed digitally
A document containing related information.
A collection of related data or records. A file is used to store data, or program, on disk for later use.
In computer terminology, any body of related digitally stored information, such as the chapters of a book.
A computer file contains information that can be accessed with the appropriate software application.
To place on file within the office of the register of deeds, documents which are accepted by the register and are time stamped, assigned a unique document number and indexed.
A collection of binary information that is used to store data or be used by the computer. Each file is capable of having a name, and usually a 3 or 4 letter file extension to mark the time of file that it is.
A collection of data grouped into one unit on a disk.
file is a named group of information, of whatever kind, stored on a computer. Working on a PC, you will most often use them in the form of individual documentsmdash;a word processor document, or a picture file. The names of files are selected by their creator but the filename extension (a suffix to the name) is determined by the file type Well known examples are .doc for Word files, .bmp and .jpg for pictures, .html for hypertext files.
Defined group of data given a singular name. (Note: The term Data File is usually used to describe files created by the user. System File and Application File describe files created by software publishers.)
size The amount of data in a given file. File size can also be thought of as the amount of space that a given file takes on a computer hard drive.
An ISO-9660 disc area containing data.
A document or collection of related records treated as a unit and stored on disk.
Anything stored on a computer, such as a program, image or document.
A collection of infomation in a format designed for computer use.
Data, strictly a collection of data. The terms "data" and "file" are used in the same way. There are two types of files: text files that can be read as character strings (for example document files) and binary files that cannot be read as characters (for example execution files).
A collection of related data that is stored (saved) together.
Data which has been organized, stored and named. In computing, files are usually stored on disks.
a collection of data with a name.
A collection of information that is stored within a computer system. Files can contain many different types of information, including pictures, music, documents and web pages.
A document created in an application that contains your information. Common examples include letters, reports, spreadsheets, and graphics. Read all about files on the Files and Folders page.
a named object stored on a medium, the pathname includes the filename, location and other descriptive parameters
A collection of records of data. The information you are reading now exists within a file, which exists within a directory.
Any specifically identified collection of information stored in the computer.
The actual data or module, stored in a Folder.
Named collection of information stored in one or more extents.
A physical collection of one or more records or rows managed as a physical set by a database management system
A collection of records in a database.
A collection of information stored in any of numerous forms on any of numerous devices. A file may contain programs, data, or text.
a collection of data treated as a unit
A collection of data. Data may be in any form and may be a combination of text, graphics, sound, or movies
An assembly of digital data stored in electronic media. Files may be executable programs, or documents containing alphanumeric information.
A collection of digital information stored on a disk. Different types of files include 'application files' containing instructions that make up a software program, and 'data files' like documents and spreadsheets.
UPLOAD All computer information is stored as files, from documents that you create yourself to program files, which can number in the hundreds depending on the amount of information stored within program. The transfer of files or information from a user’s (home) computer to the internet or a network.
All the data that describes one document or image
Information stored together under a specified name.
a group of data; synonymous with "dataset" and "datafile"
Information, often a document or an application, saved on a disk or other storage medium.
A computer file is a collection of information that is stored in a computer system and can be identified by its full path name. Computer files are so called because they are the computer equivalent of card, paper, or microfiche files in the traditional office environment. Computer files provide a way to organize the resources used to permanently store information inside a computer.
Any named collection of information stored on a disk. Application programs and documents are examples of files. You make a file when you create information (such as text or graphics) using a program, give the material a name and save it on a disk.
a collection of information that can be a program, graphic, text, or data.
The basic unit of information on a UNIX filesystem. Regular files are usually either text (ASCII) or executable programs. Other types of files exist on the UNIX system such as directories, which store information about the files within them; device files, which are used by the system to access a particular device; and FIFO (First In First Out) pipe files, which are used to transfer data between programs. The attribute s of each file are stored in the file's inode. See also directory.
A collection of documents grouped together for use or arrangement.
A collection of documents belonging in the same or similar category; or the act of presenting a paper or document to an official entity such as a court or legislative body.
A collection of related information stored on a disk, such as a document, graphic image, or application.
Data stored as an electronic file.
