Megabits per second. Transfer rate of 1 milion bits per seconde.
(megabits or gigabits per second) Units for measuring rate of digital information transfer - a megabit per second is a rate of one million bits per second; a gigabit, one thousand million bits. New optical fibre technologies can transfer information at the rate of one thousand gigabits, or one terabit, per second.
A measure of the bit rate, i.e. the rate at which bits are passing a given point. Commonly used to give the “speed” of a network. A LAN might run at 10 or 100 Mbit/s. See also Bit rate.
1 Mbit/s means a data transmission rate of one million bits per second.
A digital transmission speed of millions of bits per second.
Megabit; a unit of data transmission speed equal to one million bits per second.
mega (million) bits per second. A measure of the speed of transfer of digital information.
Megabits - million (or strictly 2 to the power 20) bits per second. Transmission speed of network devices.
Megabits per second: abbreviation meaning megabits per second, i.e., 1.024 x 1.024 octets.
A measure of data transfer speed.
Megabits (or million bits) per second (pipe capacity)