(Fancy Play Syndrome): Mike "The Mad Genius of Poker" Caro defines FPS as the condition that even skilled players have such that "they'd rather impress weak opponents with unexpected plays than beat them with the obvious winning strategy."
Fps is the unit that measures computer display performance, much like that in film. One frame consists of one scan of the screen. Fps is especially relevant to video conferencing, where a drop too far below 25-30, considered ‘full motion' video, results in stuttering and pauses/dropouts in video and audio.
A video transmission metric.
rames er econd (Engine) irst erson hooter
frame rate measurement unit.
speed at which the frames past before the recording camera lens or projector lens.
Forest Products Society. An international organization comprising forest products firms, trade associations, researchers, academics, landowners, government, consultants, and other stakeholders with approximately 2,700 members in North and South American, Asia, and Europe. The FPS publishes the Forest Products Journal 10 times a year. URL: http://www.forestprod.org
Refers to the number of shots that can be taken consecutively in a second. With motordrive film cameras are capable of 4 to 10 FPS. Digital cameras have a more difficult task as there is a requirement for digital cameras to process the information striking the sensor. Most current model digital cameras have limited ability to shoot at high frame rates. The notable exemption to this is the Canon D1s which can capture 8.5fps for 40 frames.
feet pre second, the way velocity is usually measured for the projectile
We use FPS to measure the velocity of the paintball, the international speed limit is 300 FPS.
Freeze frame Freudian criticism Gangster film Gauge Generalized score Genre high-angle shot, or down angle High-key lighting Homage Horror film
The number of video frames displayed each second. The higher the number, the smoother and sharper the images appear.
The measure of the frame rate of video or film. PAL video is 25 fps and film is 24 fps.
rames per second. A measure of the rate at which pictures are shown for a motion video image. In NTSC and PAL video, each frame is made up of two interlaced fields.
This term relates to video or 3D games, and is the amount of single pictures (or frames) that are displayed each second to generate what appears to be a moving image. Typical digital video displays at around 30FPS. Higher frame rates are not necessary as the human eye cannot handle more than about 30FPS. Some games will average 30FPS or higher and look choppy. Usually this is due to intense scenes that cause the action to dip below 30FPS for short periods of time. Rates of over 100FPS in games are common nowadays with simpler 3D action, but do not necessarily add to the experience of playing a game.
Feet Per Second - refers to the speed of a paint ball shot from a marker. See " Chronograph" and the Fine Tuning section for more information.
Feet Per Second. Measurement of the power of an airsoft weapon. Commonly accepted limits are 328fps for AEG's and 500fps for single action. See section on Law for more details.
The measurement of speed at which the paintball travels. 300fps is the maximum velocity a paintball may travel safely. 300fps is approximately 200mph.
Stands for rames er econd, i.e. Film = 24 FPS, NTSC = 29.97 FPS and PAL/SECAM = 25 FPS.
Flow velocity in feet per second.
Abbreviation for Feet-Per-Second. Also ft/sec, fps or f.p.s.
Fax Preference Scheme. This legislation states you cannot send unsolicited faxes to consumers, sole traders and (except in Scotland)partnerships without receiving prior permission. For further information visit www.fps-online.org.uk
Feet Per Second (a measure of velocity) The speed of BBs during flight is often measured in feet per second. This speed is measured to obtain the energy output of the gun before most skirmishes. (328fps with 0.20g BBs = 1 Joule of energy).
Stands for "feet per second," by which bullet velocity is measured.
Feet per Second. Velocity of the paintball is measured in FPS.
Feet per second. Apollo spacecraft velocities were read out in feet per second. This measure is still used as a measure of spacecraft velocity today, although because NASA must cooperate with engineers from many countries where the SI system prevails, it is becoming increasing common to use meters per second.
The abbreviation for "feet per second"; refers to the velocity of water in pipes.
Feet per second, the standard measure of projectile velocity in the Imperial measurement system.
Abbreviation for the term "feet per second".
Abbreviation for the foot-pound-second system of units.
A measure of flow velocity.
Measures the speed of an animation.
Feet per second, a measure of velocity in the English system. Also feet/sec, ft/sec, or fs.