Data stored as a named unit on a data storage medium. Examples: a program, a document, a database.
Collection of data belonging together. On the »CPC there are files of different types, e.g BASIC files with BASIC programs usually having the extension .BAS, ASCII files with any text, and binary files with any bytes, usually having the extension .BIN. Binary files can contain machine programs or other data.
a collection of data or information that has an assigned name (filename).
The base unit data on a hard drive from the perspective of the user viewing the hard drive through an operating system. Computer programs may be one or...
Information and data stored on a computer disk or in a computer.
Data or instructions saved in a computer format.
To personally deliver a document to a clerk of a court so that the document can be included in the official records of a case.
A collection of data (words, numbers, graphics, etc.) generated by a specific software package.
A computer version of a paper file. A data file is a piece of work, for example a letter, you have saved.
A collection of related records treated as a unit. In a computer system, a file can exist on magnetic tape, disk, or as an accumulation of information in system memory. A file can contain data, programs, or both. (7/96)
A file is a collection of information that a computer uses. It is always stored in a particular format. For example, a Web page is a file that is saved in html format. This format allows applications such as browsers to open them and read them. A file usually has a filename, followed by a full stop, and then a three or four letter file extension. (E.g. index.htm)
The unit in which a discrete block of information (a document, a picture, and so on) is stored in a computer. Files come in different types, each containing a different kind of information: text, graphics, sound, video, or mathematical data. See Chapter 7.
All information on a computer is stored in files, whether it is part of a program, a document created by a user, a picture, or anything else. Most software is made up of dozens, sometimes hundreds, of different files.
A file is a Storage Manager concept. A file is a area on a disk in which records are created. In a sense, it is a home for an object. Files have certain properties that control how their updates are logged and whether records within the files are movable.
A named collection of ASCII or binary information stored on a disk or other storage device. Files include text, programs, databases, spreadsheets, and graphics.
a set of information stored together under the same name, similar to a file in a filing cabinet. A computer file can contain anything you put there: text, graphics, a mailing list, even garbage.
A unit of data, such as text, program, image, and so on, that is stored in a folder (directory).
On a computer, a virtual entity with a name, a dot and an extension. It may be a document (as we think of a document), a picture, a set of instructions to the computer, a record of actions carried out by a program—such as a *.log file. It may be something that you are not meant to open, in which case it won't display a familiar icon.
Anything which is capable of being read or stored by a computer has to be able to exist separately from other data. It achieves this by occupying a finite space on the computer and being assigned a file name with which it can be distinguished from other files. You can then organise these files in directories. Files can be transferred from one computer to another. This is called FTP-ing (FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol).
Think of a file like a folder on your computer that can hold documents, programs, pictures, or other types of computer data.
A collection of information stored on a disk, and accessible using a name.
A document, program, or other set of data used by a computer.
A collection of data created within a software application or used by the application to operate.
Collection of characters, instructions, or data that can be referenced by a unique identifier. Files are usually stored on various types of media, such as disk, or magnetic tape. A CP/M file is identified by a file specification and resides on disk as a collection of from zero to 65,536 records. Each record is 128 bytes and can contain either binary or ASCII data. Binary files contain bytes of data that can vary in value from 0H to 0FFH. ASCII files contain sequences of character codes delineated by a carriage return and line-feed combination; normally byte values range from 0H to 7FH. The directory maps the file as a series of physical blocks. Although files are defined as a sequence of consecutive logical records, these records can not reside in consecutive sectors on the disk. See also block, directory, extent, record, and sector.
A container for storing grouped collections of multi-dimensional arrays containing scientific data.
Something stored on a computer: documents, programs, and so on
A collection of data stored on a disk. This can be a document, an application or resource.
A container for data that is of interest to applications.
a block of information stored on a magnetic media such as a floppy or hard disk or a tape. A file may contain a computer program, a document, or a collection of data.
This is an area that you put data or information in, like putting information in a "folder" and then into a "file" and putting it all into a "file cabinet" (your hard disk).
(1) Ordinary files contain data/information placed there by a user or application, that is, text files, database records, shell scripts, and binary files. (2) Special files, such as directories and system device files.
All info on a computer is stored in files. It could be part of a program. Or a document made created by a user, a picture, or whatever. Most software is made up of many different files, even hundreds of them.
A coherent amount of data stored on a digital media or in a computer memory.
A collection of information stored and retrieved as a unit.
A collection of related instructions or data stored on disk.
Most commonly used to refer to a collection of information grouped under a single name, as created by applications. May also refer to a group of related records.
a collection of records or data designated by name and considered as a unit by the user
A collection of information kept somewhere other than in random-access memory. Files are normally stored on a computer= s floppy or hard disk drives.
A collection of logically related records or data treated as a single item.
A chunk of data saved under one name. A file can be a document or a program.
A collection of related records treated as a unit. Synonymous with data bank.
A computer file is similar to a paper document holding related information. For example, each computer program or document is stored in a separate file, designated by its own filename.
A collection of data stored on a disk under a single file name.
Collection of information on storage media.
A collection of data or a program permanently stored on disk, tape, or some other media (paper tape, punched cards).
A collection of data stored under one name: for example STUDENTS.DBF holds all the data about the students in a school.
A file on a computer is an electronic document, which might be a letter, a picture, a sound, or a video clip. All files are named (they have a file name) and are stored in a specific folder or directory on the computer's disk.
A file is a body of information stored under a particular name. It could be a word processing document, a worksheet made with a spreadsheet program, a data base, a program, or many other things. The name is called the " Filename".
A collection of related information, such as a document, stored on a computer's storage system.
A collection of information stored as a single unit on a floppy or hard disk. Files always have file names to identify them.
A named collection of information that is stored on a computer. Also, an Internet protocol that refers to files on a disk or local area network.
Any single collection of stored information, typically on floppy or hard disks. A file may be a part of the operating system, an application, or data (such as word processing, graphics, or spreadsheet documents). Anything on a disk that has a filename.
A uniquely named collection of information with shared managerial and structural properties.
A generic term referring to designated space on a medium which stores information.
A collection of related computer data or program records stored by name, as on a disk. (From Webster's college dictionary.)
A collection of electronic information.
A set of data that has been arranged according to specific rules. Files are managed in the computer by the operating system. Files can be stored long-term on an external storage medium (such as a floppy disk, hard drive, MO drive, etc.).
A named space where text is externally stored "permanently". Files may be edited by copying them to buffer
a collection of related records that are treated as a unit. SAS files are processed and controlled through SAS software and are stored in a SAS data library.
A file is a collection of bytes. In the context of computers, a file is created using a particular program and is stored electronically on a disk. It can be retrieved to display on a monitor or printed out.
A collection of data in persistent storage, accessible via the file server. See also: file server
A unit of storage on an external storage device such as a hard disk retrievable block of data. Usually stored on a hard drive, files can contain executable programs, word processor documents, or bitmap picture files. In Visual Basic, each form, module, and project are saved as a file.
The generic name for a document, image or program stored on a computer or on a disk.
A container in which you store information such as text, programs, or images you create using an application.
Any named, ordered collection of information stored on a disk.
A collection of related records which serves as a basic unit of storage in a computer system.
A file is the way in which information is stored on your computer. It is different but related to a document.
An ordered set of computer data (including programs), of arbitrary length, uniquely identified by a pathname.
A collection of data of information stored under a specified name on a disk.
A term to mean a computer program or other collection of data under one name. A word processor document is a file once you save it, as are computer programs.
An aggregation of data records organized on a storage medium for convenient location, access, and updating.
This is a unit of logical disk structure. Files contain information associated with some particular object: program, part of data base, texts, and other data. File features are its length (amount of information in the file), attributes, time and data of last modification.
A collection of information, such as text, data, or images saved on a disk or hard drive.
Used to make fingernails nicely shaped. A set of data that is stored in a computer. A website is made up of many different files. You store your computer stuff in files, which are stored in folders.
In computer programs, a collection of logically related records dealt with as one unit.
A named collection of information that is stored on a computer disk. Also, an Internet protocol that refers to files on the local disk. You can create file hyperlinks (file://) in your HTML editor.
A specified collection of information (data) or instructions (programs) located on a diskette or other storage medium.
A program, document, utility- anything that isn't hardware on a computer. A file might contain a memo, a drawing done in a graphics application, or a program itself.
A collection of data stored on a disk under an identifying name.
Files contain data, whether it's a document you've written, or an application used to create the document. Every file has its own icon. Files are stored in folders.
A collection of data or information that has a name, called the filename. Almost all information stored in a computer must be in a file.
An organised and structured collection of information. In computing it is the basic unit of stored or accessible user data held in auxiliary storage. Programs as well as data are held in file format.
a collection of papers, documents, electronic data records (computer) related to an Account.
A whole bunch of data stored on disk or cassette.
A single computer program or document; a unit of storage on the computer.
A set of related information that a computer can access by a unique name (e.g., a text file, a data file, a DLG file). Files are the logical units managed on disk by the computer's operating system. Files may be stored on tapes or disks.
A collection of records on a single storage device.
A collection of information on a disk, usually either a document or an application.
A file is an organised unit of documents managed as a discrete object because they deal with the same subject, activity or transaction. Documents within a file may or may not be physically stored in the one location.
A collection of data that has a name (called the filename). Almost all information on a computer is stored in some type of file. Examples: data file (contains data such as a group of records); executable file (contains a program or commands that are executable); text file (contains data that can be read using a standard text editor).
One collection of data stored in the computer. Each file has a name and is followed by a full-stop then file extension which tells your computer what sort of data it is. For example, invite.doc or my_budget.xls
A file is any document, spreadsheet, presentation, database or image generated by a computer program.
A computer document or cmaera recording format.
In computing, a collection or set of related digital data stored on a computer disk and accessed/ retrieved according to an assigned unique name. A collection of related computer records grouped under a common heading and containing data according to specific units.
one or more recorded blocks of data
A document or application that has been given a name.
collection of data held on a computer as one item with one name. A file can be a piece of work created by the user in an application such as a word processor. Each file needs a unique label (file name) in order to be accessed. See also directory.
A collection of computer information stored on a hard disk (or CD or floppy) and accessed when the user needs it. For example, a letter typed with a word processor and saved on the hard disk is in the form of a file. So is a song, in MP3 format, or a Web page.
OR document "file" is preferred
A collection of related records. DCM recognizes and routes files that have the extensions: .IRL, .CMD, .DAT, and .PF.
A collection of related data stored together for later use. A file is stored in a directory on a file system on disk.
An electronic document that can be stored. All files have a file name, a file extension and a file type.
A file is an entry on a disk directory and can be anything from a Windows program to a text file to a Dynamic Linked Library file. It is also the name for one of the menus in i-net Designer XML with various functions such as Options, Loading, and Saving.
Data logically stored together at one location on the storage mechanism of a computer.
A physical unit of storage on a computer disk or tape. Example, the California dataset of STF 1A might contain a file of data, a file of codebook information, and a file of SPSS control cards for use with the statistical software SPSS. file transfer
A collection of logically related records. If the file is in internal storage, it is an internal file; if the file is on an input/output device, it is an external file.
Named collection of data, instructions, or information. 3.10 backup, see Backup graphics, 2.18 network management, 9.12 security and, 12.26
the generic word for an application, document, control panel or other computer data.
Data is stored in the form of a file. Files can be program files, containing instructions that allow the PC to perform various tasks under the control of the user or data files, which contain information only.
A sequence of logical blocks on a disk.
1.A block of information in the form of bytes, stored together on a computer or external digital storage medium, and given a name.A file may be a program, a document, a database, or some other collection of bytes. 2.To store in a file.
A collection of digital data stored in a computer's memory bank or on a floppy disc. - Category: Theory
A document or software program.
A collection of instructions text or data.
A term commonly used to describe both the process of submitting a document to a court--for example, "I filed my small claims case today"--and to describe the physical location where these papers are kept. Traditionally, a court's case files were kept indefinitely in one or more cardboard folders. Today many files--especially those for inactive cases--are stored by computer.
All the data comprising a document or part of a document (page image) held under a single naming code.
Unix program for determining the type of data contained in a file.